Shit plebs say

>oh man i really like this song
Eh, the lyrics qre pretty rubbish
>oh i dont listen to lyrics

Other urls found in this thread:

if lyrics can ruin your enjoyment of an otherwise good track you are the real pleb in this scenario, I'm sorry

>"yeah man I really like this song it just makes me feel good I don't care about composition or theory or anything meaningful, music quality is subjective after all haha"

But lyrics and words is literally the most plebeian thing in music. Anyone with a middle-school education can right words that has meaning or rhymes.

Try learning to play an instrument for once and use it to invoke feelings and meanings.

it's the opposite actually, only plebs listen to lyrics. Anyone with a decent grasp of literature and poetry must make a conscious effort to block out "lyrics" because there has never been an instance where they were good, unless they were words set to music.

i only listen for the beat

>enjoying something is the same thing as saying a it is 10/10

don't think either one is necessarily pleb in this scenario. people appreciate music for different reasons. there's no real right/wrong.


>"Yeah man I mean the guitars/drumming is dope but I can't stand the screamo vocals"

Someone could make the most incredible piece of music of all time but the second they rhyme desire with fire it's fucking trash

>put on something slightly abrasive
>"Oh user, I didn't know you like metal"

>someone disagrees
>post increasingly blurry pictures of a frog

>But lyrics and words is literally the most plebeian thing in music. Anyone with a middle-school education can right words that has meaning or rhymes

>a middle schooler could write good lyrics
>so it doesn't matter when they're bad


I don't get it, are you saying you're the pleb in this scenario?

the fact that I'm not a native English speaker probably helps me to ignore such cringe :^)


>Dylan writes good songs but other singers cover them better

>Odd Future is shit

this is only mostly true

that filename

holy fucking kek

>with friend
>trying to find some music to put on
>ask him if he likes Modest Mouse
>"Oh yeah, I love Modest Mouse"
>I don't know they've only heard "Float On"
>I put on "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine"
>"I can't stand screamo"
>can't stand screamo

Why do we know so many musically illiterate people

You're the pleb for caring about lyrics.

>Rec someone music
>Oh yah I don't really like listening to new stuff I only have a couple bands I listen to
>Okay that's fair I don't want to force people to listen to stuff that can be annoying
>Band I know he listens to makes new album
>Try to talk about it
>Oh yah I can't really find the time to listen to it I just wanna listen to their old stuff
>Driving with him one day
>Only have one 15-or-so-song playlist of music they listen to

This motherfucker is an alien pretending to like music to me

You're probably also a pleb that think that screamo means metal.

Good God. Is there something else they're really into or something? They cant5have shit taste like this in everything.

This is exactly what everyone said about that Anohni album

This must be why I can never get a discussion about the Mountain Goats going here

embarassing post

>I go on Sup Forums

Nah yr just a few years and one John Green too late to get any John Darnielle discussion out of Sup Forums

>can right words

Not you apparently.

That's because you need to be at least 18 to post here, this board is mostly made up of males, and nu males are on tumblr.

>I like everything except rap and country

Oh so its one of those 'thing Sup Forums likes gets popular so everybody pretends they never liked it' things like Sup Forums with Undertale.

My friend called For Reverend Green screamo

>Hey user what music do you like?

>I like everything except that screamo heavy metal music

>Oh I LOVE metal like Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, etc.
>I'm sooo weird (at this point they proceed to listen to songs with at least twenty million views on youtube)
When fronted with genuine critics to their artists:
>Oh you don't get it, they're the best...
And other in-denial bullshit, as if you were insulting them.

No, it's one of those things that get fucking panned because they're actually shit. Like when Toni Fucks posted his hacks here some years ago and got panned.
The Mountain Goats suck.

>genuine critics
>The Mountain Goats suck.
10/10 post famalam

Yeah the sunset tree and all hail west texas were always discussed, and the hype threads for transcendental youth were pretty huge
But the growing association with the vlogbrothers and subsequent boost to the tumblr fanbase became too much and it quickly became taboo to enjoy them

and you've heard him sing them?

>You like System of a Down?
>Yeah! I love Chop Suey

>You listen to Weezer?
>Of course! Buddy Holly is my favorite

kill me fampai

>implying buddy holly isn't the goat weezer banger tho


The joke is on you because you are the plebeian. People who listen to lyrics are idiots and completely deserve to die. Rock lyrics are virtually never good and lyrics regarded as being """"good"""" are extremely, extremely, extremely mediocre poetry.

A case in point is Spiderland. Spiderland has amazing musical composition but has some of the worst lyrics ever recorded. It is still a masterpiece of rock because the lyrics do not affect the quality of the music one iota.

While we're at it, Leonard Cohen is an absolutely terrible artist whose music AND lyrics both are very, very bad. Bob Dylan's musical abilities also surpass is lyrical abilities because his lyrics are terrible as well.

The range of lyrical ability in music ranges from mind-rapingly retarded to absolutely horrific. Anybody who has a different opinion from me on this issue is objectively incorrect and should be made to feel bad about themselves.

>best friend listens almost exclusively to vocaloid shit
>get home, he's listening to music
>ask him what he's listening to
>interior crocodile alligator
>oh hey I didn't know you liked rap
>What? Oh I'm just listening to that one part
>check what he's listening to
>it's this
>he's on hour 4
am i the pleb?

>lyrics do not effect the quality
fuck have you even listened to the album

>i get my opinions from Sup Forums general

>out with my ultra-normie friend
>walk by a record stop
>'user you love music, lets go in'
>less than ten steps in the door
>'Oh my god! I didn't know Eminem did vinyl!'
>'I wonder if they have Muse. Muse is my favourite band'
>'Wait these are better than CD's?'
>'Check out my new earphones btw' *pulls out 100$ piece of shit plastic*

I wish I was memeing, this was painful

were those earphones in-ears, because then 100$ would be okay I guess

lyrics are in important dimension to music and if youre tuning them out youre not really listening

What about mostly instrumental genres such as ambient, drone or techno?

This is probably the worst description of Spiderland and Bob Dylan I've ever seen, congratulations. You could literally say Spiderland is about an amusement park for spiders and I'd respect your opinion more.

this has to be a joke

It's AFFECT you fucking idiot. Also, I have listened to that album. What is your point? You are simply incorrect about the album, and that is the first and last of it.

I have not even been on Sup Forums general and I get my opinions by simply accepting what is correct.

obviously i only mean in music that has lyrics

He's gone full-scale patrician.

>says something correct
>"here, let me use three super well known examples that directly contradict my claim"
>"if you disagree you're stupid"

Funniest part is that line is actually fairly clever and makes sense given the context of the song

Man this is awful. Terrible post.

Fucking pleb you are

>cuckoldry is the TRUE red pill


Vocals are, not lyrics.

t. numale cuck

what the actual fuck