Ok Sup Forums, It's time

ok Sup Forums, It's time.
What is the best album?


Age of Adz


Jesus christ how do people sit on their butts playing video games all day

Doesn't everyone feel horribles on days they dont make something or contribute to the earth in some form?

The real question is how people still enjoy videogames after they're teenagers. Shit's all the same.

I like gaming at night when there's nothing else to do, but consuming your life with it is pretty sad.

said user, while posting on a suicide hotline forum
is irony dead on you guys?

do you live in canada?

Shitposting engages all major areas of ur cerebral cortex tho

video games are like metal
for children

Fishmans - Long Season

but only if you got some dank ejuice to vape

your excrement contributes more to earth than you will, why not play video games?

That's a weed album.

Vapecore is more Korn or Mars Volta.

holy shit that is some serious cringe happening in that pic

my excrement hasnt made almost an hour of music in the past 2 weeks


>Korn or Mars Volta
Vapecore is either the usual pleb stuff like Twenty One Pilots and trap music or it's "sophisticated" pleb stuff like Tool and Animals as Leaders

no, but your excrement probably sounds better than the hour of music you've made in the past 2 weeks

>*turns on non-specific gaming console*

only the best user, for you

>proud of selling hours your life to jew bosses when you could be enjoying yourself at the expense of brainwashed taxpayers

>Castaways and Cutouts-Decemberists
probably one of the best albums ive ever listened to, if not that then
>Drugs to the Dear Youth-Tera Melos
all intrumental but a great short album
