ITT: depression core music for a 17 hour greyhound bus ride

ITT: depression core music for a 17 hour greyhound bus ride
Hard mode: no dillute, I hate myself or aphasia

>17 hour greyhound bus ride

i am so jealous. enjoy your trip, faggot

can I sleep at your house so I don't have to piss myself to stay warm at the park near your house? I'll clean up and serenade your cats


How about you listen to the disgusting sounds of the other passengers and think about what your life has become.

getting the obvious out of the way

and follow that up with loveless' darker twin

before we switch over to some more upbeat depressioncore


Codeine is required


greyhound passengers are weird but at least they're interesting. i'm glad that normies all own cars/get ripped off flying.

my favorite record to start off long bus trips with


good luck while listening to 12.23.95 and Table for Glasses

damn that shit is sad, not listening to it again

"Excavation" - The Haxan Cloak

Also "Theory of Machines" by Ben Frost (both song and album)


i can't to this right now, the peak of Loss Leader makes me tear up

god-tier depression-core


Where are you traveling and where from OP?
Also listen to some Brand New, idk emo.