Sup Forums: Manchildren

Sup Forums: Manchildren
Sup Forums: Babies
/lit/: Smart
Sup Forums: Contrarian
Sup Forums: Ignorant
Sup Forums: Tasteless
/vr/: Charming

>Sup Forums: Contrarian
>people actually fall for this meme

[s4s]: nice

>any board here

>/lit/: Smart



mu is all of the above minus smart/charming


Imagine if the RYM avant-teens had their own board to talk about books. They know nothing about literary devices or literary history.

People who say /lit/ is smart are like people who say /sci/ is smart because their chosen subjects are the things that are traditionally considered intellectual.

That's because Kanye fags go in prog rock threads saying porg is shit and prog fags go in hip hop threads saying rap is shit.
There you have it : contrarian Sup Forums

Sup Forums: based

>/lit/: Smart

Sup Forums: Teenagers

>/lit/ - Smart

It's just Sup Forums, but with books. Like how people here think they have great taste because they listened to Swans once, they think they're intellectuals because they read Ulysses.


Sup Forums: Meme Universe
Its like Sup Forums but music


>All these people insecure about /lit/'s superior intellect

I wanna punch this dog in his fucking ugly face so bad

That's not actually contrarian though, that's just stating what you dislike. Are you one of those 90s kids who needs their safe spaces?
Contrarianism would be taking something that is largely accepted by the majority and saying it's shit specifically because it is accepted by the majority.

/lit/ is Pretentious or Clever

put a bullet in your skull


/lit/ as a whole is one of the biggest cesspools of pseuds on Sup Forums. there's actually a lot of well-read and educated people but as a whole the board is anything but smart

I have never gone to /lit/, but im pretty sure that like every other board it has its highs and lows in terms of "intellectual people"


if you actually considered what I wrote before rushing to your keyboard in a hurry to spit some hate you could notice that this was exactly what I was implying.


Nice singles

Fuck you fucking piss legs faggot

Sup Forums: bros
/fit/: homos
Sup Forums: retards
/qa/: crybabies

kek that's based as fuck.



How about /sci/ and Sup Forums

>having a contrarian opinion about Sup Forums being contrarian


Sup Forums: Autistic bros

>steal every get ever
>produce new memes
>became mods and moot's favorite board, making Sup Forums mad
>only place were namefags and tripfags are great people
What went so RIGHT?

Sup Forums: cyka blyat

Sup Forums: É LUI O NON É LUI?

>/fit/: literal faggots
>/k/: rednecks
>Sup Forums: underaged teens living in suburbia
>Sup Forums: brown people
>/cgl/: fat women

Oh my god that's on par with how Sup Forums sent dick pics to this one manga artist en masse

int: una vela

/fa/: insecure teenagers
Sup Forums: white early-mid 20s boys working minimum wage
/fit/: nerds in frats

These memes make me wish I remembered moe spanish from high school


/lit/ is not smart, although admittedly so few millennials read at this point and even fewer read anything other than meme classics (including myself) so their taste is automatically more unique than any board dedicated to film, music and video games, which have much wider young audiences.

contrarian is more or less a prerequisite for most boards on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the only real exception. Sup Forums should be "circlejerk"

[s4s] probably has the highest IQ of any board, and /r9k/ the lowest, closely followed by Sup Forums

>[s4s] probably has the highest IQ of any board, and /r9k/ the lowest, closely followed by Sup Forums

I can agree with this

Puedes confiarme, estos memes son cancer

t. chicano

remember when /r9k/ used to be the original content board? When did it become a circlejerk for losers?


It doesn't even work as a venting board now because it's so bad.


When will the "/lit/ is cultured" meme die, it's 90% Harry Potter and pulp fantasy/sci-fi discussion

Newfag here. What was /r9k/ about at the beginning?

I don't personally remember that, no. It's been more or less how it is now since I came to Sup Forums desu. Like Sup Forums, they make a few good points here and there, but are incapable of nuanced thought.

It's not the fact they're all virgins so much as the fact so many of them are just general losers, like you say - also being unemployable, having poor hygiene etc. - that makes me think they're retarded. I'm instantly critical of people who claim they are "redpilled" or see the world for what it is, but yet have no idea how to use that supposed knowledge to their advantage. and I'm even more curious about people whose worldview conveniently justifies their own laziness, because of course there's no way they could possibly succeed even if they tried.

