Does anyone have digital copies of the 33 1/3 books? Also, what are the best books in the series?

Does anyone have digital copies of the 33 1/3 books? Also, what are the best books in the series?

I'm sure the best in the series depends on what album you like. The ITAOTS book good be brilliant, but unless you like that album, you would find it chronically uninteresting

if you're still there I can re-up the archive, if the archived threads don't have it - have you consulted rebeccablacktech yet?

i've seen it in the archive.
the author of the 33 1/3 book on Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Vol II reviewed one of my tracks from an EP I put out and it's one of the coolest things that's happened to me as an artist.

Spiderland was endlessly fascinating. I never liked that band at all until i read that book.

Ween Chocolate and Cheese was interesting, but poorly written and full of inaccuracies.
>4/10 would not recommend

These books are very uneven. Some of them are very interesting and informative, others read like extended P4K reviews. If you're wondering which ones are worth reading, just do a bit of research, read a preview, and make sure it's the former.

I have the Loveless one. Whoever wrote it is a pretty shitty writer desu.


I kind of want to read the Celine Dion one, is it good?

ITAOTS was the absolute most awful and wannabe pretentious book I've ever read, I cannot recommend it to anyone, and I love the album. Spiderland, Unknown Pleasures and Marquee Moon were all excellent though

I have a digital of the Spiderland one.

I got it on Slsk so I think you should be able to get them all there

I'm trying to picture what kind of absolute cunt not only listens to this dadrock shit but then decides its worth his time to read 100+ pages about it too.

What do you like, meme rap? I'm guessing it's the kind of shit where the history can be summed up in the 6 second duration of a Vine video.


>le serious rock scholar face

"lmao" they destroyed you to be honest. keep memeing fucker

>Please respect the Gods of Rock

>What do you like, current music?
>I only listen to old shit that people say is OK to listen to.

what an unfunny looking comic

no you just seem like an annoying dumbass and that pic sucks

fuck that picture is really stupid, did you write that shit in there?

my uni library has most of them

The Loveless one is crap. It's just a guy gushing about how good it is. I learned a wee bit about the production process though

Another green world was by far the most interesting and well written. It recommended so many other books and albums to read and listen to.

Double nickels is pretty cool. It goes song by song and explains the lyrics and analyses the music.

TVU&N was also alright.