You have about one minute to explain why you think Neutral Milk Hotel are a good band

You have about one minute to explain why you think Neutral Milk Hotel are a good band.

Protip: Even with one year you couldn't give a proper answer.

Other urls found in this thread:

They make me feel gud

I do not have to explain, for I do not think they are good.

Bad explanation.

They're neither Neutral, nor milk, nor a hotel

>You have about one minute to explain why you think Neutral Milk Hotel are a good band.
They play tightly and in tune.

Is this really necessary?
Where's your proof?

they're better than this shitty ass post

>Where's your proof?
Live performances.

Such as?

That's like saying a guitar player is good because he can play notes and chords, most bands can play tight and in tune yet a vast number of bands (NMH included) are complete garbage despite this.

I've seen their album cover a lot on Sup Forums so they must be good

>Such as?
The shows I've seen.

the burden of proof rests with the person making the accusation

you have one minute to explain why you think Neutral Milk Hotel are a bad band.

My man

telephone engineer thinks they are bad

therefore, they are objectively good


>That's like saying a guitar player is good because he can play notes and chords
That is correct
>most bands can play tight and in tune
This is incorrect. You have only heard of the bands who can play in tune and tightly. You haven't heard of the ones who can't, because they don't leave the basement/garage
>yet a vast number of bands (NMH included) are complete garbage
How are they complete garbage?
>despite this.
Since music quality is completely subjective and reliant on personal taste, then the only measure of a band should be if they perform 1) tightly and 2) in tune.

They are complete garbage though

If you're going to continue responding with posts like these I suggest you fuck off to Sup Forums.
Generic indie folk songwriting, a bad singer, only considered good because le epic Holocaust lyrics and various other things.


>If you're going to continue responding with posts like these I suggest you fuck off to Sup Forums.
What's a better answer?
>Generic indie folk songwriting
Name 40 folk sings who sound/write exactly like him
>a bad singer
How is he bad?
>only considered good because le epic Holocaust lyrics and various other things.
If you're going to continue responding with posts like these I suggest you fuck off to Sup Forums.

Me when I see that German Secular States

NMH is a good band because they mix many different sounds and emotions into their work and the end result was two very good albums released in lo-fi style that today have grown more popular every year.

>tells people they have to explain in technical terms why a band is good
>proceeds to call them bad because of 'le epic holocaust lyrics'

I don't usually recommend it, but suicide truly might be a good option for you

>What's a better answer?
Maybe providing footage of concerts?
>Name 40 folk songs who sound/write exactly like him
I wouldn't know any. I don't pay attention to them. If you want I could record a generic indie folk song for you in a while.
>How is he bad?
Do you have ears?
>If you're going to continue responding with posts like these I suggest you fuck off to Sup Forums.
Wow he said what I said! Looool!!!!!
le feelz
Suicide are a good band yes.

>Maybe providing footage of concerts?
Did you check youtube?
>I wouldn't know any. I don't pay attention to them
Then how do you know he's generic?
>Do you have ears?
Answer the question. How is it bad? I don't think you could in a year

>forces others to disprove him without ever proving himself in the first place
Why is NMH bad?

>Generic indie folk songwriting
calling it "generic" is an easy way to get out of explaining why it's bad. Indie folk was not a fleshed-out genre at the time of ITAOTS, and calling it "generic" only proves you have no understanding of the context of the band or the album
>a bad singer
this is totally opinion based. Jeff Mangum has shown that he is capable of being a "good" singer who stays in tune consistently, but in NMH albums he chooses to strain his voice in order to convey his connection to the emotional subject matter. Calling him a bad singer shows that you are unfamiliar with many different vocal styles.
>le epic
This is where you lose any credibility. Acting like the album's status as a meme somehow tarnishes its content is childish, and it shows that you're much more concerned with looking like you have an interesting, different opinion, than showing that you have something of substance to say about the album.

tl;dr actually listen to music rather than being contrarian to the culture surrounding it

I mean, I know your baiting and all that, but are you enjoying this? I'm sure you might dislike neutral milk hotel, but obviously you realise that people don't need to explain liking a band really. Do you just find it fun/funny?

interesting/unconventional pop arrangements
strong, occasionally a little basic pop songwriting
surreal and interesting lyrics

have a nice day

>Did you check Youtube?
No. I assumed you came prepared with your own example but I guess you didn't.
>Then how do you know he's generic?
Music theory.
>Answer the question. How is it bad?
It's terribly nasal and annoying. And don't try to justify the nasality by saying it makes it unique or some bullshit.
Did you even read the thread?
>calling it "generic" is an easy way to get out of explaining why it's bad
Wrong. "Generic" is a perfectly fine criticism.
>in NMH albums he chooses to strain his voice in order to convey his connection to the emotional subject matter
Le feelz. If I screamed my lungs out singing about how much I wanted a girlfriend or something that would make me a good singer wouldn't it?
>Calling him a bad singer shows that you are unfamiliar with many different vocals styles
Absolutely not. I listen to throat singers, black metal vocalists, opera singers and various other kinds of singers.
>Acting like the album's status as a meme somehow tarnishes its content
When did I do that?
>you realise that people don't need to explain liking a band
Yes they do.
>interesting/unconventional pop arrangements
I'll give you that. They definitely throw in some experimental things in their music but it does not make everything else sound better.
>strong; occasionally a little basic pop songwriting
You mean very basic pop songwriting.
>surreal and interesting lyrics
Reminder that lyrics should not be examined unless the album is a spoken word one.

