Are they as good as 311?

Are they as good as 311?


311 - Down is the single greatest modern song of all time. Check it out.

>Are they as good as 311?

They're worse than 9/11.

9/11 wasn't even that bad

barely, and 311 is terrible

And why is the guy on the right in black-hand?

He's starting to turn black due to the bad rapping.

I bet if enough people on Sup Forums accused them of racial insensitivity over this picture, we could theoretically damage their career forever.

I unironically think Down is a great song
sue me


>not liking Amber or Down
>being human

I would bet my entire paycheck that Twenty One Pilots would get positive attention on Sup Forums if they weren't popular.

jason aldean is better than any of these hacks

holy shit
send something to pitchfork

Nah. They're pretty bad music and not what Sup Forums normally listens to.

311 is epic my man


If you knew anything about music you'd realize that much of Sup Forumscore is of the same musical complexity, but with weird effects and singing styles.

Someone call all the black people on twitter.

>I fucked a child with some wood on my tongue

all mixed up
dont know what to do