What are the worst generals on Sup Forums? And the best?

What are the worst generals on Sup Forums? And the best?
My votes/reasoning:


/RYM/ - /soc/ shit, plain and simple. no music discussion whatsoever, only RYM melodrama. doesn't belong on the board.
/noise/ - underage overload, nothing but kids who have no idea what they're talking about and spamming awful Bandcamp and Soundcloud crap. zero education on the genre and its history, zero capability to find music on their own(the same 10-15 meme albums from Sup Forums and RYM get discussed over and over and over, and seeing people talk about big black, animal collective and lightning bolt under the impression that they are relevant to the general's purpose is not uncommon), they can't even explain what it is they like about noise and instead just get belligerent when asked. no other general on Sup Forums is as unqualified to discuss its subject. no reason to exist. just look at the thread going on right now: /daily/ - smug "post-ironic" tripfag circlejerk, doesn't even belong on Sup Forums due to how little time is actually spent talking about music(and even when they do it their conversations are on the level of 15-year old RYM reviewers)and how much is spent on circlejerking and memes, somehow for all the effort they put into crafting unique musical identities for themselves they all listen to the same artists and fall back entirely on spoonfeeding when it comes to hearing new music


/trad/ - sincere and educated people and discussion. the nature of the music and its lack of meme or "edgy" potential keeps idiots away.
/bleep/ - funny and smart crowd. quality banter. aside from /metal/, the only general which knows how to treat dilettantes and babies begging for spoonfeeding(by telling them to fuck off)
/metal/ - a wide variety of posters with a wide variety of interests makes for a varied and dynamic general. even with all the shitposting, still one of the better places on the board.
/jazz/ - same deal as /trad/. unfortunately not as regular as it once was.


Other urls found in this thread:


/bleep/ is the worst

>muh shitty EDM is so superior
>much shitty DJs who press play are better than THOSE shitty DJs who press play because they're more obscure
>only listen to singles like a fucking normie pleb and always shit on the idea of albums
>actually dare to shit on people who listen to albums
>home to some of the most cancerous memes and shitposting on Sup Forums

Fuck these goddamn nerds. They're worse than most EDM "bros" because they've actually deluded themselves into thinking that their shitty music is any different from other EDM and try to act pretentious about it.

Hell half of the "genres" they listen to are just shitty hip-hop rip offs mostly done by retarded British people.

>"UK Garage"
>"Dubstep" (not to be confused with the actual EDM genre Dubstep which sounds completely different, I guess they couldn't think of an original name)

I hate Last.FM threads for the same reason you hate /RYM/ threads

/trad/ is best but they don't get many replies

here we see another victim of /bleep/, that banter can really be vicious.

shame really.

/bleep/ is just banter the majority of the time

/metal/ is probably the worst

>"Dubstep" (not to be confused with the actual EDM genre Dubstep which sounds completely different, I guess they couldn't think of an original name)

lmao u having a laugh m8

Used to post on /noise/ a while back (and I'd like to think I was one of the ones who had a clue) and yeah every criticism there is true and accurate, it's very sad

I never understood why the very few dudes in /noise/ who clearly knew their shit bothered to stick around that general considering how fucking useless and stupid everyone else in it was and how terrible of a general it was.

The problem with /trad/ is 2fold.

1) There really isn't much interest.
2) Its 100,000 years of music from over 200 countries, its rare 2 people from the few interested are going to have very similar tastes. Even the 2 main trips who post in them don't.

wut about kpop? i only clicked it once and didn't know what was happening

Its like a Grimes or Lauren thread, only for Korean women.

I at least had some sort of (obviously misplaced) faith that, when I brought up Mlehst or Shallow Waters or Ahlzagailzehguh there would be more than the tiniest bit of interest, and for a time, there was, but it no longer seems to be worth the effort. /noise/ already has a reputation on other dedicated noise forums as basically a nonstop Hospital Prod wankfest.

Maybe sometime in the future it will come back around.

/prod/ of course

used to be good. just got way too rowdy

You can lead a horse to water, innit?
That new-old Shallow Waters album from earlier this year is damn good, it would be nice to see it get a physical release at least on tape, if nothing else.

/noise/ is really bad :-(

Who cares? Board's mostly crappy anyway.

agreed. /dark/ is alright when it's around too, but doesn't last long. too many youtube posts with no real conversation.

/Shugazi/ is so dead

/metal/ used to be the best general on this board

now it's one of the worst.

its not that bad, but people sure do seem negative there and very dismissive of genres they dont listen to :(

/dark/ is the best, but only in Fall and Winter. Any other time and its HURR DO YOU GUYS LIKE BAUHAUS.

WORST: 2016 Chart threads
BEST: i dunno

/kpg/ is one of, if not the worst, honestly.

They don't even talk about their shitty music, just cream themselves over the plastic dolls they call "women".
Really I dunno why it's not banned yet

emoe sucks

The problem with noise is that it's a genre tag used for two different but distinct types of music. One that's more artists that use lots of distortion, feedback and overly processed sound in their music while the other uses field recordings, background noises and stuff like that to create music.

