Summer is almost here! It's time to apply for your Patrician Card™ before the deadline...

Summer is almost here! It's time to apply for your Patrician Card™ before the deadline. Quick post an album you believe will qualify you for you very own Patrician Card™!




Ew Reddit pls go

D-do I qualify?

Fine then


Post some nicecore and breadcore

Im sorry you were declined.
Oh boy that was a close one user! had you picked Nail and i would have had to decline you. But Hole is the superior Foetus album. congratulations pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
Im sorry you were declined.
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
Im sorry you were declined.



>accepts entry-level jazz
sorry, the patrician council is very embarrassed by this turn of events and would like you to report for a patrician audit this week. details of your appointment time are forthcoming.

If you like Lizzy you might like chakra


Come at me

I have nothing to fear



>entry level jazz
but its the sessions doe and it has a bunch of tracks from Get On Up With It, Big Fun, ect.
I mean it has Helen Butte/Mr. Freedom X for gods sake!
Please patrician council, I-I have a family to feed!


Looks like some avant teen meme indeh. Is this worthwhile?

Meme me pls

Our computer caught you trying to pull a fast one on it. Tricky you! unfortunately this means you are no longer applicable for Patrician Card™
im sorry you were declined
The result was inconclusive. I will give you another chance. Use it wisely. Any plebeian could have easily chosen caustic window. I want something that without a doubt seals your patrician status
eek i am so sorry, but having the opinion that entry-level means inherently not bad disqualifies you from applying for Patrician Card™. even though I suspect you were applicant who attempted to pass off Zorn as Patrician Card™ material. pls exit the thread immediately
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™ good choice btw
Im sorry you were declined.




i win

>declining the best produced album ever made



>garbage indie rock accepted
the patrician council is not going to tolerate this much longer. please cease use of the Patrician Card trademark immediately to avoid legal action


am i patricio yet?


a good attempt. The computer says you tried really hard, but unfortunately you made the wrong decision
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™ again nice choice. I see I got here in time thankfully
Sorry the word m**e is grounds for immediate termination. Im sorry to say this, but im going to have to ask you to leave the thread
Ouch our computer REALLY didnt like that one.
I am sorry you were declined

I am a simple man.


>drukqs isn't patrician
Fuck your shitty meme club you retard

>The result was inconclusive. I will give you another chance. Use it wisely. Any plebeian could have easily chosen caustic window. I want something that without a doubt seals your patrician status

I fux wit it



It isn't up to me. I just run the scans. Also I don't know which album you are talking about, because no "garbage indie rock" was accepted
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
but the best produced album hasn't been submitted yet?
I am sorry you were declined
Insufficient proof of Patrician Status. Pls verify further
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
I checked the scanner. It wasn't even close. I hate to break it to you in this way. best of luck to you in the upcoming summer

My fate is in the hands of the Patrician Council



The correct answer is A New White. Denied.

I'll bite


>Insufficient proof of Patrician Status. Pls verify further

This is what I have

Sorry you were declined.
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™ again nice choice.
Im sorry you were declined
sorry you were declined
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™ again nice choice.



yooo you & me we fukin 2nite ;)




>skipping albums he doesn't know
we've got a plebeian in charge of the Patrician Card™ boys pack your bags lets go




You missed the album I posted. No rush, patrician council, it's not like I have a family to feed or anything.


Im sorry you were declined
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
Im sorry you were declined
Im sorry you were declined
Im sorry you were declined
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
Im sorry you were declined

You must really hate Vashti Bunyon.


im so sorry, but you were declined. The computer is telling me you will be very upset, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave the thread and not reply
wow the computer made up it's mind quickly on that one. declined
Wow the textural sensors scored quite high on that one. good choice. The computer was unfamiliar with this one, though, so processing will take a few minutes, before you receive your results
it's not gonna happen. Ill give you a hint. 1 aphex twin album qualifies
hm the computer isnt following your logic with this one. declined
no album will be skipped. there must have been a mistake, or no valid album was detected. please submit an inquiry form with said album
im so sorry, you were declined
submit an inquiry form pls. just (you) this post with a link to said submission!


jig's up boys time to go home

fuck you op

but who was phone



ERROR! THIS IS AN IMPOSTER! The patrician council will take you aside for questioning promptly.
I in fact really enjoy her work. The submissions just did qualify. only so many cards to hand out this summer. If you work hard maybe you will be able to turn in a worthy submission next summer!


Please mr. Computer

>no album will be skipped. there must have been a mistake, or no valid album was detected. please submit an inquiry form with said album

hobo cubes - Ciel optique ()

My family depends on me.



I trust the computer will scan this correctly






>submit an inquiry form pls. just (you) this post with a link to said submission!

I am O great patrician

This is my favorite black metal album. It was limited to 50 copies cassette only.


I-I-I Like this album desu.



Sorry You will not be receiving Patrician Card™ this summer
Ouch sorry even with the trips it doesnt bump this close to Patrician Card™ material
everything is okay. the computer ruled that the phony's acceptance rate was much too high. He will be brought to justice shortly
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
sorry this isn't a valid submission. Pls try again
Sorry all Montreal submissions are fail on site. I guess you didnt read the handout prior to submission?
you have been declined. I wish your children well
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™ well done
It went through! congratulations!
Im sorry you were declined
sorry to make you wait, I tried to give leniency, but there is only so much i can do. you were declined
It must feel pretty bad to let them down then. It was a brave submission though. Youll get it next summer i can tell
sorry you were declined. take note future applicants and don't try all jandek looking for one that i will pass like with aphex twin. there is a jandek album that would pass though.
sorry you were declined

boy a long day at the office. I thought everyone would be turning in good submissions like in the beginning. There are still hundreds of viable submissions. Dont give up
don't play games with me.
Congratulations! pls wait 3-5 business days to receive your Patrician Card™
there's a notice here that's telling me you aren't actually of age to be on this website. Im going to have to ask you to press the red x in the top right of your screen, okay buddy?
Im sorry you were not accepted. I see you tried to get close to the example given in the OP. but it did not make the cut


>Im sorry you were not accepted. I see you tried to get close to the example given in the OP. but it did not make the cut
Motherfucker, I was literally listening to the album when I opened the thread. But you let another (less patrician) togawa jun album fly but not me? Man fuck you, I'd like to speak to the manager of this shitty institution.



This is the crungiest thread I've ever seen

these were the only great submissions. and yes tamahime sama was decided to be better.

This is the crungiest post I've ever memed.