/daily/ - Daily music discussion

It's the 2nd of October

Listen to your library, show off your backlog, babble about new music, tell us what you have been listening to today and what you will listen to in the following month, just let the good times flow.

>resurrected, but working (!)

>fifth dimension for space-time memery (aka "music") ever since plug deejay was musically aborted

>Site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff

Most importantly, get taste!

Previously on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


da boyz

Para os meninos


you are the worst new trip on daily

this is a pretty weird album

what is it like

Some of it is is like indie pop/twee stuff, other songs more drawn out jams and then there's these instrumental summery bossa-nova like tracks scattered around.
The music isn't weird, it's just the mix of it.
Nice album though.

Oh and it's the singer from Young Marble Giants.

Is that you
>it's the singer from Young Marble Giants
That sounds good.

It is, you should give it a listen.

Will have to do sometime. Colossal Youth is great stuff.


Nice bunny case.

It certainly is. This one has great summery vibe, so it's perfect for the season.

Will add it to my June calendar probably. Or I could just make a chart for various recs I've received.

431 in the last thread? Proud of you guys.

Commit sudoku

qt boy

imma use this next time i get to post the thread

Same. 500 next time. We can do it if we try.

Eew, geld yrself


delete yourself

That's one of the most fun albums in the world desu.

if u actually post it we will just ignore it and make a new one

i believe you. i could never into ATR but ive been listening to BP nonstop yesterday, and considering all the comparisons i've seen, i figure i should give that band another chance

it might be my favorite release of theirs, or at least my favorite since ExM, even if it didnt push their sound a lot further, as they've since always done (excepting the opener)


So hey, who here likes music

If Bottomless Pit really is like ATR I might give it a listen sometime.
You (This is an insult)


What is atr

Your Sup Forums horoscope for the day:


Atari Teenage Riot
Thanks for the horoscope, comet.

free jazz is fun
> → Libra

I'm a Virgo not a cancer
this isn't a horoscope it's just a list of signs.

plz die elsewhere

Yo Shamepai said something to me about having an image you want. I don't know if he's here now but he told me to tell you last time because he couldn't post.

not sure if i'd say that, DG are far from atr's core breakbeat hardcore sound, but does have their most fast-paced punk-oriented tracks so i see where it's coming from


Holy shit I was born dec 17 so I am actually a saggitarius

why aren't you getting the syncc right now?

oh good
it's a pic of can I've been looking for for ages
tell him thanks

Y'all hating on anime but deep inside you love it

>Musik von Harmonia - Harmonia
This album is a really interesting piece of krautrock. I've always been a fan of early electronics so this was cool. However, at points i felt like this was a watered down Tangerine Dream. The addition of psych into the mix was Really cool but to be honest the album didn't feel that special. Still a nice listen.

>Stand By - Heldon
Well this was super weird. It starts with a very brutal prog, but devolves into a Vengelis-like electronic album. I can't say I dislike it but going from this to that in such a weird way is a definitive downside.

Co is eliminated, and i guess Kerv and Morti will follow that trebd

Sounds fun anyway.
He appears to be here now so uh just thank him yourself.

Get in sync, lads

Listened to Ryo Fukui live in New York. I think I found it on the archive. Very cool version of 'all the things you are' (I really dig that standard). Most of the material here is played at an easy pace, tightly by the trio. There's some groovier parts but with somewhat less strength that in his studio recordings, it still gets pretty nice but nowhere as great.
I enjoyed it.

who called me qt
listen to comet's, termi's and fish's rec and then i can see if u have shit taste B^I

why do people tend to cover their noses in pics

You should listen to this boys
> → # Pisces
>A meme
I expected no less
I sent you that messages years ago, ot wasn't the pic. Sorry ruggie but i am oblivious of a pic like that
On the contrary, Giving Bad People Good Ideas and I Break Mirrors with my Face in The USA are súper Atr-core

>Don't remember last 12 hours before going to sleep
>Now going to work in 4 hours
what the fuck
I took Xan or something last night and felt calm, but then fell asleep on my downstairs couch and don't remember doing so. Odd.