/fa/ closeted gay nazis who actually want to be black and/or swedish femboys

nah man

that's the majority of Sup Forums

>/lit/: Smart

it used t be a green text posting board

I'm not sure why but in soon got invaded by people whining about being losers 24/7

Just fuck my day up senpai

well, green text is generally used for telling stories, so when you get a board dedicated exclusively to that you're going to get a lot of boring stories that wouldn't be told elsewhere. and this being Sup Forums there are naturally lots of autists and general outcasts here (not necessarily a bad thing), and for a lot of them their only stories are going to be about failure and rejection


I'm not sure how, but bringing the robot back actually made it shittier. Simple funposting was the best part about that board now you can't do that anymore.

Now it's just 24/7 traps threads, trans threads, camwhore worship, and Sup Forums 2.0 (I mean it's had those things before, but now its ridiculous).

>Sup Forums: Contrarian
>Sup Forums: Ignorant
Should be the other way around.


They are both ignorant and contrarian desu

Sup Forums openly embraces the most popular films though (i.e. capeshit). I'd hardly call it contrarian.

Nah. Look at how much superhero and general meme blockbuster shit there is on Sup Forums. Sup Forumscore isn't particularly unique either, but the equivalent of that would be sincere daily discussion of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran


honestly i feel like /his/ and /lit/ are the most civil and on-topic boards

i have lots of fun posting there and whenever i ask something i don't get -- i get plenty of insightful responses

The smartest people are the actual developers and scientists on Sup Forums and /sci/, and they are only smart within their field.

>[s4s] probably has the highest IQ of any board, and /r9k/ the lowest, closely followed by Sup Forums

Sup Forums and /r9k/, altough they're sometimes right, have this odd perception that everyone out there is out to get them even though the reason that they feel that way is because they cause it all on themselves and can't accept that as an explanation. If they can't be wrong, the whole world has to be. Just like tumblr.

This is kinda true. There's a stigma around people who claim to be interested in literature and history because they are seen as more intellectual pursuits, so anyone who expresses an interest is automatically a poseur or whatever. That's not to say they're necessarily great boards or the smartest boards, but I think there's a level of projection in the way people criticise them. This is coming from an admitted pleb who generally sticks to Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Sup Forums invented kino/cinema/film/flick, known on Sup Forums as musique/music/muzak/jam.
Though unlike Sup Forums they couldn't actually even pretend to be avant-teens for long, and now discuss the newest Marvel movies.


A lot of their problems are definitely brought upon themselves. I'm no SJW, but if you're middle class and white you shouldn't be chronically unemployed and uneducated, although you certainly don't get a free ride or anything like that

I think Sup Forums is right that there is an increasing demonization of the white male and celebration of blacks and women, but they fixate on this and it becomes the lens through which they view the world, when it doesn't actually have that much of a practical impact. in fact, most of that rhetoric only really exists in mainstream media targeted at 16-24 year olds, and is generally just a way of corporations making money off of progressives.

Sup Forums seems to have a solid 20 percent in any given board, but if these stats were available I'd imagine /r9k/ is where most of its crossposters lie, which is telling. again, I just think if Sup Forums and /r9k/ had actually happened upon some kind of legitimate 'redpill' or whatever, it figures they'd actually be more successful in life.

I like how nobody talks about /o/ , when it probably is one of the boards with more common sense and easy going attitude.

Hasn't it been targetted by Australian spammers

>one of the boards with more common sense and easy going attitude

let's not forget that Sup Forums managed to trigger Lauren Mayberry (with the same pasta) which led to a dozen news articles speaking out about misogyny online.

So cute xD

In all seriousness this was the best mix of heartwarming and funny

more like

Sup Forums: Manchildren
Sup Forums: Manchildren
/lit/: Manchildren
Sup Forums: Manchildren
Sup Forums: Manchildren
Sup Forums: Manchildren
/vr/: Manchildren


/lit/: Manchildren trying to appear cultured
Sup Forums: Manchildren trying to appear countercultured

/r9k/ was just a Sup Forums that didn't allow reposts in order to encourage OC.

Moments ago, I read on /lit/ that she's still around. Anyone has a link?

wena pa

You really shouldn't have to lie to criticize /lit/.

She has some astrology blog.

listening to swans once and finishing ulysses are two very, very different tasks.

Nice music-related post

only in that the latter takes more time and effort

>the joke

>/vr/: Charming
thanks, but having the same 4 or 5 troll threads every week isn't very charming imo

>Are you one of those 90s kids who needs their safe spaces?

>He is less than 16
>He is more than 26







Do you believe that most people can sit through the entire 2 hours of Soundtracks for the Blind?

maybe if you're some kind of retard who still reads at a high school level