How bad is it going to be Sup Forums

how bad is it going to be Sup Forums

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i liked when NSP did Wish You Were Here but that's really it

"Gamers" will love it since they have no taste



that being said i watch game grumps every day

Danny is actually a good singer and some NSP songs are genuinely pretty funny, but their covers are pretty trash. They should just stick to comedy stuff.


So what is the point of doing a cover album?


>cover album

>how bad is it going to be Sup Forums

do you really have to ask??

Jon leaving fucking killed it

he's a fucking teenager that's why he watches it

you don't know that
this is an anonymous forum

Come on their Take On Me cover was great

this is the first time i've come across a music(?) related thread on Sup Forums where i have absolutely no idea what's going on in it. it's like reading about a band from another planet.

it was far inferior to the original

the original is not a great song

please get some taste

I'm 20, so I've been following GameGrumps since they started.
How old are you?

>the original is not a great song
Hahahahahahaha OK kid, I'm sure you love DG and Swans a lot. Keep trying to fit in.


You should've heard of NSP and GG by now.

>this thread

This is now a terrible covers thread


i hope you start fitting in somewhere

wtf is that pube shit on his chin

Who are your favorite artists? Mine are
Pierre Boulez
Jim O'Rourke


this is humiliating for you

please stop

So accurate

I am so happy I am not the only one that hates their music

Hahahaha ok kid I'm sure you love Darmstadt too.

Danny's voice is amazing either way