>old /daily/ liking Fishmans too

anyways I'll post "reviews" of what I listened to yesterday in a bit.

not hiding nose for the purpose for hiding my nose but the bunny ears in this position are making my face look optically slimmer

Free jazz is very serious and calling it fun is offensive.

>against USoA
I am fuck

I think you're ok, shamepai hates me

i did darke complex - widow , i give it like 7/10 with a note to relisten

i also did wishing - to forget, i give it fucking 9.5/10 fight me idgaf

i come here asking for more bedroom pop

>tfw come to uni 2 hours before class to shitpost and /daily/ is slow as balls

Sweet, can't wait to not be on to give a rec

ill fukin pop u in the bedroom m8

yyu - milkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilk

Reminder: If you do not come to sync you are a poo


>on daily

From best to worst:

>Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses
And this is rated HIGHER than SD&H? Hah! It's great, but not that good. If you want some truly gothic shit, with the humor intact, give this a try. Really excited to hear their other stuff now.

>Tom Waits - Bad as Me
This dude can do no wrong. All of his main works so far have sounded original and variable enough to stand on their own. Wish a few tracks in the middle weren't as lackluster, but "Hell Broke Luce" is one of his bests.

>Yuzo Koshiro - Bare Nuckle II
One of my favorite vidya OSTs. These syths fucking rules. Limited instruments are proof that limiting yourself is key when it comes to production. Gets a bit repetitive on occasion, though.

>Talk Talk - The Party's Over
So 80s it fucking hurts. The echo-y drums and farty synths, this thing practically has parachute pants. Kinda underrated honestly, but not great.

>Tom Waits - Night on Earth
Worst Waits output I've heard yet. Basically a really drunk dude playing jazz, which isn't really a bad feel.

>William Basinski - Disintegration Loops II
Slightly better than the other meme, but not by much. 2nd song has great atmosphere and makes up for me listening to both shitty albums.

>Jay Reatard - Blood Visions
Reatarded. It's just modern shite indie rock with an undercut.

>Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe
I didn't hate this as much as I thought, but it was still terrible. The horror aesthetic is one I'm a sucker for, but it's drowned out by the shitty nu-metal aspects. Barf.

>Speed, Glue & Shinki - Eve
Psych as heavy as my fat shites. Not really interesting at all.

>William Basinski - Disintegration Loops
Music memes should at least be good memes, like Musical Abortions. This is not.

I have some others I haven't reviewed yet but I'll wait until the next drop since I'll probably get nothing done today. Jesus what happened last night??

i swear if you didn't say upstairs i'd think you were bro that lurks without a trip, what a shame
obby ;)
kk thx
shhhhh dont tell moregressor
that type o negative and that tom waits album are both fucking amazing

>third playthrough of DS3
>several playthroughs of DS2 before that
>mfw I just realised that Souls games all have several different endings

>4 on Global Communication
Also, I believe The Party's Over is considered to be Talk Talk's worst release anyway.

>Reatarded. It's just modern shite indie rock with an undercut.
mmm. nat's going to rape u bruv.

>bro that lurks without a trip, what a shame
I don't post anywhere with a this trip outside of /daily/ maybe except for the occassional sharethread

>that type o negative and that tom waits album are both fucking amazing

Is it universally excepted that DarkS > Bloodbourne > DemonS > DS III (admitadly haven't beaten yet) > DS II

Yep! It was boring!!!

Can't wait to year TT's other stuff then!

idc it's really just bad punk music regardless of its indie connections

Is it universally accepted that lmao nobody cares nerd?

that's why you don't do benzos u mong

he's my irl bro and he posts as user and i can never identify his posts it's fuckin annoying desu

this yyu album is fucking sick and i'm gonna obssessively listen to their discog now kthx

we /drugs/ now

Listening to the entire Disintegration Loops has got to be the biggest musical mistake of my life.
Also do yourself a huge favour and fake the royal trux review; say it was shit and give it a 1-2. You now have time for 2 entire albums of good music!

