The dumbest, least worthy musical fads to grace the world

Mine is Emo music. Basically anything that falls under the blanket of whiny, shit tier wanna-be metal. Let me know yours. Hate with me, Sup Forums


>he hasn't heard an actual emo band, just warped tour-tier boy bands

>falls under the blanket of whiny, shit tier wanna-be metal.

This is 99% grunge music.

I don't think emo is what you think it is

>he hasn't listened to taking back sunday

You complete fucking summerfag.
"DAE hate le whiny emo??" XD

What you posted is trash don't get me wrong, but it's third wave post-hardcore. Emo isn't anywhere near metal, it's a branch off of first wave post-hardcore. It was originally called "emotional haradcore" Listen to rites of spring.

Garage Rock revival
80s pop revival
Post-Punk revival that isn't Bloc Party

at least scenecore was something new at some point

Bring Me the Horizon is like Metalcore. Emo's pretty good dude listen to American Football

BMTH > AF tho

>emo music
>bring me the horizon
i hope this thread is bait


>shit tier wanna-be metal


BMTH is butt rock now anyway

Is this a joke

I see summer Sup Forums started early this year


I think all the scene kids just look like Grimes now

i fucking hate you emo-fags, emo was a good genre until you ruined it with your whiny twinkle shit, FUCK AMERICAN FOOTBALL

Chelsea Wolfe

Nobody cares about your feelings and what you think.

and no one cares about yours, at least im not a pussy that is MUH FEELINGS, , MUH ARPEGGIOS

every fucking new emo bad does the same shit, no one plays old school style emo, just whiny emo

I hate most modern folk music and those who enjoy it.

just the popular stuff is the twinkly shit
theres still some good emo being made
and theres nothing wrong with twinkly stuff too