Is slowdive shoegaze or slowcore and what is slowcore?

is slowdive shoegaze or slowcore and what is slowcore?

probably Hitomi Tanaka

Shoegaze. Slowcore is always sad and slow, and usually has more plain instrumentation than shoegaze.

Slowdive is more like dreampop.

it's dreamy shoegaze. more ethereal than fuzzy.

Who is this


ai shinozaki

Slowdive aren't really a straight-up Shoegaze band. Their sound is more rooted in Dream Pop, but with slightly heavier Shoegaze influences than say Cocteau Twins were. They were, however, a large part of the wider Shoegaze scene alongside other Creation Records bands like MBV and Ride. Either way, they definitely weren't a Slowcore band.

Slowcore refers to a more broad type of Indie Rock music, though there is some crossover in the genre with both Shoegaze and Dream Pop. the most notable part of Slowcore is, as the name suggests, the slow tempo of the songs. While this is the most obvious feature of Slowcore there are others. The songs are often very minimalist, featuring very simple melody lines, which are often in minor keys. Use of reverb and delay is very common, though some bands make fairly minimal use of these. Also, sad lyrics are very common, though bands with this lyricism are sometimes refered to as "Sadcore" instead, a term I don't like very much. There is a fair bit of variation in Slowcore. A band like Codeine are more rooted in Post-Punk, and has a lot of influence from early Post-Rock. These influences can also be seen in later Slowcore bands like the post-Slint The For Carnation. A band like Red House Painters is more influenced by Folk Rock. Galaxie 500 have a sound rooted in Indie Pop, and are similar to The Velvet Underground. But in all of these bands the central elements are the same as laid out at the beginning of my post.

She's so fucking hot but chinks smell so bad.

>but with slightly heavier Shoegaze influences than say Cocteau Twins were

How does a band that predated and influenced shoegaze, have shoegaze influences?

Good response.

shes not even a chink tho

OK, that was a bad example, but they did have more Shoegaze influences than most Dream Pop bands at that time.

delete this thread.

>but they did have more Shoegaze influences than most Dream Pop bands at that time.

Are you saying that Slowdive has more shoegaze influences than most of dream pop at the time?

Because this is true.

Delete your existence famu

Hitomi Tanaka you blind fool.


Neither, you retarded fuck


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