Track rate thead

one of these

i dont get it senpai please explain


rate tracks from an album, individually
ex:if track 1 is 7/10, color 7 blocks in the first column from bottom to top




>Kill V Maim being rated that low
Objectively wrong.


>bodysnatchers somehow better than 15 step

bodysnatchers is literally one of the greatest radiohead songs of all time

How do you work out the average and overall score? Same way you'd normally work out the mean?



>with a little help from my friends at a 6

15 step is a great intro but not a better song than bodysnatchers

Average score is just the mean.
Overall is the score of the album with all the songs in context of the album, so usually the two will differ where some low rated songs on their own wont matter as much with the album taken as a whole.


Ah ok, thanks.

>weird fishes being the worst song

It should be lower, you're right.

Pure objective analysis coming trough

Do y'all also always do track ratings on rym?



>hot head is the worst

This is a true 9/10

There are a lot of inflated ratings itt

I feel like they kinda went too far, you know? For most of the song, Hot Head was a Hot Mess of loud sounds and screaming, but that doesn't mean it was bad.

IMO the first minute of Hot Head is some of the best music Death Grips have made. I just love the chaos to it

da da da tsss




are you part of grimes' pr team what the fuck all these songs are rated way too high




>Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da at a 0

this is so bad I literally had to turn my phone off after seeing this post





Gotta disagree with some of your ratings.

Weird Fishes/Arpeggi is easily 9/10, Faust Arp is 7/10, Reckoner is 8/10 and Videotape is 9/10.

Hot Head really isn't that good.

Not even one 10/10 track? Shame. Realiti, Kill V. Maim, Artangels and World Princess Part II are all 10/10.

tf we still talking about in rainbows




>Present Tense that low
what in the FUCK


Buckets of Rain a fucking 4/10 song???


Why lol? I am right.



clearly objective reviews


>tell it to the mountain lower than pumpkin


I don't agree with flesh canoe lower than the rest, but I respect your loch raven rating cause sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who thinks it's not as good as the rest


>Surf Wax America is better than Say It Ain't So

Present Tense is pretty boring desu senpai.


Make Black Skinhead a 10 and this rating is perfect.

The first four songs are all 10s for me

Move everything down to about a 3 or 4 and this is accurate. This album is truly a gigantic piece of shit and I do not understand why anybody would like it.

Adjust it so that the ratings are 3,5,4,5,3,2,6,6,1,5,6,3,8 in that order

Adjust it so that every track is a 1 and then pick your favorite track and make it a 2 and that's what this album is. It is literally one of the worst albums that I have ever heard and you should be ashamed of yourself for enjoying it.

Congratulations, you've got autism and incredibly shit taste.

Yeah, how about "no"

agree w the dylan and the beatles but get the fuck out of here w the wu-tang bashing

>It is literally one of the worst albums that I have ever heard and you should be ashamed of yourself for enjoying it.

This is a joke, right?

this is probably one of the worst albums i've heard this year baka a fleetwood mac cover u fucking kidding me

this is bait but it still is so wrong, just went ahead and fixed it



California, Flesh Without Blood, Art Angels and Realiti are all 10/10.



He doesnt get that anyone would give anything by grimes more than a 4.

I do NOT have autism and my taste is completely correct. It is MUCH, MUCH better than your taste.

I'm going to assume that you are pretending to be retarded as a joke.

>didnt like interlude
>liked up next 2 and good day

fixed it

>She's Leaving Home is a 2
>Good Morning Good Morning is a 6

how is Idioteque that low holy shit

I didn't know how to rate viridian



>For Reverend Green that low
i just vomited everywhere

It never clicked with me as much as most people, not saying its a bad track, I love the reverby guitars and the "Wooo-ooo-ooo" vocals on the bridge, hell, I'm even fine with the screaming. But the vocal performance on that track is so bloody grating for the most part, the instrumental also kinda feels like a diet version of Fireworks to me.

>I do NOT have autism and my taste is completely correct. It is MUCH, MUCH better than your taste.

you gave the game away, tone it down a bit

Think I was pretty reasonable and objective here.

Likes: Present Tense, Burn the Witch, Ful Stop

Dislikes: Daydreaming, Glass Eyes

Daydreaming for me was killed by the verse melody, one of the most depressing and limp ones I've heard in a while. the atmosphere in the instrumental sections didn't make up for it. Glass Eyes is overall a b-side sounding forgettable snooze.

On the plus side, melodies of BTW and PT are fantastic, Ful Stop provided much needed energy and forward movement.

The rest is somewhat average folksy, pretty songs beefed up with clever instrumentation

7.5 I think is accurate towards my feelings of it overall, not bad, not mindblowing exciting either. A mature record from a band who's been through the paces, a decent effort. all they are capable of? I hope not

derek :(((

also how've you calculated the average, should be 7.7, and you know it doesn't deserve that

am i missing something?
isnt there only 9 songs?

i think theyve just added bonus marks cos the average is lower than theyre aiming for, 77/9 = 8.555

dude i rated derek 9 the song is fucking amazing whats the problem

also i was too fucking lazy to calculate the average so thanks

and yes the album does deserve a 9 fucketh youeth

nope there's 10. 11 if you wanna count the live version of cuckoo cuckoo at the end.

I'll just dump some Muse albums for the heck of it

oops forgot scores

>Average Score 8
>Overal Score 9

Pretty fucking spot on ngl