Lost albums?

Lost albums?
You know, albums with no fisic or digital format whatsoever.

The earliest Boards of Canada stuff (although Scaruffi has some of it), Christ's first two albums. The first GYBE release. DJ Pinky's Deadly Friendz LP. All of Black Shop Records releases from Memphis (I think that's what it is called), and Imwusi (from MOTU)'s debut LP to name a few are probably lost forever.

There was going to be a US-only Led Zeppelin greatest hits album in the early-70s, and despite being cancelled at the band's request a few copies were pressed.

>The first GYBE release
Will we ever hear it bros?

>Christ's first two albums

Yup. Despite everything I listed I probably want Christ's albums the most.

Not exactly lost but Robert Fripps album Under Heavy Manners/God Save the Queen was only ever released on vinyl

About half of St. Vincent's Ratsliveonnoevilstar EP.

pretty sure that lindsey buckingham and stevie nicks from fleetwood mac recorded an album together and it's lost or some shit


There's one song out there. It basically sounds like shitty lo-fi Silver Mt. Zion.
I actually don't want it to be released.

Same with the only League of Gentlemen studio album.

Well Fripp, we're waiting.

scaruffi hasn't heard them, or I really doubt it anyways

i'm still hopeful

it probably sounds like shit, but i'm still hopeful

It's not a matter of being good. The fact that we live in 2016 and no one has EVER produced a full copy of it

It's almost mythical at this point, we need to hear it just to see that it really exists

Incorrect. There was a cassette release of it.

similarly AC/DC. there was going to be a greatest hits collection called 12 of the Best which was ultimately canned. some cassette inserts have found there way into collectors markets tho

Exuma had two very rare vinyl only releases called Going to Cat Island and Street Life that I've always wanted to hear. I like his non-freak folk works a lot (which is a controversial opinion), so it makes me sad that we'll never hear them.

40 songs and more than 200 short songs from the Geogaddi sessions, plus the older albums and a lot of live songs.


An LP that can be found for like a dollar, mind you.

It's good too.

Carnival of Light by John and Paul.

Paul has the recording, but is a fag and hasn't released it.

>McCartney would need the consent of Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, and George Harrison's widow, Olivia Harrison, as well as Ringo Starr to release the track.

who's holding out? all ringo's fault imo

There is this one vinyl that was listed on the top 40 charts for a brief period of time but nobody ever found a copy of it. I can't remember the name though.

but I'm listening to it right now

DA - Ready n' Steady. Appeared for a couple weeks on the Bubbling Under the Hot 100 but no copy has ever been found. Assumed fake

Ah, I actually just read that it was supposed to be on one of the Beatles Anthology discs, but George cockblocked it because it was too noisy

I hear Sleigh Bells' debut EP was divisive. From my experience, it made rounds all over the internet in 2008-9, but I never got around to listening to it at the time. I tried looking for it more recently but haven't found ANY of the demo tracks anywhere, however I've heard like two of them on YouTube.
That thing used to spark so many heated arguments on the internet. People either really fucking hated it or really fucking loved it.

Treats was undeniably good though.

wouldn't be surprised. "avant-garde a clue" george would supposedly say. but, more importantly, carnival of light when

The original master stems were lost, so the 128-kbps ended up being the finished product, which is why it sounds so fuzzy/shitty/lo-fi. It wasn't supposed to sound that way, but they weren't done mixing it when the masters were lost, so they just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and released it anyway. So basically there is no "high quality" version of it that exists in any form.

>Scaruffi has some of it
he doesn't, he literally took those descriptions from an interview with them in some magazine
>Christ.'S first two albums
other than one or two tracks all the songs on them have been rereleased on his Curio compilations