ITT: Albums we'll force the kids we have to listen to

ITT: Albums we'll force the kids we have to listen to


Son, your father grew up when music was forever changed

None. I won't push my personal musica taste down on their throats.

This. The only thing'll be forcing down their throats is my 5" pecker.

Dead serious. If I'm ever asked what the biggest artistic trainwreck of my time was, or they say "music sounded so much better in your day than it does today", I'm showing them this.

desu I'd do this too

I'll request that they listen to three albums once I think they're old enough for them and those albums will be Loveless, Spiderland, and TMR.

>"music sounded so much better in your day than it does today"

good point. need to be prepared for that

Everything Sufjan ever wrote.

will you also force pictures for ants onto them


This is the only answer, people who try to make their kids like the music they like are either going to make their kid rebel hard, or even worse turn them into a wrong generationer

Banana album

My kids will become intelligent if they listen to IDM.

Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty touch it



mfw the little faggot enjoys it

>not Negros on La Luna

patrician children

>having children

This. I'll play this while the baby sleeps, and reintroduce it later in life.


Play TMR for him while hes in the womb
Dark ambient while sleeping
Various tones any other time

if you think kids only respond to reverse psychology, you have a horribly shallow understanding of human motivations.

ITT: nothing but shit from 199X faggots

the exception

your samefag is showing


Dumbass nigga.

lol I don't want sentimental pussies for kids. show them this instead and teach them how to auto-fellate

and strictly this, i'm not showing them swans or pixies or something cause it might turn them into music nerds and then they'll accomplish nothing

Yeah, totally make them listen to an album that's aged terribly in only 6 years. It's totally gonna get better in 16 more years

Your kids are gonna wanna listen to that good shit instead. Mine sure will


BB1 rather, desu

I love that movie

I also hope they will be able to make their own tracks with some custom low-level DSP code in assembly by the time they are 7, or else daddy won't be too happy and might teach them a lesson they won't forget.

>forcing kids to listen to kanye
dont do that shit you dont want them to suicide

amazing choice senpai

During infancy I'm going to introduce them to odd time signatures and poly rhythms. Mostly mathrock, Joy of Motion by Animals as Leaders, family friendly footwork, Yes and discipline era King Crimson, some traditional african music like agbakure and gamelan. My spawn will be so ahead of the curve when it comes to rhythm they'll make the other kindergardners look like retards.