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mate they haven't gotten above a 7.6 in 15 years. p4k ain't into them.

The weak part is that all the scores were from 6.6-7.1 even though every part was extremely different

>even though every part was extremely different

keep telling that to yourself

>3 was drone
>4 was acid
>5 was dub
I'll give you 1 and 2 but come on faggot


Feel me? They don't really care about this genre, they just review everything in existence in order to get more views on their site.

it all sounds the same to me you fucking retard

same random glitchy noises they've been making for the last 15 years

Yeah you didn't pay attention to it

there's a shitload going on in the music if you listen to it

idt any of us were expecting any other possible outcome tbqh lol

bit disappointed desu. was hoping for a lower score or maybe even a review that could rival their review of Untilted in terms of condescension

same, i wanted a meme review. this was way too boring.

they can't even produce those anymore

lol stick to aphex twin and sufjan stevens faggot

oogga booga go back to listening to your meme rap you fucking nigger loving child

>expecting anything else from p4k plebs


post just got back from a normie mexican pardner club and not sure if his tunes are going to make him any money tunes.

scared for my future desu


embarrassing lol

Jesus christ, I love Autechre but their music past LP5 takes a lot of time and there's absolute fuckton of it. I'm not sure if it's even worth it to me anymore.

calm down lad, sounds like you just don't get it

How much have you heard past LP5?

I'm up to Untilted which I've given 4 solid listens and I don't really remember much about it. I've finally reached a point where I can say I enjoy what they did with Draft and Confield when I'm in a certain mood for them, they're good, engaging albums, but I still haven't enjoyed them half as much as what came before. They're more admirable and interesting than they are something I can't wait to go back to.

only plebs care about arbitrary scores

Autechre and dean blunt are my fav artist and they both get shit scores by reviews who can't explain why they dislike it

ok well thats quite a lot to take in really so, they're 3 of the best I think. Pen Expers?? Pro Radii?

dude. that's racisst. un kewl

Don't really get the hype around tracks like Pen Expers. It never particularly stuck out from the rest of the tracks on that album to me. I'd take Clipper over it any day. I think their best are Amber, Tri Rep and LP5, but I think it's cool a lot of people on Sup Forums seem to be really into their later stuff.

Assuming you're talking about pitchfork, 7.0 isn't a fucking pan dumbass

wow for real?

Exai or elseq ?

>Autechre and dean blunt are my fav artist
this nigga knows what the fuck is going on in herre

Dubs make Sup Forums love it

check out oversteps and then work your way around by closest in release date. after listening to quaristice i love confield now

>thinking autechre care about a poppity pop reviews website


it's just hiphop innit

there is so much fucking detail that it's almost a mental strain to keep track of everything that's happening, except maybe elseq5 which i thought was suitable as more of a mental breather