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It was some screamo group my friend dragged me to. A guy in front of me pissed in a cup and threw it in the air. I got pretty fuckin soaked. his girlfriend then started to grind on him

absolute mayhem

just went to murder junkies.
however the craziest thing was that one dude who thought he was gg got the shit kicked out of him by like 6 guys

Local noise show in a basement. the only light was behind the "stage"

one of the acts used a contact mic on a knife as his microphone, was wrapped up in chains, and screaming about god telling him in his dreams to kill his family and that he didnt want to do it blahblah

the only thing that made it extreme is when it turned out the knife was actually sharp and he cut himself up with it and just layed on the floor while feedback was screeching just bleeding and everyone got super freaked out

the noise venue where I am was recently shut down due to someone starting an electrical fire and contact micing it

what a world we live in

that's lame as hell t b h

bump nobody has seen any extreme shows?

how would people feel if i self harmed at a show?
how would they feel if i lit myself on fire?

join the ranks of
iggy pop
gg allin
and great white

Seeing the straight edge kids go at it with crust kids at the Nails show was pretty cool

i hope the crusties were on the losing end of that one
disgusting subculture

Local hardcore punk band (I think the name was Flesh Ride or some shit) and I went because my friend works with the guitarist in the band, so why not.

It was a small ass venue so there was no room, and the band invited like 50 of their friends, all drunk as fuck

So during the first song, a literal 50 man fight erupted. I got a black eye from getting blindsided and my friend got a bottle to the back of his neck. After the first song the owner came out, called the cops, and ordered everyone (including the band) to leave.

Not too extreme but I don't go to many extreme shows

>straight edge kids go at it with crust kids at the Nails show
>those many layers of gayness

What a time to be alive

Where did this happen? This wasn't tonight in Chicago, was it? I missed that show.

Say Gary Wright, shit was hardcore and extreme!

I saw GG Allin back in 1989. During his set, he tried to rape a woman, shat on stage, and ate it, (It was all runny and looked diarrhetic) threw a cinder block towards the audience, and, at the end of the show maced everybody who wasn't kneeling in front of the stage, worshipping him.

how was Nails live? Thinking of seeing them in a few weeks maybe

Murder of Dimebag Darrel

>Seeing GG Allin live
You probably have HIV or Hepatitis now bro