ITT: Bands that peaked in their first album

ITT: Bands that peaked in their first album

I'll start

Joy division

Bloc Party
Joy Division
King Crimson
Red House Painters


>what is Boces

>boces better than yerself is steam

hew boi

The Smiths
Depeche Mode
King Crimson

Well, they only released one album during Ian's lifetime so it's kinda different, i think.

But Closer is actually good.

The Used

hey, King Crimson comes close to ITCOTCK, but yeah they never get all the way there.

Not a band but Thundercat

>The Smiths
>Depeche Mode
this is bait.

the strokes


Horrible b8 m8


being this retarded


>literally every band

your third eye knows it to be true


>Pink Floyd
>The Beatles

>Pink Floyd
>implying tpatgod isn't their best

the avalanches

I agree, they'll never top El Producto

>bands that peaked in their first album
>implying an ep is an album

dude crooked rain crooked rain is pretty fucking good I would say its better


but op...

Frank zappa

Arcade Fire

but what?


>implying that Beatles-Ripoff album was the best they had

Syd leaving the group was for the best, lad

>wearing a daft punk shirt

they literally stole the song robot rock

they lifted it whole sale whole cloth

they just put a robot voice on it lmao

honestly i stopped listening after the third hand came out



>the strokes
>modest mouse

I don't let any of their other albums pollute my hard drive.

>arcade fire


But their subsequent releases were still incredible




30 Seconds to Mars. Too bad nobody knows about it, because their other albums are kind of mediocre.

If we aren't counting EP's

Deathcrush (EP) 8/10
DMDS (LP) 9/10
Live in Leipzig (Live) 10/10

Closer is better though
Honestly the first four albums from Burzum are all perfect. I can't decide which is the best, but if I had to choose it would be Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. That album is truly incredible.

i like danse manatee, but damn, it's not THAT good



Burzum is SHIT.

Although they had other great albums, this is a 10/10

Daft Punk
Talking heads

those bands all peaked never

agreed, this album really would have been impossible to follow up

Hollowed ground came close and birds was pretty good too but I agree, they'll never top s/t

Also how was there new album, haven't got to it?

eh, it was pretty forgettable like a lot of reunion albums

This, A few gems from the following two releases, but not as good as the first.

Closer is far more beautiful in its sadness and anger, than Unknown Pleasures.

this and Campfire Songs

I don't care for the old KC.

But when Adrian Belew and Discipline came around, I've been hooked ever since.

Listen to Thrakk!

The Verve
Alan Parsons Project
The Charlatans


>King Crimson
Go listen to Larks', Red, and Discipline again.

How the fuck do you think ITCOTCK is their best album?

>I owned an Unknown Pleasures shirt before actually listening to them

I like brighten the corners and terror twilight the most. I will say the 1st two have the most style.

Sleigh Bells.

Should have released Adventure first.

Lonerism is their magnum opus




The Blue Album is far superior

Weezer definitely

fucking wrong



To all the Joy Division people out there:
I've listened to Unknown Pleasures maybe 3-4 times in the span of 4 years.
Last time I listened to it it was yesterday and I thought the album is mediocre in the worst of ways.

Should I bother with Closer?

How do you not??
Believe me when I say that I fucking love many of their later records, like Red and motherfucking Discipline.

However it is still naïve or straight up contrarian to argue that the collection of compositions off ItCotCK are not the best they ever put together.

I feel like people are only trying to be cool about it because it is their most popular.
It doesn't change the fact that their compositions then were brilliant, ahead of their time, and have aged beautifully.
I mean, fuck, that shit was put together in the late sixties. Discipline's infamous math rock came out way in the 80's when Germany and the Canterbury scene had already been messing with angular and shifting time signatures in the past decade.
Yet few things rivalled In the Court... at the time of its release.

Stop being so anally contrarian man no one cares if you listen to Sup Forumscore anymore

>third eye
That reminds me, Third Eye Blind

Fantano get out

The Beatles (obviously)
Bob Dylan (obviously)
Led Zeppelin
Tom Waits
Talking Heads

you're living on it

Bloc Party's second album was good too t b h. they went to shit after that tho.

Linkin Park



It's really just a matter of preference as far as the first two Mercury Rev albums go. I personally prefer Yerself Is Steam just because it's more of my type of thing, but I can definitely see why people would think Boces is their best album.


I don't see why you said "obviously" for the Beatles and Dylan when those are opinions that most people don't share. Also, Houses of the Holy is definitely Led Zeppelin's best album, because it's the only one that doesn't suffer from a lack of consistency.


Is this Fall Out Boy?

Room on Fire is the GOAT Strokes Album

The Moon & Antarctica is the GOAT Modest Mouse Album

dunno about Interpol and Weezer.

Why is the lead singer's voice so weird sounding after Hybrid Theory

A thousand suns and living things are better
I'm not even being contrarian

>not Closer
Literally the pleb tumblr opinion.


objectively wrong since humbug exists

>The Beatles
>Bob Dylan

The Beach Boys

The Smiths
Neutral Milk Hotel
Dinosaur Jr
Sonic Youth
Beach Boys
Vampire Weekend
Grizzly Bear
Built To Spill
Modest Mouse
Death Cab for Cutie
Into It. Over It.
The Beatles
My Bloody Valentine
The Flaming Lips
yeah u rite

Cherry picking? Daft Punk's achievements definitely outweigh whatever you think of Robot Rock.

Modest Mouse peaked on the Moon and Antarctica.