
first for arins fat thighs

post kim sexjeong

>does it feels good onii-chan?

Crayon Pop.

I can't believe they did this


who hurt you sinb?

damn son

We talked about them a lot during their promotions. We like Toy here.



I did... with my d***

Does anyone else like NC.A?

even gfriendshitters know their group is only good for robbing empty houses

I can't believe how hot she is now

i love laboum

I do now


ay ay ay ay ayywaitaminit

I like the song "We Dance" by Pavement



being inside of mijoo for an entire minute..

post yeri


>number 9
what did they mean by this?

that face is below average plastic job imo

omo worthy

wew lad

word. I've never bought a kpop album before but I want to buy theirs



her face looks shopped here

that song was shit desu

her name is god sejeong

doesn't really look like her

she looks like babysoul


I really like that one DSP trainee with the big boobs.

which is a good thing

it was some hardcore kpop

post yeri

I really like that one DSP group with great visuals, great songs, great dances and shitty sales that debuted 6 years ago

fap less & live a better life anons

i dont know how to do it


>tfw the chaekyung poster said I bullied him

chaekyung poster I'm sorry please post chaekyung

reminder to follow our kpopper daeun328 on instagram

nu abou>>>>>>>>>red light

post yeri

hyunyoung tho

I like that one Lovelyz girl who's really pretty and beautiful

has april already been around that long

that's pretty vague

just play it cool
yeah, I like Sleepy too

I just think, "albums over..... Now" and leave when there is like 45 minutes left. What a waste of an hour.
I guess people saw it as SNSD decline and wanted to take the chance to hate on it. They really over blew it though. Sone love for it too.
Hansol is Hansol. Win win soon. Johnny soon.
I hope EXO will comeback strong. Kai has given me hope.

They are popular. They were discussed when they release something. Kyung just release a song with Eunha.

tfw I could mean any of them :)

I would but people keep posting Arin...


post yeri.

T-ara is the next SNSD

cant argue with that. but it doesnt make red ligh shit

I would but people keep posting Jinsol...


wtf she looks nothing like she did during the six month long vanilla shake promotions

terrible, terrible song btw



she's a terrible artist

Kill yourself. Never compare a goddess like NC.A to that monster ever again.


t-ara's leg game is superior

yeah I know
I just wanted to post about nu abo because it's my favorite song of all time and I force it at every occasion

post yeri`

/jp/ is bullying us again

The new CLC song is a banger

Can they finally make it now?

she should be in a less autistic group

he has a point

we deserve it


its just that sperg who was ignored when he shitposted here and now is assblasted

post yeri


what's the name of the rat girl in clc

I wish she still had her old face

tfw burger pits


el rato

fuck off

Post Woori instead. She's better.

ratqt aka sexrat aka yujin


post yerï


who is the sujeong look-alike on the left?

What song do you play right before you kill yourself?

no sleep till sex with momo

post yeri.

I didn't know Elkie was that good at singing desu

I heard she's the new main vocal now

Seunghee just keeps getting cucked LMAO

nice old lady pits

>this is seolhyun's replacement


How can one woman be such an angel
I want to improve myself for IU

Vanilla Shake had Christine noona in it. It can't be bad.