So what is the general consensus of Earl's EP/track "solace"

So what is the general consensus of Earl's EP/track "solace"

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I'm not a huge fan of Earl's work but I really liked that EP

didn't feel like it went anywhere honestly

homie went hard on dis 1 props up f a m

Pure genius

it's already one step above IDLSIDGO, which means he (hopefully) will develop this experimental ideas into his best album yet

Honestly, he's only getting better with time

implying he wont kill himself before the year's up

Nah, he seems like he's the happiest since the end of odd future rn

too slow. too tired. too empty.

I love doris, but this album was fucking dead

>too slow. too tired. too empty.

You just described life

>You just described life
mmh. depends on who you are. lots of people have exciting lives.


que es esto

cried on the third verse

earl is my favorite artist
i really liked it. only part i didn't enjoy was the screechy high pitched squeal part.
third verse made me tear up

Beautiful music. Love the experimental beats and raw emotion in the lyrics. Uncut production adds to value imo.

my favorite project by earl, its a perfect track imo.
i hope he does thing like these in his next album.

definetly gonna like his next stuff then

post lesser known good earl tracks

Damn I never bothered listening before but really great.

Download link y'all?


thought this was the Sunny Day Real Estate or Boris album for a second

genius and absolutely criminally underrated, too bad he'll probably never make anything like this again

not a fan but its a good EP

fucking liar

5/5 was great. Got anymore rarities?