Is math rap a true genre yet? Or will it forever be relegated to random experimental single tracks?

Is math rap a true genre yet? Or will it forever be relegated to random experimental single tracks?

I'm confident it will happen sooner or later. Rock was invented in the 50s and math rock really only started in full force in the 80s, right?

There's a lot of Soundcloud artists with mathy sounds but I don't want to get accused of viralling lol.

Death Grips - Voila
Dj Rozwell - Need To Eat
Thrash Kitten - Promisedland

There is a pasta out there somewhere with links.

Post links anyway nerd


Is Clipping way too dry and serious for anyone else? They have such a workmanlike focus on being "different" or "artistic" to me.

don't forget BB Poison

3/4 time is super common though, Migos always use it.

triplets =/= 3/4

It's a gimmick

Yes for the 99th time there are rappers that use different time signatures. Just Google the Sooper Swag Project. They have like 4 or 5 albums of complete math rap.

rap is a gimmick

you need a gimmick to succeed in the rap industry

math rock started in the 80s? what bands where math rock in the 80s? genuinely curious, always thought it was a 90s thing (shellac, slint, etc.)

math rock arguably started with pic related from 1987, and there were other albums in the 80s that pioneered the sound (Star Booty by Bitch Magnet, Tweez by Slint, Undertow by Blind Idiot God) but it's definitely majorly a 90s thing.

ayy thanks!

Eh is more mathy

>I'm confident it will happen sooner or later. Rock was invented in the 50s and math rock really only started in full force in the 80s, right?
this will happen faster now with internet people see more things and get more ideas and influences

>this will happen faster now with internet people see more things and get more ideas and influences
The only ones that theorize about this kind of stuff:
>where is my math hop?
>is blackgrind a legit grindcore sub-genre, or just some songs from other grindcore sub-genre with minor influences not enought to be called real thing?
>where is powergrind? if deathgrind and blackgrind exist, you must have the same but with other metal genres, also dont forget the doom ones, power/doom metal....
>where is my horrorgrind where you mix grindcore with ethereal darkwave and dark ambient, with the craziest ethereal darkwave vocals and fantasy horror gore themes

are listeners
most musicians are plebs that dont think about this

I agree. They try way too hard to be cool and hip, and in the process look like a bunch of faggots making garbage music

Musician here
I'd kill to think like this. Sucks being a pleb.

Triplets isnt math though

King Crimson was doing some sorta math-y stuff on their 80's albums but people say that it was closer to gamelan