Post EPs that are just as great as the band's actual main work

Post EPs that are just as great as the band's actual main work

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I've probably pic related and Ghost Hardware more than his LPs. Plus his stuff with Massive Attack is amazing.

I can get behind this. I always found AnCo's EPs more interesting than their actual albums.



do EP's even exist anymore

like what's the point f a m

The point is that they aren't full albums






My nigga. Probably the best cross between his folkier stuff and his more ambitious work.


Without a doubt, this.

so a band / artist either isn't focused enough to sit in a studio for a month, or they don't have enough new content.

the point of an EP has faded entirely. they are either cash grabs or previews, and in a digital age neither makes sense

does this count


or they have an idea that can be fleshed out in 4-5 songs. Why drag something out just so you can sell it as an LP?

No. B-sides collection.

Fuck you, Steve

no idea can be fully realized in 20-25 minutes you mong

nice quads tho


If I enjoyed Black Up, will I enjoy this?

What about a 20-25 minute track? Is that not a fully realized idea?


only as one side of a record. this just accentuates my point that the EP as a platform is worthless

So you'd rather a band release a 25 minute track with a bunch of shitty pointless 3 - 4 minute tracks as an LP than just the 25 minute track as an EP?

Don't bother arguing with this dude he probably thinks it's better to release 5 great songs and another 6 lesser tracks and call it an album then it is to just release those 5 great tracks.

so much this
>mfw listening to second half of ashtray wasp


i do because 5 great tracks is an incomplete and embarrassing work if you can't pair it with 6 decent to good tracks

I mean it's good, but is it as good as their main shit?...


>"I'd rather have half an album be pointless filler than an EP"

How about singles that are better than the band's entire catalogue?

All of DsO's best work are on their EPs.

>only full-length lps are "actual main work"
kys rockist

have you listened to godspeed? do you honestly think that f#a# and lift your skinny fists are embarrassing and incomplete?

wtf both of those are albums you fuckhead

>i only listen to songs

go away pleb


You deserve free internet forever.

True. I love this EP so much.

Best Godspeed hands down.





also this

i think it's better

the fucking samples in BBF3 with the music building up...

And this

You seem like a cool person :)

Excellent EPs


Fatso Forgotso is better than anything off of And the Circus Leaves Town.

Spiders and Vinegaroons is debatably the best QotSA song of all time.

Fucking excellent split EP.

Op I want to have passionate sex with you