What music would you suggest to someone who has never heard music in their life?

What music would you suggest to someone who has never heard music in their life?

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What would the circumstances be behind it? Would this be someone older who just coincidentally never heard music?

Trout Mask Replica, give them a taste of everything at once.

alien rap

The Art of Fugue.

A 20-something year old person that comes from a media-remote region of the world but still lived in the "modern" world.

Think someone from North Korea or something

Why would you want to turn them into a pleb? Let them
Keep listening to silence.

the beach boys obviously

I used to think the Beach Boys were the answer but when I played it to my previously deaf sister after an operation that resored her hearing, she just covered her ears crying yelling at me to turn it off.

Sounds like she has better taste than you

should have started with something really soft like ambient shit
and then pet sounds which is the right answer to the OP

power electronics

Whisper song by ying yang twinz

sooo, Brian Eno is the answer?

Ornette Coleman - Skies of America

Merzbow - Pulse Demon


garden of delete.

fuck his shit up

good choice

Nice pick

north koreans hear chants all the time

Did she ever end up liking any music?

Nocture Op. 9 No. 2
Claire de Lune
Hammer Smashed Face


I feel like someone who went their entire childhood and adolescence without exposure to music would never really appreciate music.

Depends. For example, I didn't get into classical until a few years ago and I'm hooked but I know a few Suzuki kids that hate it.

I'll thank you to never respond to my posts again

what type of stupid ass question is this. everyone has heard music. stop with the deep ass questions Sup Forums im fucking sick of it. i dont wanna think hard. i fucking come hear to get my mind numbed by good music not be bombarded with philosophical questions you fucking teenage dirtbag


The Gerogerigegege
But in all seriousness probably something simple and easy to listen to

Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall have incredibly wide appeal.

Even if people disagree about how good they are, almost everyone agrees that they are good.

This meme is getting old



panda by desiigner


drumming i, ii, iii, and iv

The Wall is straight up bad, most people acknowledge this by now right?

Yeah I like 2-3 songs on it too but christ what a bloated piece of shit.

Underrated fun movie


Unless they're being contrarian, or they blue pilled hard on the "Hate Roger Waters" meme, they pretty much all recognize it as a masterpiece.

The Cure

Brahms Symphony No.3, 3rd movement

I don't know any Floyd fans who don't consider it lesser Floyd

Animals, Wish You Were Here, Dark Side. These are the great Waters albums.

>I don't know any Floyd fans who don't consider it lesser Floyd
I think this is a delusion you tell yourself. In the opinion of every Pink Floyd fan I've talked to in real life, the top PF albums are DSotM, Wish You Were Here, The Wall, and Animals.

And of those people, about 40% say The Wall is their favourite.


North Korea is still a functioning country with music and television you dolt. They just don't have any communication with the rest of the world.

Ramones. Best starting place.


>tfw memes will die in your life time

lol that kid is like Sup Forums's child right?

If they've never heard music, their brain will have no idea how to comprehend anything with multiple instruments and a singer. You'd need to start them off with simple stuff like children's lullabies then work your way up.

You just described Utah tho


This, same reason plebs dont get trout mask replica

Yung Lean


>he thinks garden of delete is challenging

oh fucking bite me

Always thought the best practical joke ever is when deaf people have the operation to help them hear for the first time, to play Anaal Nathrakh loud as all goddamn fuck when they start to come round and just tell/sign them that this is what the world sounds like all the time.

the Beatles

glorious, groovy, corrosive acid

>never heard music
what the fuck, every clothing store, public place etc. has playing beats and if you ever had TV or Internet open you fucking heard music.

But if you never ever did fucking go to festivals or see the mainstream names out coz they are seriously the best of the best

I bet they haven't even listened to anything pre-DSOTM (or atleast not all of it) then. I don't see how most PF """""fans""""" consider their most accessable albums their best. PF had an amazing run from the start all the way to the wall, with very few low points. I don't know why people ignore old Floyd.

what is a hypothetical question


is there a single acid track that isn't irredeemable trash?

The one i just posted is one... and yes there are many

thank you for posting another example and ignoring my shitposting. you're definitely one of the good ones.
im sorry

aw thanks. have another