Thinking listening to full albums makes you a more evolved human being

>thinking listening to full albums makes you a more evolved human being

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We all evolved from primates of Africa

>Average /bleep/ poster

vibrate higher don't use earbuds in public

Unless you listen to random album tracks like a weirdo, you're listening to singles and are a commercial pleb. You're either a pleb or a lunatic. Neither is n evolved human being.

rock = albums
classical = live recordings
jazz = live recordings
funk, soul, disco = singles and comps
dance music = singles/mixes
pop music = singles
hip hop = mixtapes
noise = like it even matters

what about shuffle?

I do think that a band should be able to make their albums so they function as an album, but there's also nothing wrong with listening to an individual track if that's the mood you're in. That's fair right?

probably the only reason i would only listen to an album in full would be if it was a concept album or something, besides that, i see not point to it.

pleb get out then


rockist get out then


So do you just like watch 10 min segments of random movies for 2 and a half hours too?


>muh albim
fuckr rocker go poop

there's a pretty big difference here, famala. All movies have a clear connection beginning to end, they all follow a single structure and narrative and idea. Not all albums do, in fact, I'd be willing to bet that most albums dont.

this thread just proves that summer is here and normies have arrived



unless the album is made to be listened to in a single sitting, the analogy be TV shows, or other episodic content

just to be clear, the concept album is a relatively new concept in the lifespan of an album and not one which applies to each and every album by any means at all

albums are a product of distribution, not of artistic choice

if you want to talk about an album as a whole then you should obviously have heard each and every track on the album, and should have heard it through in one sitting several times, but to argue that most albums require you to listen to them front to back each and every time is just banal and indicative of nothing but misinformed elitism


so you listen to your albums on shuffle or do you only listen to three tracks and call it a day

That is completely false. Plenty of movies don't have a perfect flow. What an album is, is a piece of art that an artist puts out for people to enjoy, and they want the album to be enjoyed. You're not really getting the full experience of the work if you don't experience it the way the artist intended you too.

I'm saying that should you decide to listen to an album in full it should be a pleasant experience.



>doesnt have a perfect flow
if its a shitty movie, then yeah, but it still follows a single concept, and while I agree there are some albums that should be listened to in full, you shouldn't have to only listen to full albums when you listen to music as it may detract from the overall enjoyment



I'll listen to as many tracks as I want, in the order I want to

maybe I'll listen to the same track over and over again

maybe I'll fuck your mother bitch what now fuck u faggot





>What an album is, is a piece of art
[tipping intensifies]




>You're not really getting the full experience of the work if you don't experience it the way the artist intended you too.
Readers often ask me why I did not become a musician, since my essays, indirectly, tell a musician what music he should or should not be making. Other readers accuse critics of being merely frustrated people who would like to be the very musicians and stars they "criticize". Again, in my case it goes back to my passion for history and for knowledge. Pythagora, who had a mystic attitude towards things, thought that the audience was more important than the athletes: the athletes were entertaining the audience but the audience was "contemplating" the athletes, and to Pythagora that was more important. Understanding nature was more important than being a part of it. In a sense, when you "contemplate" nature you manage not to be part of it, to be something else, above and beyond it, almost divine. Pythagora thought that this "contemplation" of nature led to logic. To Pythagora religion and mathematics were the same: the pure mathematician was a religious prophet, and viceversa. Contemplation was the key to understanding the universe, and it led to logical explanation of what the universe is. Logic was so ubiquitous in the universe that Pythagora thought that numbers were the ultimate reality. In particular, he discovered the relationship between numbers and music. Music is logic. All of this was evident to him as the "listener", not as the "maker" of music.

The value of art depends on the values of the art critic
The critic is the real artist
Most art is imitation, not innovation
The critic, not the artist, is the one who values innovation
The artist is merely a vehicle for the aesthetic/ideology of the critic.




I don't think it's wrong to not listen to albums, but I find it surprising when people say they never listen to albums, even just out of convenience.


