
Other urls found in this thread:

A boy

im in love with a robot

Queens of the Stone Age


I'm in love with the coco
>tfw jungkook is fucking nayeon


crayonbros ww@

*chiki cha*

that collar is making me so fucking horny...


jungkook is a regular kpg poster, he's the only one who spams that fucking ugly bunny around here

this is an omo worthy fancam

This boy?

omg's whole album is amazing, i never listened to their bsides before

i finally have a rookie group i like!


I wish it was vertical and showed her legs tho...


twice is every boygroup's favorite girlgroup

fukkin saved

>tfw your favorite group is a fucking failure but at least it has regular comebacks

maybe we're lucky, I think I'd hurt my dick if that happened

i wish seulgi weren't dead

I'm in love with the momo

please be nice... but uh... what the hell does omo mean?

I'm hurting my dick either way

Rainbow saved kpop

happy seventeen day ~


hul.. not to be rude but this is daebek

it's an expression of surprise

that's it, I'm fapping

yeah word

Chinese sunglasses saleswomen have no place in kpop

do you know ahn joong geun?

why would we report the thread we're posting in tho?


this thread is fuckin daebak


i thought they weren't no easy

this thread is no joke


did they debut on this day or something?


jeongmal... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

This guy's already expressed interest in them

Guys, tell me
Right now who is your favorite group? (you can even metion gaypop...)

this thread is a wall

One year already. You can call me crazy but I don't see them losing a member until its like 5 years in.

Male dominate fanbases like Apink and AO have become successful. SNSD used to have one that peaked Genie era.
People just say they aren't loyal and will move onto other groups. I think its more of they stop supporting them, which isn't uncommon for girls to do to boy groups once they are older.



that's correctly written, fucktard. go read a book about grammatical mood

ahh okay, neato


t-ara and nine muses tbqh

based t-ara bro protecting (you)s

i wish seulgi were not dead




let's see what's on these webms i saved at work

f(x) and t-ara

what do you mean?

i will trade you my chanmi

I wish seulgi was a slut

sorry u got stuck with the worst looking member for this comeback

I would die for 2PM and f(x).

I swear every boy group and their moms have done the shashasha meme. Sana is truely the meme queen. No Sana, no life.



you need like 8 chanmis for 1 choa

omo Wooheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


>You can call me crazy but I don't see them losing a member until its like 5 years in.
I mean, there might be a death or something, but yeah I don't see member changes. Unless pledis wants to be retarded again and keep pushing some shitty graduation system.

yeah it was even trending worldwide apparently

i love laboum

i will trade you my lenticular twiceboy.


*Indian strings intensify*


Woohee is the jjang

never gonna happen

t-ara and after school and 4minute, quite frankly


I bet Slugg would fuck a dude for $1 milion
I would


she's really slutty on stage tho

wouldn't even give a chanmi for that

9. [+21, -0] SM's music is modern pop. There's no average K-Pop influence in it. Taemin and Jonghyun's music quality is up there and Tiffany's music is 100% pure pop with Korean lyrics. The public's poor listening standards is to blame for SM's low digital rank. The public is too used to your average K-Pop song. I was surprised at SM after listening to NCT's 'Seventh Sense'. There's a reason why music critics always rate SM so high. It's just that the public's listening standards aren't as high.

I wasn't sure what that sequence was
was it indian? arabic? south east asian?

gtfo tripfag human garbage

dont respond to me, i dont want your (you)s

but who is your favorite member of hello venus

mine is alice

Jungkook is too pure to post on Sup Forums.

Happy 4 years.
15 year old bowl cut Taemin is the pinnacle of Taemin. Press It Taemin is no match.

They push a graduation system, I burn Pledis down.
I hope Wonwoo never leaves.
>trending world wide
I contributed to that. Shinee too. I may have missed VIXX trending for 10 minutes though.

too bad her abusive controlling manager would either prohibit her from doing it or keep the money for himself

>everyone likes t-ara
>no one responded when I asked about comeback news
thanks "friends"



Jisoo's ears tho

how can you hate k-pop...

I think Liar Liar is OMG's worst song

what are you two talking about? is the new OMG out?

Dr. Kim can never achieve this level of perfection.