ITT: post the worst RYM 5 stars you have seen

ITT: post the worst RYM 5 stars you have seen.

Jesus Christ how pathetic

Other urls found in this thread:

le avant teen meme xD


INB4 someone posts mine.

"Hurrrr montie REM sux and so does Radiohead U 12 year old XD"

The biggest problem here is the fact he has that many 5 stars.
Go away Montie.

>Astral Weeks
these could be five stars

I agree. 5 stars should only be for the best of the best.
I tend to put albums I love in my 4 and a half and albums that are super meaningful to means great in the 5s

Also dont be rude

I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.

>Ornette Coleman
>Kevin Drumm
>Eliane Radigue
>Akio Suzuki
>Morton Feldman

I see no problem here

How is that the worst list you've ever seen? I mean, it's full of boring canon dadrock and indie but that's pretty normal for an RYM 5.0 page.

It's literally droning Lusty negro attitudes man

Seems fine to me.

i can feel the butthurt from across the internet, montie

All of those albums are pretty good except for Loveless Song Cycle and ITAOTS

But the scruffy droning is a bit dumb

How do people even rate albums? Are they going by how much they like/dislike it?

I had very similar taste to scaruffi before I even knew who he was. Could be the same here.

People rip on me for """"droning""" p4k and it gets annoying. But I see how some people drone Piedro and P4k

What else could you possibly go by?

that's montie who started this thread about my shit after I called him a terrible writer

i don't even like Scaruffi, he's a shit writer

Holy fuck the montie samefagging is sad

Why would I ever make a thread about you?

Also if you think Piedro, Marcel, and myself are bad writers, please do me the honors and write a review.

Some people have asinine reasons for rating desu

holy shit this is the most pathetic taste I've ever seen

Yeah, come to think of it I remember coming across a review where some guy obsessed with prog was downrating hip-hop albums and demanding fans of hip-hop not rate prog albums. It was really fucking strange.

Are you dumb? All those albums are highly acclaimed outside of Scaruffi. It's not like he has Vampire Rodents/Double O Negative in his 5s.

The OP pic has good taste imo, as does Piero. Please kill yourself you Coldplay loving, Oasis loving child.

Well there are certain albums that are repetitive with shit lyrics no progression etc. That I love and vice versa, so for some people rating based on personal likes and rating based on actual musical merit are different

he doesnt have to be good for you to be shit. i dont have to be a burger chef to know if a burger tastes fucking horrible

Unwound fans are a bunch of retards.

>Someone please post my 5/5s!
>If no one post them I'll have to take off my trip and post them myself to pretend that I'm not an irrelevant shitposter!
>Please, anyone~

The problem I have with people who rate on musical "merit" is that they often just obfuscate bias behind some nebulous set of musical principles that don't actually exist. I mean I'll argue for hours about albums I love or hate, but at the end of the day I know that musical merit doesn't really mean a whole fuck of a lot in the grand scheme of things.

just go read some fucking Lester Bangs instead of spamming my shit, i don't have to prove to you that I can write better because it doesn't make you any better or worse of a writer anyway

also I have no idea why you are denying that you made this thread about me, clearly you're the pathetic one

>Le strawman oasis and coldplay XD

But writing is not food

I know that feel

At least they're not tful282 fans. Avoid fellerheads at all costs.

>but writing is not food
>what is an analogy

The autism is strong with this one.

This x1000000

Niggas take reviews and ratings way to seriously.


What's wrong with either? Both of those bands are in my backlog.

>le and xD to make my opponent sound dumb

How is that a strawman? You literally are a fan of coldplay and oasis.

Just accept that you have no writing talent. Seriously. I've graded 8th graders with better writing than you.

There's nothing wrong with them. Montie has his crew in here shitposting.

Do yourself a favor. Delete the fellers right now. Words can't even describe how toxic and idiotic their music and fanbase is. Save yourself some trouble and do it for christ sake

nothing, unwound are a good post-hardcore band
i don't spam your shit on Sup Forums

Did I ever say I was a huge fan of coldplay? Yes. I used to be. They got me into a lot of other music and I think they have two great Pop-rock albums.
Oasis has 2 good albums and 1 good b side album.
I like much more music than just those two bands.

It's just one autist that post that shit against unwound every time he gets the chance, it makes it look like it's generally disliked, but is not and you should listen to them anyway.

And I'm saying that the fact that you even slightly like those dands completely discredits any of your opinions when it comes to music. How hard is that to understand? It's like someone saying their favourite movie is Transformers.

how much of a sperglord can you be
>have no friends or future so just hang out in Sup Forums
>get a trip and just shitpost around so everyone hates you

everytime i see your trip you're getting all defensive and butthurt in some lame ass internet argument pal

>completly discredits your opinions when it comes to music.'

Liking one band constitutituting for the dismissal of a entire musical taste discredits any opinion you have.

