Thoughts on Bjork, Sup Forums?

thoughts on Bjork, Sup Forums?

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Just got into her as of a few months ago through watchin "dancer in the dark". Medulla is underrated as fuck. I know post, veserpetine, and homogenic get hella loce and i see why but people gotta recognize how fucking great medulla is. Not a fan of debut or volta. Biophillia is pretty chill, nice app too. Her most recent work im still digesting, its good and improving with every listen. Only problem is im ESL so understanding her lyrics sometimes can be a struggle unless im wearing good headphones

Don't worry, understanding her lyrics is a struggle for even the strongest english linguists.

I'm currently getting into Post, so I was wondering where I should go next with her.

maybe. debut first

I'm really digging the electronic vibe on Post. So I'm curious as to how much of Debut sounds like Human Behavior(which I really enjoy, but I'm looking for more electronic)?

Homogenic is fuckin amazing if you like the more electronic elements of post. Great blend of symphony and glitchy electronics. Veserpetine is more emotional and personal, very intimate record. For some reason it makes me horny, same with her most recent vulnicira. medulla is more acapella and people say its her weirdest record but it clicked for me instantly. Debut is more pop, so if you enjoyed the more pop elements of post go for it.

lol there's ur answer dude

Then I think I know what next move will be, thanks man.

Was Björk her greatest album?

No problem, i go nothin else to do with my life. Also check out "dancer in the dark". Amazin movie, her performance makes it heartbreaking to watch

Good but overrated artist.

What an inane and utterly pointless comment. You need a tripcode with that.

Post is a mix of everything, if you want electronics go straight into Homogenic which got me into Björk after Post not giving me a clear idea if I liked her or not. My favourite is Vespertine though.

Is Dancer in English?

>Asked to give thoughts on an artist
>Gives thoughts
>Get told that his thoughts are pointless and inane, because he didnt say I love Bjork
Not even him but this is why Sup Forums hates Ricardos

She used to be good in the past. Grimes took her place.

Yup completely in english. Its by lars von trier who you may or may not know for his other movies (antichrist, melancholia, nymphomaniac, dogville, breaking the waves). Great raw tragedy/crime drama/musical. Also has a duet with thom yorke

>not even him
>unique poster count didn't go up
>"he asked me to give thoughts so I gave thoughts!"
Why did you even bother coming here from facebook?

>Thom Yorke

I'm sold. I don't care if that makes me a faggot

The ending of this movie is so fucking well done.

>unique poster count didnt even increase!
>it did
Whatever lad

It was pointless because "overrated" is a meaningless criticism without quantifying it. Being "overrated" says "lots of people like her but I don't". You have to explain why. And since it implies aspects of her work are not as good as some people suggest perhaps you could provide examples of what you deem to be inferior or examples of what you think are on the same level but deserving of more praise.


>looks asian as fuck



scands have weird genes

I like Post the best but want to have Debut as my favorite instead just because of the cute cover art.

my favourites are homogenic and vespertine and i think she's a great artist overall

Listen to Telegram

of course bjork would try and eat it


why is she so qt ;_;

where is this from tho


We all love her

t. Ricardo


She sucks and she is ugly as fuck

Choose one

Grimes is better.

What's a Grimes?


she looks like an anime character here

try Homogenic bro.

I like Venus as a Boy. What else should I listen to?

Isobel is one of my favourite songs. Easily in my top 30 fav songs, ever.


Hyperballad and probably Joga

damnit bjork and your jellyfish powers

it's useful