ITT: The worst albums you've ever heard


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Not kidding.


This is the most boring thing I have ever heard.

not bait.

all of them


Trou Mask Replica actually sucks though

Pinkerton actually sucks though

Anything Tame Impala. I had high hopes too



I dont remember that album being particularly bad but that's the problem: I listened to that album at least five times back when it first came out because of the praise it was getting, and none of it stuck. If you were to play me a song from that album right now I probably wouldn't even recognize it. Hell, if you were to play me a song from the album two days after I last listened to it, I still probably wouldn't recognize it. I don't remember hating it or even particularly disliking it, but that's because it's so damn forgettable

The Ark Work

50 minutes of vagina bleep wank. Pretentious as all fuck. Just listen to this shit. This actually made it on the album.

It felt like I was listening to TMR, except TMR was supposed to sound that way
The first, second, and third tracks’ instrumentation was all over the fucking place and I couldn’t tell what i was supposed to be listening to because every part was either too fast or too slow
And then every other track after that was fine at first but then one or two instruments would come in, on every quarter note, but would be too fast or too slow
None of the instruments’ tempos were parallel
the most depressing part is is that I would’ve really liked it if the musicians could keep fucking tempo

Everything's all over the place and it's mixed fucking horribly

>mixed fucking horribly
You have no idea what you're talking about. Sad!

Because i'm supposed to take the opinions of someone who thinks stuff like Spiderland is the end all be all of music seriously.

You're dumb, this song is great

Sorry you can't appreciate good music, now fuck off

pic related

Maybe the mono version is better, but there's so much shit going on and it's all in your fucking face and I have no idea what's supposed to be the melody or the background or what.

>pic related
just reinforcing my point that I shouldn't have to take your opinions seriously if you think those albums are perfect.

the fuck is this shit


Who told you to take my opinions seriously?

The key word there is "Subjectively"

Literally noise from start to finish

Pure trash

Lonely At the Top is great, whole album is really. I don't see what her being a woman has to do with the music.

Post your favorite album, numale.

This trash

well you know what they say, when you suck you really suck

Oh my sweet fuck this is unbelievably shitty


The track is intended to trigger ASMR.

>36 years old
>at Stanford
>making shit like this

even so, it's unbearably dumb in the context of an electronic album of MUSIC

spoken word is included in many electronic albums of MUSIC

You only feel that way because you judge within your own constructed context, which is fine, it's subjective.

personally I like artists to play with the medium and reach out to the audience in experimental ways like this. By no means is it an exceptional track by traditional standards of musical theory but if you change your perspective it really isn't "dumb" at all.

plus it works in terms of the album's themes - which is that technology/the internet can both unify and alienate. the internet is a place that's often perceived as an inhospitable place, but you have this new phenomenon (the asmr community) that manages to provide people with a sense of comfort. of course, this is just my subjective analysis of the track's meaning, but it works for me.

I know Sup Forums hates Blur, but I thought the magic whip was alright

Especially liked Ghost Ship and Pyongyang

i'm listening to this and the asmr paired with synesthesia make it practically impossible to anything