Rank the 4 good AnCo albums

Rank the 4 good AnCo albums
I'll start:
SJ > ST > MPP > Feels

Shit taste


feels > SJ > ST > MPP

STGSTV > HCTI > SJ > Feels

Rest is pretty bad

MPP > Feels > SJ > ST

ST > MPP > SJ > Feels

Is this dislike on 'feels' some new meme?? Or Sup Forumstards just want to feel special?

i'm sorry that you think anything that isn't immediately accessible isn't good.


Feels > STGSTV > SJ > MPP > ST

>4 good AnCo albums
Pleb but I'll play regardless
Feels> SJ> ST> MPP

>no CHz

>those albums
ST > MPP = SJ >>> Feels
>their actual top four
ST > Hollinndagain > STGSTV > SJ/MPP

Feels > MPP > SJ > ST

STGSTV is good too.

FBK >>> STGSTV >>>>>> MPP > ST > Feels

but the only truly great song on FBK is Bleed user

>he didn't like the spongebob squarepants influence on Graze
>he didn't appreciate the hopeful lyrics and beautiful sound design on What Would I Want? Sky
>he didn't have a huge smile on his face when the end melody reveals itself on I Think I Can

desu it's been a long time since I listened to it
what I remember thinking was that the first half of Graze was pretty good, WWIW?S was incredibly overrated, and I Think I Can was insanely boring compared to the live version on the digital release of Tomboy.


now you're just getting uncomfortably close mate
please respect my personal space



This guy knows whats up


It's impossible for me to rank these but I would probably put Feels on the bottom. Even though the atmosphere is unmatched, it's just far less consistent than the other 3.

Is there anything like it on their discography tho?

you telling me STGSTV is their worst album?

the uninteresting parts of Danse Manatee

just listen to feels
Deakin + Geologist(STGSTV - Noise) + Ambiance = Feels

but seriously maybe try Hollindagain. It's super underrated and sort of like a less structured version of Spirit.

hollinndagain is a minimalist live version of danse ya dingus

untrue, hollinndagain is just the good (live) version of danse
danse and hollinndagainn are probably the two closest things to spirit in their discography anyways.

what I was saying is that hollinndagain is far closer to danse than it is spirit
it seems like we agree

CHz > SJ > MPP = Feels

>not liking ST


Jesus Christ I wish retards stopped talking about this album like it's actually one of their best. The songs render themselves redundant, the base tonal progressions are boring as fuck, the production is thin. It's a decent album, but people romanticize it because it was their first, well before their fame.

Strawberry Jam > Sung Tongs > Here comes the indian > Spirit