They blend lo-fi indie rock with folk in an immensely pleasing way.
Interesting lyrics, poetic and metaphoric in nature.
ITAOTS is good as a cohesive piece, every track compliments each other, not many artists manage to pull this off.

>They blend lo-fi indie rock with folk in an immensely pleasing way.
You mean an immensely boring way.
>Interesting lyrics, poetic and metaphoric in nature.
Again, this only matters in spoken word.
>ITAOTS is good as a cohesive piece, every track compliments each other, not many artists manage to pull this off.
Do you even listen to art music

>Reminder that lyrics should not be examined unless the album is a spoken word one.

It sounds like you've only listened to Itaots and maybe OAI(the superior album), but neither of those are NMH best, and Jeff has been involved with stuff that is better than NMH

It's true.
This is a thread about Neutral Milk Hotel so I would rather not discuss other Mangum projects (I have also not heard them).

"Generic" isn't fine, it's just a buzzword, like "pretentious" or "uninspired"

>They definitely throw in some experimental things in their music but it does not make everything else sound better.
I wouldn't even call them experimental features - why does everything have to be in some way "experimental" or "avant" to be good, and on your point about basic songwriting - well fair enough.

However I put to you that if you take the album, although basic in songwriting as it may be, as a well arranged pop/rock/folk album with arrangements which are unique, have strong personal character and fit thematic purposes - then this is well worth anyone's time. Oh, and that point about lyrics is incorrect.

Even still, this thread sounds mostly about itaots which isn't NMH best in my opinion

I'm new to this bored, is he always this autistic?

Definitely a buzzword.
Same thing as "generic" and not a buzzword.
Why do you believe lyrics are relevant?
Well it's the release I remember the most because of how often people post about it here.


Well Aeorplane isn't their best work, so I don't see the point in fixating on it. OAI and Hype City Soundtrack are much better in my opinion.

Yo tele it sounds like you seriously need some BOFA in your life

I am not fucking autistic holy shit why are you people so retarded. If you look through the archive you will probably find many posts debunking these slanderous accusations.
I don't really feel like listening to them.


>He actually replies to every comment

>No. I assumed you came prepared with your own example but I guess you didn't.
No, I have tons of examples. Just wondering why you haven't done your research before making incorrect claims
>Music theory.
What tacit of Music Theory claims that it's generic?
>It's terribly nasal
That's fine.
>And don't try to justify the nasality by saying it makes it unique or some bullshit
But you are justifying you pleb taste by saying his voice is annoying. That's a double standard.

What is that?
What else can I do to defend my well earned reputation?

>says the panda bear fanboy

>Do you have ears?
We already know bad singers make the best singers. See Dylan / Byrne.
>Le feelz
Are you autistic?
>Wrong. "Generic" is a perfectly fine criticism.
No, it's a generic reason, come up with something better when you expect so much of others.
>If I screamed my lungs out singing about how much I wanted a girlfriend or something that would make me a good singer wouldn't it?
Do you have any understanding of art at all? Or do you listen to music logically and mathematically? We're humans you tosspan.
>Reminder that lyrics should not be examined unless the album is a spoken word one.
Look mum! I listened to Robert Ashley once!

Some tripfags...

>I don't really feel like listening to them
then you have no place to argue that NMH is bad. You need to listen to them to have an opinion

Panda is good though

BOFA deez nuts in your mouth nigga

I love you OP...

>Panda is good though
uh lol no. telephone, back me up here.

please be my friend telephone !

Why don't you back yourself up instead of calling on Telephone Engineer of all people for help

okay, panda bear is not very good.

why do people still reply to TE's posts

Telephone Engineer, you have about one minute to explain why you think Neutral Milk Hotel are a bad band.

Protip: Even with one year you couldn't give a proper answer.

