What is the patrician alternative to Animal Collective?

What is the patrician alternative to Animal Collective?

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wolf eyes

Dream Magic

The Beach Boys

Sun City Girls




Black Dice




Probably that.

someone was bound to say this but anco are way better

Avey here, you're wrong.

Saw him perform at an Avey Tare solo show. There's a reason Avey headlined. Eric Copeland makes some interesting textures but it really just isn't interesting enough to warrant a live show. I find Black Dice to be boring. Terrestrial Tones is pretty cool though. I still have a feeling every member of AnCo could outdo Eric Copeland though.

There is none. This board is killing AnCo.

God save AnCo.

This is fucking awful.

I bet you haven't heard Alien in a Garbage Dump

Does patrician mean more obscure?

I'll bet you I haven't either. If it's Eric Copeland though I'm sure it doesn't stack up to anything Avey Tare has released.


More like Black Dick amirite

Okay, okay. This is pretty cool and I'm only like 30 seconds in.

Reminds me of an extremely sample heavy beat driven James Ferarro. Can definitely hear his influence in Terrestrial Tones on this.

I still think New Psychoactives Vol. 1 is levels above this and don't even get me started on TTG. But that's just like, my opinion man. I enjoy what he does for rhythm using unconventional sampling and post-processing methods.

I don't think Black Dice is better than Avey, but there's a reason the band absolutely adores them.

Well, they grew up in the same town for one. They're actually friends if I remember correctly. It's not like they just adore their music. They probably influence each other back and forth.

But yeah, I can appreciate what Black Dice does. I thought Black Dice was just Eric Copeland, or is it him and his brother?

I am mistaken. Avey probably met them in NY when he was living there.

>Well, they grew up in the same town for one.

Eric is from Maine. AC is from Maryland.

Eric met Avey when he went to NYU. They lived together. Panda has stated multiple times that Black Dice was the perfect band and everything they wanted to be.

But AnCo is patrician?

So no one is better than Anco?Big surprise.

They're liberal hipster girl core now.

Black Dice. Not quite as fun though.

Guess what happens when you put a bunch of hipsters scared to like what's popular on the same board? Suddenly AnCo sucks.

The Berg Sans Nipple.