What is your opinion on PC music? Genius or stupid?


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from the two songs by SOPHIE that i've heard i would conclude that it is neither

some of the fans are shit, though, fucking demented dipshits. i'm sure most of them are tolerable however.

worst thing to happen to music since dubstep


it is perfectly average

I think he seems like a nice guy. It's cool that given his age he still tries to search for new music and uses his free time to search thtough the internet.



i dont know, when i used to work at H&M this is the only song that caught my ear

I love PC Music but their fanbase is literally the worst fucking thing

I like Sophie's b sides. That manic, futuristic pop sound. Other than that PC music isn't my thing - wish all of them sounded like that.

they make some great singles. Idk if that makes them geniuses

I personally love PC Music. My favorite track is Thy Slaughter's Bronze.

It's really enjoyable to listen to, it's interesting conceptually, and the experimental side of it gives pop a fresh new breath.

could care less desu

Don't listen to it much but I'm glad it exists. It's got a Nathan Barley feel at times, though.

eh, hard to admit, but this song is a sorta-guilty pleasure of mine. that sound layered over the kick in the chorus really does it for me. Wouldn't call it genius at all, though. very pretentious and as everyone else is saying the fanbase is obnoxious

it takes serious amounts of genius to make something so stupid


for anyone that doesn't think the fanbase is cancerous

I enjoyed what I listened to, loved hey qt


absent minded today.

The whole gimmick is to take cliches from vapid electropop and bump it up to 11. It's self-aware, but ironic stupidity is still kinda stupid.

my thoughts, too. cook and harle are ok pop producers, but their output is usually pretty generic. SOPHIE actually does some interesting and innovative shit. i've really enjoyed most of his work, but i generally don't pay much attention to PC Music's other projects.

that said, i thought this was kind of catchy (cook + felicita): doodle.pcmusic.info

Bloody love this choon

Found it probably this time or a bit earlier last year. It's been a big one for them. I still like it but don't listen much now desu. I think it's fun and while the concept for it that Cook and others try to put forward is interesting but it's hard to go to one of their gigs and not get bored of the either walking meme or elitist contingents of their fanbase

What do you guys think of Sfire?

Genius. PC Music is kind of a weird, dry humor label buried under so many layers of irony that it's really hard to tell what genuine and what's a joke. Some of the artists are seriously good. I really like Hanna Diamond unironically.

PC Music as a whole is kinda creepy though. The fact that literally none of the artists exist in any form outside of the label is off-putting. Like, GFOTY, for example. I have not been able to find even ONE instance of her breaking character even for a second. I know nothing about her life before PC Music. The same goes for nearly everyone on the label. What the fuck?

>from the two songs by SOPHIE that i've heard i would conclude that it is neither
What's the other one, my wife loves this shit. Only know Hey Cutie.

can we stop le ironic label meme? Hannah Diamond has gone on record saying time and again that they actually like the music they're referencing and want to be pop producers/pop stars. this was a complete myth made up by a few chucklefuck Pitchfork/copycat blogsphere writers who didn't listen to happy hardcore, j-pop, eurobeat, etc. and decided high pitched vocals must be le ironic shitlords oppressing women and super serious commentary on late capitalism (because for some reason, since Vaporwave, everything is commentating on late capitalism somehow)

You just have to look very very hard, found some photos of Sophie of FB before his identity was confirmed, Kane West (Of KKB) is pretty out there too. Everyone at the very top are very Kaufman-esque when it comes to being in character though.

It's not ironic you fucking dumb piece of shit. kys

they've been doing this shit for awhile youtube.com/watch?v=IWr6LAX2EUE
here's william

they all hang around goldsmiths and just love early 80's 00's fashion and pop music.
sam loves the shit out of pet shop boys. It's not a character they're playing thats just how they are.

Did u not forget gfoty getting btfo her "racist" remarks on lotic.
I swear Sup Forums has no clue on anything leave the house you neckbeards

that's because they're not in character. this has been covered in interviews constantly, but people just keep pretending they're faking somehow

Kaufman wasn't in character ya shits, I agree with you

give me one example of AG Cook agitprop, famigo. protip: you can't

i think it's the perfection of pop

FKA twigs should sign to PC Music desu

I know they said everything they do is sincere, but that doesn't always mean it's the truth. Sometimes, rarely, PC Music will do something totally out of character to freak people out. It's as if they're totally aware of their creepy, uncanny valley image and fuck with it sometimes.

Exhibit A: youtube.com/watch?v=36UUyQoYE1s

Exhibit B: youtube.com/watch?v=vNFnKFqew_M

Exhibit C: youtube.com/watch?v=XzpMZUBaavU

A low budget SOPHIE

that means you care

Again there is no "character" thats them poking fun at bbc pop cultulre. they teach this heavily at goldsmith's
it's no different than Sup Forums's inside jokes

>as if

good one, idiot

am i the only one that feels that it isn't ironic?

i mean, besides gfoty (who no one really likes btw), everyone seems to take pop music and imagery very seriously - to the point where they sign a deal with an actual major, work with major popstars like madonna, charli xcx and carly rae... would they do all of that if they were truly ironic? i don't think so :/

it wouldn't be new and fresh if it was ironic

I'm not reading your post because you have a tripcode.

You're not missing out on anything important.