
No elseq thread?
Autechre ae aeg elseq

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I have only listened to 1 and 5. So far, what should I listen to next?

get 2 out of the way since it's the weakest. save 4 for last imo.

I thought 2 was the weakest too. I was wrong, and so are you.
It's the most perplexing and least emotional though.

I'd just go from 1 to 5 since everyone has different favorites. 3 is the best overall I think. Especially mesh cinereaL

But 2 has the best track on it


i still hold that 5 is best tbqh, just because after garbage, the end of augmatic, and treale i've always had a craving for ae's version of dub techno - and alas! thanks rob and sean for making my dreams come true xx

How do you guys listen to it?
I've been taking a walk every evening this week, listening to one album at a time. It's great.

My favorite autechre track is e6#544oqqp32:405eur. What's yours?

the one that sounds like ableton presets put through a randomizer

Split between freulaeux and latentcall as favorite track atm

Ableton presets put through a randomizer? Yeah okay nice ears you got there. Want to trade? Haha just kidding I don't want yours.




seriously tho rae is the best ae track

vose in is better


rale is the best

best 3 ae tracks in no particular order are: Outh9X, Autrichre, os veix3

off that album I prefer known(1), but that is a great track.
Hard to pick a favorite out of all of them, think I'd pick: Bine, Simmm, and Pro Radii as some of my overall favs


What's wrong with it?

it's a good track just not very impressive in structure desu

I've just been listening to it a lot in the last few days, I really can't choose a favorite ae track.

in one of these past threads someone said that they didn't like we r are why at all, so here's a reminder that it's 10X more ace played at 33 1/3 RPM


atm it's pule

What do you guys think about pic related?

pretty uninteresting. granted i only just skimmed through the album in about 3 seconds

also I really like M62 for some reason, really serene and hypnotic song, sounds like the experience of taking opioids or heavy sedatives

is that their only original track that's 4 on the floor? i think it is. nice juxtaposed against that bittersweet melody.

Not sure if it's their only one, but the constant soft thud is 4/4. I think it's so successful because the melodies laid over it are quite complex and welcoming. I tend to space out on the 4/4 and not even consciously notice it. A lot of people don't seem to like it, but I find it very underrated. It's comfy as fuck

fair enough, it is a good track though, very acidish.
Just an odd choice is all

sometimes I wish they weren't on warp desu. like I know they prob get payed well but...

would be interesting to see them on a smaller label, plus there's a weird stigma or something that comes with being on warp I dunno

no idea what you are on about

my fav Monolake album
Cern and Excentric are my jam
you got some other stuff in that vein apart from Monolake?

I dont think that being on warp Warp influences their sound in any way so who cares

4 fucking hours. seriously ??

So what? You don't have to listen to it all in one sitting.


>I know they prob get payed well but...

do labels even pay advances anymore? i imagine ae can command a premier cut of sales though. maybe even more than usual this time around because warp don't really seem to have done very much - ae could have thrown this up on bandcamp, sent out a tweet or two, and maybe another watmm ama. same result imo.

i don't think ae would give a shit either way, but warp are made to look pretty ~plebeian~ by more chinstrokey labels like mego and RN these days.
i mean... rustie/hudmo, battles, !!!, lonelady, grizzly bear, jamie lidell and "future brown"?
i wonder if ae ever wake up some days and wonder wtf they're still doing on warp

PAN's another one

Well, at least they still have Aphex, Flylo, OPN, Squarepusher, Clark, and BOC
Didn't they just sign DG? lol


They signed onto it quite awhile before that happened, it would be pretty pretentious to leave just because it's gotten successful. Not to mention stupid as Warp will sell pretty much anything they put out

Anyone got a link to download?


pendulu hv moda is ace. Didn't stand out on first few listens but I really like it now.

i wonder what he thinks of elseq...

Going by the AAA r+s probably wouldn't really care since Warp just lets them do whatever, they're not about image or association.


yeah me too 2bh

it's sooo fucking good. pendulu casual too.

what are some other labels with experimental electronic/glitch/idm besides the ones mentioned itt

Important Records

Ghettoville follow up when


Oh shit

>r ess from Oversteps



atm I like Lorenzo Senni's Presto?! Label. Diagonal. Where To Now? Other People.

>tfw elseq is boldfaure's new fav album to act like a smug dick about





thanks guys will check em out


anyone else find Draft 7.30 kind of dreamlike? The melody in "Xylin Room" sounds like something to listen to while drifting off into clouds. It's actually one of their smoothest records, most tracks sound like a chill, comfy day in Autechre land.

1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5

I disagree. To me the tracks on Draft feel jammed into a space that they want to break out of, damaging themselves in the process.

similar, but;
1 2 4 5 3

I only like mesh from 3, but I can see myself possibly liking eastre in the future.
1 is so good though, def the strongest sequence, only deep tread is skippable for me.

good list user

Is the mastering really that bad? I'm not "audiophile" but I didn't really notice, except for the fact that it was a little loud.

i heard it more on ae_live than i did elseq. like you said, its def loud at times but its generally fine.

i think rob and sean might have mastered these last two releases themselves and i dunno if they're super experienced in that field.

Quaristice is the dreamy one for me

is c7b2 their noisiest track?



It's loud at times but not obnoxiously so. For me, at least.

Also pendulu casual on headphones is nuts.

mesh cinereaL is

>i skipped elyc6 0nset

not his best from what I've heard which is very little

I don't know how to get familiar with this album, or Exai to be honest.

There are tracks that just fall kind of flat, and other tracks that are phenomenal.

If trimmed down to about an hour, it would be one incredible album.

How would you guys trim it down to make it god-tier?

trimming it down would take away most of the impact imo

I respect how unrelenting it is and tbqh I've wanted to know their natural inclinations for years - what would come about if they didn't edit themselves and went totally self indulgent. we got a peak of this with quadrange but those were more like alternative takes.

I can answer that for Exai but I need to take a look in a minute.

For elseq I need to listen a few more times.

Stop memeing this album or I will shit in your mailbox.


post yfw listening to elseq

these types of comments are worthless

sry i deleted it

Hey Sup Forums, are you ready for elseq 6-10?

rob pls

is "Fermium" considered the worst Autechre track?

rob, what's up with your fringe mate

melve, fermium, and bnc Castl are the holy triumvirate of hated ae tracks

What the fuck?

Fermium is fucking insane. Listen to the glitchy clock spasms in the middle. I used to hate it because of the cheesy intro but listen to it a few times and you will be pleasantly surprised. Very ahead of its time in the AE catalog, only saw similar 8 years later with Exai's vekoS

i'm not speaking of my personal taste m8, just what i've seen in the "ae community"

The cover looks like someone with a really big ass looking behind themselves through their legs

fermium might be hated for the music video

that's a fan video though?

bladelores is a good track but if this is ur favorite u are a blep blop pleb

melve is great, it's so playful

bnc castl isn't nearly their worst, but i agree it's not one of the good ones on quaristice

That's the art for just one of the tracks though.

But feed1 does sound like a massive ass kind of song i that makes any sense.

>subscribing to the pleb/patrician false dichotomy
not in my /aeg/