Hey Sup Forums, I just got 100$ of Amazon cards for graduation. I'm going to spend it on records...

Hey Sup Forums, I just got 100$ of Amazon cards for graduation. I'm going to spend it on records. I already have 80$ in my cart. Pics related. Trips gets to decide the fourth album I buy.
>album can't be over 20$
>rerolls allowed
>will post pics as proof
>will move to Sup Forums if this thread is deleted

Other urls found in this thread:


Other albums

vinyl of mumford and sons

all these albums and only one of them is good :/

Actually none of them are good

Also OP you should get a 5 Seconds of Summer record to complete the collection of shit you're getting.

Katy Perry - PRism

cosmogramma or madvillain

op if ur going to get records why get the simpest shit in the world

What a waste of money

Op here- Please enlighten me o music lord

literally who?

Tim Buckley Starsailor

who even cares OP? have fun with your Sup Forumscore shit pressings on your Crosley. you guys ruined record collecting.

Just get The Campfire Headphase.

Tijuana sessions Vol. 3

what about Jason Aldean OP?

Why buy vinyl when you lack taste. Literally only music from recent years. I hate you.


get a better grips album instead of TMShit.

Fuck off audiophile, I like records. I already have a shiteload of oldies from cleaning out attics.

My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

roll again



Brokencyde - I'm Not a Fan, But the Kids Like It!


Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven

does not have vinyl release

OP you have the worst fucking taste you fucking high school newfag

Go to /r/indieheads they'll like you.

If you seriously play them on a Crosley you will ruin them you fucking dolt

Alejandro Magno - Los chulos son pa' cuidarlos

I was going to say Buyer's Market but it's the same way, not on vinyl.

Ween - The Mollusk

21 Pilots- Blurryface


You were so close.

I'm pretty pissed

Fuck man wasting good ama-bucks on memes when you could be getting drugs? Foolishness. I'd be out there ordering some sincerely nuts poppy seeds, some caffeine tablets, some 2-Methyl-2-butanol, shit maybe even some kava.

OP confirmed for cakeboy (synonym for straight edge)

Anything by Justin Bieber

Op here- pretty sure my audio technica won't fuck up my lps

Buy origin of symmetry

This because it's actually a great album


>buying the most entry-level of Sup Forumscore on vinyl, an outdated and superflulous format, with money you could of spent on literally anything else



Pretty much this. Was in a store the other day and saw Bieber and Ariana grande on vinyl. You know it's reaching a breaking point when this starts to happen

donate to charity

Op here- sorry I'm not expanding my dildo collection like you.

Mirrored- Battles






Kid A

Please don't talk about drugs, this is a safe forum
Ggoott eemm

Anyway, get OK Computer


fuckin download it

Sachiko M, Toshimaru Nakamura, and Otomo Yoshihide - Good Morning Good Night

wish we could go back in time

no wonder you were in high school just days ago

Fetch by Melt Banana

enjoy dud

I would user, if I didn't already have it


The holy bible-manic street preachers

Why are you wasting money on shitty p4k records that weren't mastered for vinyl? Why are you even buying music?

Oh shit

Asking Alexandria - From Death to Destiny

all youre missing is twenty one pilots

Bill Callahan - Dream River

Enjoy op

Merzbow - Venereology

If I don't see a receipt for ordering it you better go back to

Man machine by Kraftwerk

honestly i'd rather have a dildo over fucking radiohead and other generic Sup Forumscore. You can actually enjoy the dildo and it'll last longer

Elliott Smith - Either/Or


Op here- I lay on my floor and put on records. Appreciation doesn't require strict standards for sound. If you need to be an audiophile to listen to your music then immersion is undeserved. My idea is John Cage-4'33". Any sound taking place while listening to the music is the music.

>paying for poppy seeds
Nigga there are like 20 poppy plants in my garden that got out of nowhere. What do you even do with those? Tea?




his post wasn't even mainly about being an audiophile. jesus christ i'm surprised you even graduated high school considering how psuedo-intellectual your post reads.

Op here- I request a second time now for enlightenment into you library. Please tell what I need to buy

These are alright records. I like it.

Get Crystal Castles 2.


what I like

A Justin Bieber album of your choice, he's right up your alley;)


Op here again- Careful there user, don't break an arm jerking yourself off.
Considering moving to Sup Forums. Trips will happen faster there. Will wait for 20 min more of rolling.

Selling England by the Pound - Genesis

QOTSA - Like Clowkrok.

Op here- I have it, I've played it so many damn times.

Et tu Brute

Slint-Spiderland to complete your Sup Forumscore collection

please dont get crystal castles you'll regret it 3 years from now

get Women - Public Strain


Shit I have no idea what happened, there, but reroll anyway.

Reroll c'mon

Just a tip OP, get from a used seller or something like Collectors Choice from Amazon, bc its always warped if u get it straight from the Amazon Warehouse

Shhhh don't let him know

Art Angels Grimes