ITT: albums you have not listened to because of the cover

ITT: albums you have not listened to because of the cover

you're missing out, famwich.

Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance

such an ugly cover

Every Death Grips album. They try way too hard to be edgy. I can't imagine anyone over 18 who thinks that's funny or cool.

just fucking listen to the album you faggot


Exmilitary and Government Plates are very aesthete

>Bottomless Pit
>Jenny Death
>Fashion Week
>Ex Military


fuckin faggot king of faggotry faget fag

How is GP edgy? It's a fucking license plate. How is ExM edgy? It's a picture of a black guy. Same with NotM.

I started listening to them because of this cover

you're missing out

You couldn't handle their music anyway


I find their music pretty funny. It's like some kind of bizarre joke which I know will be looked at as being "wow people liked this back then" in the future just like that scene core Myspace shit from years ago.



i kinda hope you're baiting

He's really not

t. 18 year old

ITT: Very shameless dilettantes

to pimp a butterfly. i like kendrick but that album cover a shit

I feel like it's an offbeat satire of niggerish behavior that flew over the heads of many people who are either pro or against said behavior

welsey's theory says more or less. it's meant to be over the top 2bh. it's a good album

They so do not give a fuck user.

The cover is actually what made me interested in listening to it

Agreed on the ugly cover part.

Bravo, you put bondage and a penis on your album

They're one of the few bands out right now that have a deep concern with their image, it's like the first attempts of the punk scene meet hip hop. I doubt they'll be laughed at in the future because they're doing things most bands wouldn't, for better or worse. They're also a band that revolves around the Internet in a lot of different ways. I don't think every album they put out is a masterpiece because I'm not autistic like Fantano, but I'll be damned if they arent good and a force on the music scene

Not necessarily related, but I will refuse to listen to any black metal album that is named along the likes of "Goat Semen" or "Penetrating Satan's Bowels With My Fiery Rod" or "Satanic Abortion"

Every goregrind and pornogrind album.

these are literally the only edgy ones.

ExMil: A black guy's face
GP: A license plate
FW: A woman in a furcoat
NoTM: Ride walking by a cemetery
JD: The drawing of a woman
BP: A woman smiling behind two big orb-like bulbs
Interview 2016: Some guy's face

If you want "edgy' look at some pissgrave album art

Also Pic Related

lol the font at the bottom looks so out of place

Were it a textless cover it would be so fucking better

what was the story behind this photo
i know it's a melted person but how did that happen


Ready for the House. It doesn't really count cause I've heard the whole thing in pieces but the cover keeps me from wanting to listen to it for very long.

Good songs though.

That "album" doesn't have a cover. That's just a screenshot from youtube.

Also if you don't listen to something because of the cover then you're a fool.

Dont worry user thats not the good kind of black metal anyway

yea i hate this guys face

Why does everybody hate this guy? I find that he looks kinda funny, but the point is that he's all pompous and clean in contrast to the edgy underground cryptic band he's supposedly interviewing.

Are you retarded?

>I find that he looks kinda funny, but the point is that he's all pompous and clean in contrast to the edgy underground cryptic band he's supposedly interviewing.
yea i understand that but he looks strange and i dont wanna look at this motherfuckers face for another second. i like dg but not enough to overcome this

I agree, it's disappointing they appropriated it as the album cover, I prefer the look of the cassette

ur missing out

you just know

wow this looks great


Let's be honest, easily one of the worst covers I've ever seen

It disgusts me

truth be fucking told

that's honestly decent
you haven't seen many shitty rap mixtapes have you


meme grips are the most gimmicky band possible


that was drawn by charles burns you mega pleb

don't bother senpai

this is one of the best albums of all time actually lol

why does their drummer look like complete shit?

Maybe it is but you're an enormous dumbass for not listening to it.
Actually it's a really shitty overrated album. Don't listen to it user, most albums with covers like that simply aren't worth your time.

This bitch has the longest fucking face I've ever seen

His chin-to-scalp distance is like 3x the ear-to-ear

Also he looks like a tool


he's 30+, a junkie, and abusing his body's boundaries

worst how?

this for me too. talk about ousting your weeabooness to the whole world kiddo

I really like the cover desu senpai

Cognitive Dissonance : The Post

this tbqh

TMD is one of my favorite albums you moron I wasn't even attempting to veil my sarcasm

Yanqui AXO

>le evul AmeriKKKa amirite guise :^)
>poor middle easterners, they didnt do anything wrong
>FUCK le West, capitalism is so evil, wish communism had won ;(

>Flatlander has turned into the guy from Breaking Bad
pic related is a summary of my reaction

So you refuse to listen to it because of the band's opinions, not because of the cover. Good job, you completely failed to read and understand the OP.

Come the fuck on. That cover is damn near perfect

If you kill yourself in a bath, it'll be a while before you're found. Decomposition in water isn't pretty.
Andy is not Flatlander


he's a qt3.14 sweaty boi


That's not even Karin's worst

edgy grips are always trying to be the edgiest but they do this hipster cassette shit kind of thing and you know that all their edgyness is just an image to sell gay vintage things.

that cover is pretty cool


makes my eyes hurt because of how bright it is

you're not missing out, stay clear

Aside from it being an overrated album, you have horrible taste in art. You can't be any older than 17.

New Logic Album

Incredibly true story or whatever

I bought this album after seeing Sup Forums joke about the album cover wanting to see what it actually sounded like... It's actually a really good album, Trust is good shit. The cover is just some random photo he took at a goth club.

Its good though

I've hardly listened to any albums from 2016 in general because I don't do torrents and I don't have a job and I ran out of all the money I saved from my teens last October, plus I've been really depressed since January. It used to be that when a band I was into put out an album that everyone said was good, I'd just go buy it and pretty much always end up enjoying it.

Am I the only one who still cares about cover art

neu! and the mercury rev album with the tits

It has one okay song.

The Mercury Rev album with the tits is amazing. Seriously, listen to it; By the time you get to Something For Joey, you'll know it's a 10/10. Neu! is alright too, but not as good as that Mercury Rev album.