Is it just me, or has this album gotten worse over time? The idea of putting rap with jazz is really interesting...

Is it just me, or has this album gotten worse over time? The idea of putting rap with jazz is really interesting, but it's really by the books as far as the jazz and rap goes.

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jazz and rap wasnt that innovative since hip hop started with people sampling jazz and funk

Hip hop is just American-reggae.

>The idea of putting rap with jazz is really interesting

Hello, what are the 90s?

This shit meme again lol


I didn't know facts were memes.


The idea of putting rap with jazz is really interesting
You wot. I actually like the album, but it's in no way innovative in that respect.

think what you want about tpab, but if were dumbing the conversation down to 'huduh its jazz and rap' then theres nothing substantial to talk about really

i dont think think especially highly or lowly or tpab but the jazz on the record is one of the last things i think about whenever i put it on

Keep pushing the shit m8

Grime is trash btw

90s hiphop sampled jazz, but as far as I know, there is no hiphop album where the entire album was jazz.

Whats grime got to do with anything?

he just rapped over some flylo beats m8

when the album came out, the common complaint was that it wasn't listenable enough, there wouldn't be replay value, singles, bangers etc.

The narrative of the album, the aesthetic context of if, it was too insular when it came out - but the album was so acclaimed that the insular context of it became kind of a zeitgeist in itself. So now that the subversive elements of it are commonplace the songs are banal.

>The idea of putting rap with jazz is really interesting
It's also really, really tired at this point

Surely a dancehall / sound system subgenre, although its close enough for sure



The only people who thought it was good to begin with weren't the average hiphop listener

jazz rap exists



So fucking boring boys. Honestly.

Hand on the Torch is the 1993 debut album by the jazz-rap group Us3. It received much attention because of its mix of jazz and rap, using live jazz musicians.

I think this is kinda true. First time I listened to TPAB I thought it was so fucking great. now I'm kinda like's pretty good I guess. I don't think it aged well. But to be fair a lot of albums get worse the more you listen.
