Who are the most obnoxious contrarians of Sup Forums?

The ones who pretend to hate Radiohead or the ones who pretend to hate Bjork? I think they’re quite on the same level of sub parness, though I’d say the ones who pretend to hate Bjork.

I've seen they're are nice contenders as the most frequent shidroppers, because they're essentially all argument-less, unmotivated, infantile babbies who couldn't get into her music or haven't listened to her music not even once, since they can only bring the outdated Ricardo meme of 20 years old ago, or some worthless baiting. In other words they're just the primary scum example you can get from this board.

What do you think? Also discuss other contrarians if you want.

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are you really that fucking full of your own shit that you think people just pretend to dislike something that you like? you don't think people don't like that shit because they have different tastes? do you invite people over your house and force feed them pizza with toppings they don't want, and say, "don't pretend you don't like it, you obnoxious contrarians"? of course you don't. you don't have any friends, and your attitude in the OP is why.

nobody actually hates bjork they just shitpost to anger borkfags

this retard

>Le Radiohead is 0.5 stars xD I'm an edgy avant teen drone xD

I've never been a fan of Thom Yorkes voice, so I'm biased
But to me it's obvious the Bjork has made far more interesting music, plus she has one of the most idiosyncratic, easily recognizable voices in all of modern music

Normally I'd agree with you, but sometimes it's pretty obvious that people post negative things about artists just to get a rise.

>Who are the most obnoxious?
Radiohead fanboys.

I think op is talking about the overall memeing, unreasonable hating you can notice people bring on them, not about tastes or liking what you like. The people who don't like something try always to bring arguments and not shitposting.

The contrarians who "don't like" Bjork shitpost all the time and never say even a reason why they don't like her for example.

because she's female

it's ok?

i think it's hysterical how insecure you people are, conjuring up and projecting ulterior motives onto people who don't like the same music as you

serious question: who do you think you're fooling?

>The contrarians who "don't like" Bjork shitpost all the time and never say even a reason why they don't like her for example.

Serious question: why do people act like this?

lack of immediate or vocalized reason doesn't confirm pretense you logic-barren 15-year-old

It does my friend, it does.

montie stfu

t. Ricardo

not in the real world it doesn't. i understand you're very insecure but you should really work on better presenting yourself as above these people because you suck ass at it.

Montie this is pathetic.

he heard you the first time

People who pretend Radiohead and Bjork are good.

>"in the real world"
>insecurity argument
>acting like the average butthurt kid typical of a web board

You people should learn seriously how to live outside the pc desks.

hating radiohead is epic contrarian. you may not like it sure but cmon they really made some weird stuff and it rocks.

Thanks for giving concrete evidence to my theory.

you aren't saying anything in this post I hope you realize this

challenging mentalities =/= butthurt, good job proving you're 15

their music isn't "weird" by any means, lol.

I hope you realize if in the real world you're talking about you say to someone "this artist you're listening is shit" or in the general meme verbal attitude you see in this board, you will probably and reasonably get mugged off.

If you aren't the one of 15 years old, you have a very personal view of -the real world- for sure, user.

>LMAO Bros put on Idioteque it's a fucking banger

move away lads. just
another Ricardo trying to defend his idol worshipping

This is the real reason, I cannot listen to any female artists, female voices for me are gross

Another empty user who has nothing to talk and confirm further my theory, thank you for coming in.

End your existences.

Pink Floyd haters are garbage too.

To be fair, it (probably) isn't coming from a place of sexism. I'm the same, I don't really like many female vocalists because I prefer a deeper voice. It's like sexual orientation, yo, can't really do anything about it.

Radiohead and Bjork are actually quite similar. They both borrow extensively from avant-garde music and translate it to very accessible songs. They're both very good at writing catchy songs and creating personal aesthetics. Even when they make their least conventional "songs", there is still a high level of accessibility that is rather admirable. They're similar to the Beatles in this way. Interestingly though, if you think about it, and I think many of you would agree, Radiohead and Bjork actually have aesthetics that are fairly similar. When you look at all the components that make up Radiohead and Bjork, you'll find that the only truly unique thing about them is their character (though character is the single most important thing). They have invented amazing musical languages using the syntax of others.

It is possibly true that most Radiohead/Bjork haters are simply being contrarian, but I'm pretty sure it's only an overreaction to how much Sup Forums overrates Radiohead and Bjork.

I personally think Radiohead and Bjork are some of the finest pop stars in contemporary music.

I can very relate to this post and I agree with you in general with everything you said. Except for the fact that I wouldn't define Radiohead music avant-garde in any way. Bjork has some avant-garde tendencies for sure, but Radiohead never been into that kind of language-aesthetic not even once I think.

>I'm pretty sure it's only an overreaction to how much Sup Forums overrates Radiohead and Bjork.
it's funny because I usually see myriad more hate for them than love, except during the very period that elucidates Sup Forums's real feelings about Radiohead (album hype)

I think Bjork is overrated, yet i like some of her music. The thing is that there isnt a bjork hate wave on Sup Forums, it's antiwaifufag hate wave, which personally is ok. Just look how the /bork/ generals are, filled with pics and webms of her, most of the time they are posted because they feel sexually atracted to her. And the thing is, they dont contain their waifufagging to that thread, they permeate to other threads, and thats what people are mad about.
A few days ago there was a thread with a video of joanna newsom playing live in some tv show, after a while, borkfags came and started calling her names and insulting other anons, it was a shitshow, thata what majes people dislike bjorkfags

Bjork is amongst my favorite artists personally, but I don't think she's overrated, she doesn't even sell near the half of what Radiohead sell for example.

The fact is that most people here don't want to realize the real music fans don’t even bother to enter into her threads, what you find there it’s not even something you can call “fanbase” but just random waifufags or the general shitposter of turn as ordinary from this board. That's not the real fanbase, It is simply and ordinary aspect of this website, and this board gets what it deserves.

borkfags should just stick to their own threads and ignore the antiwaifufagging

To be fair, people do the same thing with thom, though it's not as bad as bjork. I don't find their attraction to her odd so much as their inability to talk about anything besides it. I agree though, I wouldn't care if it stayed contained.

i try to get discussion going in some of the bork threads

I dont know why this made me laugh so much

neither do i

Like Bjork, Radiohead makes use of sound collage techniques extensively. This is what I was referring to mostly, though they borrow other things too, though in more subtle ways. They both borrow from the folk musics of the world as well, in addition to the more typical pop stuff that might be expected. I'm quite sure that both of them are rather well-versed music listeners.

but radiohead actually sucks

enjoy your whiny pretentious buttrock lmao

rAdIoHeAD SUuckSss!! 1111!!

>she's female, therefore i cannot listen to her

God, where am I...

I believe one of the Bjork's finest abilities, aside her marked voice, is the capacity to sing over irregular tempos and complicated harmonies/non-harmonies, by creating a sort of vocal counterpoint between the two things when it’s needed. It let you understand how precise and calculated her music can be. Bjork is probably the only singer who could sing over an Autechre track or something like Richard Devine.

I agree, she is a superb singer.

People who can't take a fucking joke or admit they possibly might be wrong, especially with threads that are obviously potent to stirring up shit like avant-teen bashing.

>limiting your artistic experiences

You're doing it greatly.

>Bjork is probably the only singer who could sing over an Autechre track or something like Richard Devine

I remember I've seen somewhere a video where she was making a song over a fax machine or something like that, it was great, though I've forgot which video was.


Contrarian of what?