>No, I have tons of examples. Just wondering why you haven't done your research before making incorrect claims
Because I don't like them.
>What tacit of Music Theory claims that it's generic?
Read up on chord progressions.
>That's fine.
>But you are justifying you pleb taste by saying his voice is annoying. That's a double standard.
My taste is patrician and intelligent.
>We already know bad singers make the best singers. See Dylan/Byrne.
Do you think The Room is a good film? No? Then why would you think Dylan or Byrne are good singers?
>Are you autistic?
Fuck you.
>No, it's a generic reason
You literally just used it.
>Do you have any understanding of art at all? Or do you listen to music logically and mathematically?
Of course.
>Look mum! I listened to Robert Ashley once!
I've listened to various spoken word albums, not just Robert Ashley. An example of a popular spoken word album I've listened to is Spiderland. That is a great album.
>Some tripfags...
Stop oppressing us tripfags. We do nothing wrong.
I've listened to their studio recordings.
Is this really necessary?
I love you too, user.
Panda Bear and his creature crew are fucking garbage. See pic related.
There are 2 reasons:
1. They know the truth
2. They deny the truth

shut the fuck up, Mark And

What musicians do you like TE?

stockhausen and another green world

Did you even read the thread
Who? Sounds like an anti-intellectual.
Brian Eno.

>Do you think The Room is a good film? No? Then why would you think Dylan or Byrne are good singers?
What? I'm talking about emotive singers here.
>You literally just used it.
That was the joke.
>An example of a popular spoken word album I've listened to is Spiderland
Of course you like the spoken word parts of spiderland, you can relate to the speakers clear autism.

You epitomize the "stop-liking-what-I-don't-like" mindset.
If you actually listened to MPP, maybe you would know to appreciate the subtleties of taste, bud.

They sound nice. Isn't that all there is to good music?

Brian Eno? Is that all?

that's fellini not antonioni

He just picked someone he know no one on Sup Forums would make fun of.

I like MPP, but it isn't AnCo's best work

he can latch to that because Brian Eno is pretty much liked by all people who know about him.
Give us something to work with TE, if your taste is so patrician.

It's the flowering of a truly original artist's voice, with Mangum's text, composition, and performances surpassing all preceding efforts; it is the first true rock "concept album" to succeed holistically - and not merely succeed, but flourish - prompting a reexamination of that idiom by many; it's one of the rock music's most artistically significant statements from the 1990s, perhaps even ever.

>What? I'm just talking about emotive singers here.
You said bad singers make the best singers so I was wondering if you thought bad directors make the best directors.
>That was the joke.
Wow funny.
>Of course like the spoken word parts of spiderland, you can relate to the speakers clear autism.
For fuck fuck's sake I am not fucking autistic and neither is the Slint singer.
I did listen to MPP. It's bad.
Of course not. There's Bach, Stockhausen, Throbbing Gristle, Mingus, Madvillain, Faust among many others.
This is hilarious.

>Did you even read the thread
No, and your one minute is up

>Bach, Stockhausen, Throbbing Gristle, Mingus, Madvillain, Faust among many others.
>the list goes on...

Also if you only listened to MPP it's no wonder you dislike AnCo, you gotta listen to the early stuff

>You said bad singers make the best singers so I was wondering if you thought bad directors make the best directors.
Do you not understand subtlety in opinions, what we say isn't binary, do you really operate like a computer?
>For fuck fuck's sake I am not fucking autistic
Dunno, everything you say makes it more obvious that you have very clear autism.
Here's a test if you want:

Hey, are you autistic?

He is, I'm his handler. I had to take him away from the computer because he was getting a bit worked up

Holocaust and shiet
Also, started p4k favorite "raw" style of production with emo vocals

>NMH invented lofi
>Jeff mangum has emo vocals

it's just Mark And's alt trip that he uses to shitpost and trigger Sup Forums

now stop bumping this thread

Fuck off
I have. They're bad too.
>do you really operate like a computer?
It's called being an intellectual. You wouldn't get it.
>Dunno, everything you say makes it more obvious that you have very clear autism.
You are a fucking wanker.
This dumb fucking board is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The threads are extended gutters and the gutters are full of retard blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and memes will foam up about their waists and all the shitposters and idiots will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like J.S. Bach or Brian Eno. Decent men who believed in a good world filled with good music. Instead they followed the droppings of Neutral Milk Hotel and Animal Collective and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those anons and anti-intellectuals and plebians... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say but "lol autism" cause they're fucking autistic.
Fuck off.

cant tell if hes autistic for writing that or im autistic for reading it

little bit of both... but I like u ;P

>hey if I insult stuff that people like ad act like an asshole they get mad lol they're idiots

because it's catchy and emotional and has really amazing imagery in the lyrics

I am not fucking autistic for the last bloody time.

lick my penis you tramp

Because they don't suck?
It's different. I like it.

Okay, I'm done for the day. Man, I wonder what was going through my head when I made that post.
>I'm proving that this board is filled with idiots
Ridiculous. I don't know what was up with me other than boredom and unhappiness.

lol, i love te 2bh.

damn what a shit thread


>Because I don't like them.
But we aren't talking about like. We are talking about research.
>Read up on chord progressions.
What about it? Be specific.
>My taste is patrician and intelligent.
[citation needed]