Anyone have any other tunes similar to this sound

Anyone have any other tunes similar to this sound
Kinda melancholy but not upsetting lyrics

Other urls found in this thread: Fleischmann

>the one on the right


B. Fleischmann is what you are looking for there are no lyrics. thank me later Fleischmann

yea harmony tividad she thicc

thanks ill check it out but I am lookin for some words to relate to as well

fuck off.

Gotchu bro

i love surrenderdorothy, bones and greaf are legendary.
fuk i already have this in my playlist

lol he has lyrics so thanks i guess asshat

no shit he has lyrics faggot. still fuck you.

and your gay ass thread kys.

y u still here

>faggot asks for some music.
>user gives some.
>insults them.
>wonders why hes a faggot.
die in a fire.

aww, that's cool I guess. I know you're looking for stuff but do you know anything like Surrenderdorothy? Also thanks for Girlpool..
been fuxxing with slowcore recently:

>doesn't insult
>didn't wonder
>okay whatever

>faggot doesn't belong on mu op is always a faggot.
nobody owes your faggot ass a thing.
if you werent autistic we could have had a thread.

i know bones has some songs separate from s.d. that have that feel im not sure if you are familiar with him at all tho, mild high club has that feel and so does some homeshake

I want them both to sit on my face desu

I listen to Bones alot and def know those songs. Homeshake's sound is haunting but I could still listen to it

It's weird hipster ukulele music sans uke.

more pics of dem titties pls


is it a dick tat on her arm ?


i don't care about the music i am just here for the big boobies




>he's a titsguy



Ass > Breasts

My god that sleeping beauty

it depends.

you sound like someone who's parents dont understand them

Any beach music videos or

Yes, it's called "indie," it'd quite a big genre


so are they lesbians or what

Girls with big tits almost always have a flat ass. Whereas ass girls have at least some balance, even if the tits are on the smaller side.

But if you have both, you go girl.