Which one u

which one u

lieteal angle

I agree this is me too

I agree this is me too


le vaporman

me too

metal man

[metal machine noises]

good choice

who is the one to the left of eno ?


[metal machine noises]

'd have a nice ciffee with in a respectable decent gentlemanney ways ... In hell; Lou | mick iggy mar c bowie kapiteineenoog

it's Mickey Jaguar

>tfw Bolan never got to be old

>tfw they all gon be dead by 2025

I think i'm lou, either him or iggy with a touch of marc bolan thrown in the mix also

He's not actually dead, r-right? Right, guys?

I'm literal angie bolan, you fucks are eno, and a worthless smartarse.

he dead nigga

My dream in life is to be Lou Reed

>and naturally, girls
gets me erry tiem.

forever vaporboy

>tfw everyone is dying

Let's get together, sing poorly, and rage about our cringy pasts

for a second there i thought top right was James Ferraro

Cool. I'll be the mediocre singer