(according to capcha, coca-cola is candy)

I guess, I just haven't been to Sup Forums in years so idk what the general concensus is

it didn't even come in a benzo form, it was actually in the form of an lsd packet but my friend swore it was xan, which I've never heard of but it certainly wasn't lsd.

sux xP

I already don't like Royal Trux and thought it was shite for literal Scaruffi drones. I'm a hypothetical Scaruffi drone that agrees with a lot of his shit but it bothers me that I've never been able to "get" Twin Infinitives.

Xanax is a benzo and benzo blackouts are a common thing, even moreso if you combine it with alcohol.

dude you probably took etizolam fr, don't just take mysterious substances meng you have no idea how awful some of the research chems are for you (or maybe you do idfk)

Idk about Bloodborne and Demon Souls but the order for the Darks seems about right.

Tourney matchup #2 first listens are done, looks good for you m80

heyo what are some good Russian composers guys rec me that shit
also good russian music rec me that shit too friendos

Yo do I still have to upload my album or is it good?

also reminder that I won the first tourney I ever participated in using only albums with a song title containing the word 'pig"

Didn't use any other substances with it. I'm not much of a drinker, but should probably start since last time I tried I had an impressively high tolerance.

neat dubs

I'd taken one before but forgot to chew it and swallowed it almost immediately. It just felt alright but I didn't feel much. This time I chewed it for about 10 minutes (was bitter as fuck) before it disintegrated in my mouth. I didnt' necessarily pass out but woke up tucked into my downstairs couch, which I don't remember doing.


Moдecт Mycopгcкий

Mussorgsky I guess

Also, reccing this

Pic rel

I listened to this today.

I am disappointed. Is that bad?

The Five (Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Balakirev, Borodin and Cesar Cui)
>some personal favourites

>everyone here is tripping

>That fucking link

I would rec you nice dubs but nah.

Does anyone know the site where you can shorten a link in non-Latin characters?

If you had expected to enjoy it and you didn't then i guess that's pretty bad.
It's one of my favorite albums.

lemme tell you like i tell everyone, lsd has NO TASTE, PERIOD. also if you dont want to fucking taste it to test it, use a blacklight. lsd glows under UV light, 2c-groups and NBOMEs do not (the most common substitute on the street for "acid")

your friend's a fuccnigga and either doesnt know what he's doing or is ripping you off.

Man I forgot that Shostakovich and Stravinsky were Russian. Maybe I need to start reading about this shit more to remember.
>I would rec you nice dubs but nah

I got it, thanks

my man I just told you it wasn't LSD it was xan

at least I got dubs tho

>kyrillic letters
hey im not a ruski i dont understand that
nje ponje mai ok friendo

i already know those and rachmaninoff but pic related looks cool

good list thanks friendo

i think i have this record in my backlog maybe ill actually listen to it!

It's literally just Mussorgsky in russian but whatev boyo


pick some of the russkis off of here

>which I'd never heard of
so you were under the impression you were taking hallucinogenics? why would you take anything you don't know shit about?

Ornette Coleman- Free Jazz
idr if i already wrote a shitty summary for this or not
the two improvisations are weirdly in sync, but at a the same time completely different
will probably spend a lot more time with this and probably change rating but for now

John Coltrane- Meditations
starts out incredible with Father, Son, Holy Ghost and just falls on its face for the rest, saving a few incredible moments like the end of Love
wish it was a lot freer and better


Sonic Youth- SYR 1: Anagrama

3 cool instrumentals, and one really shitty noise track, not much to say about this. Fairly enjoyable but I don't think I'll ever listen again, except maybe Tremens.

i hate to be a dick (jk i love it) but if it was on blotter paper it most certainly wasn't xanax. it's sold in powder occasionally but never liquid, you most likely took clonazepam, etizolam, flubromazolam, the list goes on and on for benzos sold as liquid on the internet, but i'm tellin you xanax is never liquid. oh and btw all those rsc benzos are way stronger than xanax so be careful m8

if they wouldn't have memed me i would've won tbqh...


hey this is a nice chart actually ive heard some of these solid stuff right

Nice OP pic.

>Listening to the entire Disintegration Loops has got to be the biggest musical mistake of my life.
Correct. It really is terrible.
