
post emo screamo emoe/ironic links to taking back sunday whatever

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That's the edgiest cover of any album I've ever seen

it's the saddest landscape
they're edgy skramz

my ex used to love this band, are they any good? do they sound like la dispute or have mercy?

god tier.

i like them
they do not sound like la dispute

good taste

there was a time when merchant ships was a very important band to me.


Bump for la dispute. Best album is Rooms of the House.

the first time i heard sleep paterns i was like damn

>there was a time when merchant ships was a very important band to me.



low key i still love the midwest penpals/william bonney/park jefferson albums

william bonney is fucking awesome and not a day goes by that I think of them and feel depressed knowing they never released a full length

The best of those projects was Sailor Heart. Then Park Jefferson.
>tfw boy rex just isn't the same but jack is finally starting to get the recognition he deserves
Thanks Taco Bell for giving our boy Jsenn the bump he needed.

oh man i forgot about sailor heart, good shit
>Thanks Taco Bell for giving our boy Jsenn the bump he needed.

Boy Rex is on Feed the Beat.

can someone rec me more shit like this

Hi somebody has a bmth discography site
Im getting sick of downloading mp3s from youtube.

i also like asking alexandria and other emo bands thank you

i ,like pens and knives by black veil brids x) :D

i luv emo XDDD

I dont really like black veils and judging by your emoticons you can get a reason why i hate their fanbase too

try napster

Is the discord still maintained and affluent?

What is that social media?
Do you have a link to their webpage


Please dont post anime, japanese fans are the worst

id join but im shy ;;-_-

Don't be. Most of us are anime loving idiots. Just join and start insulting everyone and go from there.


dont be shy hon :)

do you know where you are

were nice ;3

more screech core
nayrus the best tho

check out this twinkle album with a bonus sad ghost


fucking beaners...

I know, people like him are the reason why our cuts and pain are cringeworthy to the others.

why he sound like a chipmunk

jeff pls join this

Is the new Hotelier as good as everyone says?

hotelier was p overblown in 2014 since nothing else good came out tbhq

its the hotelier why would u expect anything good from them

they're shit as usual

>the typical hotelier fan
>wanting to live like this

Hot damn. Sounds great.

cant, recording something. dont interrupt my creative artistic process

What do you think guys
I made this for my gf, is let it go emo cover

i havent listened to it yet but its pretty good

Pretty sure your average hotelier looks like this


thanks, next i will do a kanye west screamo cover

whats the difference?

3 good songs

One is attractive and one isn't

based Adam

is the brave little abacus still cool

They're still shit, that's certain.

Fuck dude you killed it. Great cover. A+++

You're in for disappointment.


brave little atticus always sucked
looking forward to it, hun


is joyce manor still cool

they never were

no they were always shit
also not emo


its bad

is daria emo

you think everything is bad


you dont know me

is there an emo song for checking your phone even tho you know there isnt any new messages

don't believe run for cover records™ employees, the new hotelier is garbage.

they'll always be

Remember when everyone was hyping Dads and they were being heralded as the next Snowing and in the end they only ever release shit-mid tier emo and also ended up being shitty people? Glad they're gone.

>when everyone was hyping Dads and they were being heralded as the next Snowing?

Snowing is+was complete and utter shit.

Dads is+was complete and utter shit.

Everything syncs up for me.


what does /emoe/ think of kodak black? youtube.com/watch?v=h8cyM_damag

How he get so high like dat

This is so much better than the EP version.

I typed out a dense response about how this isn't related to the thread, and the cancerous effect of content such as this, and other related grievances, then I realize that you people obviously don't give a single shit about this place, and neither should I.

These generals can sink into the infinite abyss for all I care. You people are fucking insipid.

And before you say it: YES, I am mad; your efforts have rendered me just a tad bit motherfucking livid, so go on and congratulate yourselves or recoil in disgust, as I know showing honest, and sincere emotion and passion in this place has become rather unfashionable (the irony that I get made fun of for being emotional in a thread for emo music!). I honestly don't give a single shit which you choose, or what happens to this place, or what happens to any of you, or what happens to me.

Fuck you people. Fuck this place. Fuck this place. Fuck this place. Fuck this fucking place so fucking much.

So I suppose I digressed, and my attempt at a concise reply has turned into another one of the classic, soon-to-be-ridiculed wall of texts that I was explicitly trying to avoid!



Me too thanks

>that I was explicitly trying to avoid!
then why did you fill out the captcha then hit post

Apathy! Classic, good old disinterest! Sarcasm! Wit!

Haha, just epic, my dude, my man!


Here's a fresh meme for your troubles, my bro, my comrade, my dude!

Fucking EPIC!

Anime is an old hat imo

I'm done. You win.

Hear me? I simply can't compete with this lack of any content whatsoever.

You win.

seefuck off false unty

Because it wasn't until I'd typed all of that out that I became cognizant of that fact, that I was too zealous.

>false unty
Is this a joke?

When I/we/they don a trip, you get mad and cry about how our efforts exist in conflict with the board's intent, and when we take the trip off, you get mad and call us imposters?

Seriously? Are you too fucking daft to objectively assess my post, without trying to match and preface it with various personas?

Jesus fucking christ. I don't know why I bother replying to any of you people anymore. It's nothing but an eternal source of exhaustion for me at this point.

Do me a favor and just don't reply to this post, especially considering how unlikely it is that you've got anything substantial to contribute.


>those people just sitting and standing on the side, not even singing along

>Do me a favor and just don't reply to this post

thnak you for posting in my place i couldnt have done it better myself

you just arent as good as the real thing pal

are welcom

Just want everyone to know that that's a Facebook filename.


You're a fucking idiot.

yeah its my cover

so what

heck fake unty

>la disput or have mercy
o how Sup Forums has fallen into tumblrshit

>o how Sup Forums has fallen into tumblrshit
Sup Forums was pretty fuckin about Somewhere at the Bottom and Wildlife before they exploded on the tumblr scene, man

wildlife is good

dont confuse our hatred for the obfuscation of emo for the quality of an album

never said it wasn't. SATB is pretty good, too.

I enjoy that album too... I prefer rooms of the house between the three because of the feel of the album, but they are all good listens

also pinegroves audiotree session was killer

Man, modern twinkly emo is boring. It's okay I guess but the genre really lost its emotion and half of it is indiscernible from generic pop punk. Late 90s emo is where all the good shit is. For example:
If there are any similar acts to this please let me know.

The scene's become so saturated, very few bands are doing anything even remotely interesting. At best, the average emo band is run-of-the-mill, uninspired and boring. At worst, they're horrid and cringe-inducing.
On top of that, a lot of the bands seem to be in this weird paradoxical state of taking themselves too seriously while also not taking themselves seriously at all.

Part of the reason I was so into the emo scene a few years ago was because of how open and diy-friendly it was, anyone could be a part of it. Now I realize that's probably the worst thing the scene could've been when it was trying so hard to make a name for itself.

Emo needs to die down again for a few years desu. It's sort of like how the genre quieted down a bit after the 90s ended but then it sprang back bigger than ever in the mid 00s with mainstream "mall emo" acts like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, etc. You could argue that was more pop punk than emo, but the two genres have always been very closely-related. Anyways, I think we're going through similar phase where too much emo has broken into the mainstream.