Oh my god it's so beautiful I think I'm going to cry

oh my god it's so beautiful I think I'm going to cry

Other urls found in this thread:


It's legit the best album of the current decade

It is currently the only album i have rated a 10

not even the best album of 2010

also, she has a shitty voice

Listening to it right now. Them fucking record sleeves

>she has a shitty voice

Have you heard HOOM all the way through? Her voice is actually much more conventional on that album than in any of her other work

how is she so fucking perfect

With her voice she should just stick with writing material to be recorded by other artists. The is no shame in that. Find someone who is just as passionate about her lyrics that has a beautiful voice. There is no shame in that.

>3 hours long


She has a beautiful voice that's very capable of hitting every note it intends. Her tone may annoy some people, but it's distinct and therefore interesting to many of her fans

>triple LP
>priced like a double LP
>"Have one on me"
Love the madwoman

it's actually just 2 hours and 4 minutes
and it's damn worth it


who ITT doesn't know this

I didn't know that user.

Fav song? My changes from You and Me, Bess from In California

Have One On Me, or Baby Birch.

Other favorites are In California, Go Long and Autumn.
And I love the jazzy sound of Easy.

its cute. CUTE!

tell me a song where her chops get tested. not trying to get your goat I just want to see what she got.

Hi jackson

Ribbon Bows

Can't stop looking her ass desu

cant find it on youtube you got a link?

Can't find it on Spotify either

nm found one

chops for days user. for DAYS!


I chose it at random because I was listening to it. Most of the songs on HOOM are at similar level technically, with some of the longer songs occasionally having more straining passages.

this is it?


why do lyrics have to be so edgelord these days. getting sick of it. beautiful voice but she's tipping the fedora hardcore.

what the penis are you blabbering about

fuck off sam

fedora lord fo sho. just talk about things not lords.

>edge lord
How the fuck are those lyrics edgy in any way? It's about being a country bumpkin in a big, godless city.

its about taking the lord to test. its fedora embodied,


megadeth has less provocative lyrics and thats saying something.

listen to the lyrics closely or watch a youtube video with them on screen if you dont have enough attention span.

"Take my God to task" is a phrase used by Christians who are in a crisis of faith. It's not something an atheist would say.

no it isnt.

especially in context of the rest of the lyrics.

What the fuck do you think the song is about? Newsom is a Christian who's having a crisis of faith. She references biblical books and stories in her music all the time.

guess I'm offbase but that song screams fedora granted this is the first song I have heard from her. it ends in I'm testing the limits of edgelords.

nervous cop.

An atheist edgelord assumes that God doesn't exist. They don't take things they don't exist to task. Newsom can come off like a female fedora tipper on albums like Ys, but that's more due to her nerdy use of uncommon words and obscure references than due to her religious views

nervous cop.

fedora as fedora as can be.

jesus fuck off already

How long until that Newsom/Death Grips collab album?

you do understand she was part of nervous cop I hope.

yes, so?

dont talk to me or my son ever again.

How is this relevant in any way?

wow kys

Its my meme you faggot. I'll use it any way I see fit

Ys is better IMO


why cant faggots just do this?


what the fuck happened?


what went wrong?

please stop

for what purpose you mong?

For each respective disc: Baby Birch, In California, and Kingfisher.

Neal Morgan on percussions is always great.

learn something.

It's good but surely does not make me cry

Baby Birch is my favourite song, but I don't listen to it because I don't often want to feel that way.


you know you like it dont be a faggot.

album is overrated as fuck. I don't care how much you want to bang her, it doesn't make up for some of her least interesting songwriting spread across three discs.

just like a super ColĂ­der

I'm the megadeth faggot. better read the thread. till the world explodes.

>caring about lyrics

be gay somewhere else faggot.


youre gunna get your balls and ass rocked.

try me bitch


Why the hell are you even talking about megadeth on a fucking Joanna News on thread

I hijacked it 50 posts ago


bored I guess

Well that's not nice.
You shouldn't do that.

I know.

This dude is the only right one here.


shes the harpsichord from nervous cops.

this could be applied to my post. you cant blame me.

This thread
>assuming things

theres plenty of facts. I'm a stupid dick but even I know that.

Bitch is literally has an average face at best. The only reason I want to fuck her is because her songwriting is objectively great.

Kill yourself my man

Disc 1: Have one on me
Disc 2: In California
Disc 3: Esme
Such a 10/10 its not even fuunny

Recently listened to Ys and Divers. Ys was great but Divers was kind of lame. What should I expect from Have One On Me?

>Divers was kind of lame
When will this meme end? It's her best work lyrically

You first



Much more similar to Ys but shorter songs. Lets be real Ys and HOOM are objective 10/10s and Divers is a solid 8/10 still good tho


dick up your ass

Julia Holter is better.