I have plenty of friends. I was hanging out with them all day today

I was going to listen to them, I'm just curious as to what the dude's problem was with the fanbase of Unwound and Thinking Fellers. I've never taken "the fans suck" argument as a reason for not listening to a band.

One with a bunch of atmoshit, The Smiths and Madvillainy.

Everything after Fake Train is garbage aside from one or two songs per album.

I don't know what's wrong with him either, he just posts that shit everywhere.
>I have plenty of friends.
t. The only person in Sup Forums that has friends irl apparently.
Why is so hard to understand that no one gives a shit about you?
Are you actually mad because no one posted your 5/5s?

>people don't give a shit about me

️Than why, when I check the archives, are there every day 40+ posts about me and why do people continue to take screenshots of my RYM and post them and get threads that hit bump limit and have people post my "dox" here every day?
If people don't give a shit, they would never respond.

Unwound fans can't name more than 10 post-hardcore albums.

i don't see the problem.

>Words can't even describe
But what you're actually saying is "I'm illiterate".

Who cares?

You can't even name who's your dad, lmao.


Count Five are pretty dope.

I'm kinda sad my 5/5's aren't here

If you can't understand the simplest logical fallacy there is, you honestly probably shouldn't be writing.

Montie makes me question whether my painfully average skill at writing is actually really exceptional by comparison to him. But IDK if he's retarded or just normal.

For what it's worth, I have no problem with you. Maybe it was a brainfart on your part.

You seem to be offended by these people.
Can't decide between bad shitposting and bad regular posting?

The thing is that you lose all credibility if you keep liking those bands. Any experienced listener would know that none of their releases are close to being listenable let alone ''good''. It just shows how basic and underdeveloped you are.

They would love you at Pitchfork though!

This is patrician as fuck

>I was hanging out with them all day today

you mean the 2000s pitchfork
he's a faggot

I just don't post my RYM in RYM threads anymore because I have given so many five stars I'm just embarrassed at this point. I don't feel cool or patrician at all, so I just don't even bother. Most of my ratings are 3.5-5 stars. I'd seek out albums I don't like to give more negative ratings, but that would feel weird. I can't help it, I like most of the music I listen to, because I know the kind of music I like and seek that stuff out. RYM just feels pointless to me at this point. Fuck, everything feels pointless.

Nah RYM is very pointless, don't worry about it. Just enjoy music, Sup Forums is full of assholes

Maybe you should try adjusting your ratings system so there is more room for albums you like then albums you don't. It doesn't necessarily mean going full negative but you could try spacing out those albums between 2.5-5 instead of 3.5-5.


Monti or whatever the name seems like the person who only recently discovered music and Sup Forumscore.

He obviously doesn't seem to understand that people already used to shit on all the artists he hates way before his time. Also, it's pointless to hate on Sup Forumscore/old p4kcore because Sup Forums moved on a long time ago, his shitposting maybe would have had a chance if this was like 2009 or 2010, but no one cares anymore.

>enjoy music


I understand perfectly. Also I've made money off writing before.

I've made more money than you writing.

Im far from offended

Hey, reminder that even though pitchfork sucks it has more credibility than you will ever hope to have.

Mine desu.

wtf I wrote desu. Is this a new thing I haven't visited Sup Forums in literally months. desu. t b h

wh y do you wrote the stuff that you are fucking thinking????

>pitchfork sucks
Thanks for agreeing that your taste is mediocre at best

Haha benis

Im going to bed goodnight

oh you would definitely like to hop on my penis

why do anyone wrote the stuff that they are fucking thinking

It always amazes me that people get so pissed at Montie, his only crime is being one of the creators of the sporkcore meme. Beyond that he has done nothing wrong. "Oh, look this tripfag doesn't like my favorite avant free improv experimental jazz album! I'm going to spend my afternoon insulting someone I don't know. I mean it's not like I care about his opinion or anything. Why ignore him when I can come up with epic oasis and Coldplay related comebacks."

he sounds like a wanker to me

Put your trip Montie


>Nokkturnal Mortum
bretty gud

>bunch of atmoshit, The Smiths and Madvillainy
This guy?

>The essence of music itself
Yeah that one

Well that nokturnal mortum album is pretty great

Wasn't there a dude who only gives five stars and his only half and one stars are Beck records?

>that rating scale


holy shit who fucking cares all of this shit is so pointless

literally NOBODY cares what your opinions on which music or how you rate shit or how many 5 stars you give to things

the very fact that there are people who spend this much thought and effort into judging music is just sad

RYM is LITERALLY just for showing off your sooper kewl taste to other NEETs and posturing cancer lumps

>Everyone look at me! Haha poseurs amirite!

why did you post it? That's what the faggot wants

Your taste does actually belong in this thread though

except that fucks with the average

just delete ur account. rym isn't for you.

coldplay are overhated af

Isn't Coldplay hated too much? I mean, Violet Hill is now as great as it was.