I'm not arguing one is better than the other but I do think they're two distinct genres that use the same label so it can understandably cause a split in the community.

why has no one mentioned the death grips general, pure autism

objectively kpg, for the people that don't know it's constant threads that always reach 300+ replies and it's actually extremely rare to see them even mentioning music.
It really should be on another board but they're too bitchy to move.

/bloop/ is great for the 10 posts that happen on it

/shugazi/ is dead, but it's one of the best ones. People just talk about the music.

Switch /daily/ and /bleep/. Add advanced and any waifu generals to worst

snail daki when

I gave up on /noise/ a while ago. There's only so much good will I'm willing to waste on a Sup Forums thread of all things.
Hopefully at least some lurker made use of all the stuff I posted in there though, because fuck knows almost none of the posters did.

That's dubstep, mate. Mala is definitely Dubstep, he's part of Digital Mystikz along with Coki.

/rym/ general is just awful.

/daily/ is the the best because it's the exact opposit of /rym/

/aeg/ have been pretty cool the past few days, not sure how much interest there would be when they do not release a fuckton of new shit without warning tho.

dilettante pig sty

/BMG/ is really going places

/daily/ is the most embarrassing general on this board.
Even the K-pop fags have more self-awareness than the average /daily/ shitter.

this has to be bait right

Who cares? Sup Forums generals are terrible places for developing taste or discussing music. It's literally all for shit posting and memes



surprised this wasn't in the OP. kpop gens are straight up celeb worship garbage and should be pruned

says the tripfag


How about I give you a gentle kiss and put you to sleep on a comfy bed you fuck faggot

Never. Stop sexualizing snail

Yeah they're garbage, but we don't really want it spilling over the rest of the board. It's easy to ignore and let them do their thing.

Well yeah???

i'm saying you literally ARE a meme so you shouldn't be judging pal

All generals are shit. They promote personalities and off topic conversations.


>/gg/ not mentioned once
I guess we're doing something right.

Oh..we are very self aware at /daily/ thank you very much. We're so self aware that we're always calling the music we enjoy as "poseur" and "pretentious wank"

generals are fucking shit in general

/prod/ is alright most of the time

based our hye

RYM is easily the worst general on this board. It is literally a shit show of people arguing with me or each other about why they don't like TMR.

Daily is great, stop hating.

everything on Sup Forums is cancer

look at this wonderful thread full of music discussion

>We're so self aware that we're always calling the music we enjoy as "poseur" and "pretentious wank"

The fact that you think this qualifies as self-awareness rather than just a somewhat more subtle than usual way of smugly sucking each other off just goes to show what a typically clueless and self-satisfied /daily/ cretin you are.
I mean I don't really hold it against you since IIRC like 80% of /daily/ consists of dipshit teenagers but still, stay in your containment thread.

/Trad/ is the worst because I love it and it's not popular enough ;(

/metal/ used to be great, but it has been total shit in the last months, mainly due to djentspammer, Jessepoeter and other contrarians and trolls

Where is the best place to read about the history of Noise? Just started getting into it and sounds like it could be interesting

\PRG\ ....when people actually post in it.

/daily/ is by far the worst general

most generals for a specific genre are good, too bad nu moot will never give us /mg/ or /mug/ or whatever

this, obviously
general or not

/noise/ has gotten too bitter. I'm just laying low at this point & reading up/listening to new shit in the mean time. Just cuz the general went stagnant doesn't mean I gotta.

/daily/ has a few good people that are nice to talk to but is otherwise shitpost central. DAE MUSICAL ABORTIONS? XD!

/noise/ would be nice if everyone wasn't so fucking bitter.

/classical/ is good when its head isn't completely up its ass

/dark/ is great but should be reserved exclusively for autumn and winter

/RYM/ and /chart/ have no redeeming values

>unironically using the term "normie"


why is /noise/ so bad? i havent been there in a few months but it was pretty nice last time i was there? what happened?

It's a huge dick measuring contest about who has the most obscure taste, and people get so fucking salty when someone has the gall to want to talk about Merzbow or whatever.

Idk mane. Idk.

Maybe someone new came in, saw that there werent shitposts/newppl in it for a couple months & thought that was the norm, & lost his chill whenever people shitposted/asked for basic recs. Maybe the whole BC/SC stigma got to people's heads too much, instead of just ignoring it like it used to be. Maybe one too many good posters left this time & the few remaining got tired of the same shit, but instead of sticking to their guns, they got angry at others pointlessly & made the general look more stuck up than it's ever been.

Its just a general but sucks to watch it crash n burn. Even when Johnny Cash was shitposting last year, it never got this bad lmao.

I know Sup Forums generally has a bunch of pessimistic people on it, but why is Sup Forums one of the more negative boards up there with Sup Forums? low barrier to entry?

>your politics are wrong
>your music tastes are wrong