Just lost my virginity to a $20 prostitute. What should be the first record I listen to after this experience?

Just lost my virginity to a $20 prostitute. What should be the first record I listen to after this experience?

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how did you meet her
and how was it?

Fantasy, Aldo Nova


Filth by Swans

red light district
it was kinda clumsy and I was very anxious



>red light district whore
Family I'm sorry to say but you're gonna get an std from a $20 red light district whore

The Velvet Underground - Sister Ray

>implying it counts if it's a prostitute

??????? penis into vagina equals sex doesnt it?

If you had to pay for sex you're still a virgin at heart

everybody pays for sex faggot in one way or another
unless you're in high school
buying a prostitute is just skipping the useless small talk of you convince the girl to fuck you

>guy who's only fucked his ugly girlfriend from high school alert

Oh yeah there's this lol you should put it inside a girl you love first.

this image triggers me

an ex of mine dressed as misty once

Old Time Rock and Roll

sometimes it doesnt take convincing user. mu's social life worries me

lol get std son

takes me convincing
cause no girl chases me :(

The fuck man you coulda got a nice thick, big titted, soft ass Caribbean chick for an extra $40

$20... shit man...

>be 21 yr oldvirgin
>install tinder cause fuck it
>after a week of switching photos around and editing out my about me
>I get 3 matches
>first one stopped replying after a couple messages when I asked what music she likes
>2nd girl said I was cute and gave me her number but never responded when I text
>third girl was a 8/10 and messaged me first and gave me her number
>texts me good morning and night for a week straight
>asks if i wanna meet her at the mall for coffee
>nervous AF but go anyway
>date seems to go well
>text me the night later she wants to do it again but at her place
>anxiety kicks in and start worrying if he leads to sex she'll laugh at how bad I am
>frank zappa-I have been in you comes on my playlist
>text her sure
>go over to her place and she hands me some beer and we watch family guy
>5mins later starts taking her shirt off
>oh shit it's happening
>finally have sex though it wasn't big deal as I thought
>after I take the condom off
>her bf calls(Ididn't know she had one) and she starts talking to him telling him shes doing nothing watching tv
>get spooked and act like nothing happen
>never call her again afraid her bf might kill me
haven't had sex since (22 now)


I sort of hope this isn't a true story

why? there's nothing wrong with it, sex is just sex

"Real men lose their virginity to hookers, I wish my dad would have taken me to one when I was 14"
-Forrest griffin

tfw when all the escorts in my are area at least £50 for even half an hour

You couldn't afford a decent one. Enjoy your toothless dinner ladies.

muh "real men"

only nu-males visit whores so through on some
Andrew Jackson Jihad

was she hot

I'm 21 and considering using tinder because nothing is happening, this story made me laugh

>Just lost my virginity to a $20 prostitute
LOL that doesn't count you moron.

Congratulations son, you're a bull now. Enjoy life

You should feel bad for what you're done.

I cucked someone for my first time too


>You should feel bad for what you're done.

t. numale

Good story .

21 year old virgo here. Can't be focked with that shit.

lmao thats dope
listen to don giovanni cus its tha best
or listen to a REAL MANS SONG

what kind of music she like?

I'm a 28 year old virgin, should I lose it to a prostitute or become a wizard?

if you have a job & a car & not fat its v easy to have sex

underrated post

les rallizes dénudés, coil, the list continues


OP, please get an STD test.

it really is

if you are not the kind of autist to post in singaporean pottery instruction forums in the first place, that is


p easy

the only correct answer

If he means the red light district in Amsterdam he'll be fine. They're all registered and tested regularly
Besides, for $20 she wouldn't let him fuck her without a condom, I'm sure


Wow, check your fucking privilege

what the fuck I know this girl irl hahahaha

>tfw went to the dominatrix for the second time a few days ago

Music for this feel?

I met my gf on Sup Forums

>implying you would need more than 3 minutes