Sup Forums in a nutshell

Sup Forums in a nutshell

dancing is for faggots tbqh

you can't properly appreciate the music


listening to music with hq headphones and stoned off your ass is objectively the best way to listen to music

i don't dance because i'm not a homosexual

I personally believe that dancing to something you already know can be fun, but while listening to something for the first time you should try to restrain yourself and appreciate the music unless so extremely compelled to move. That's just me though.

>listening to music with hq headphones and stoned off your ass is objectively the best way to listen to music
Get the fuck out of here you degenerate millennial

gentlemen please! let the troll alone he's obviously bored and slightly retard. let the man be!! no need to get all hussied up about some retardspeak gentlemen!!! carry on

nah m8. I need this guy to explain to us what is his problem with homosexuality
smdh tbqh familia


why is it so hard to believe i don't like dancing
i see it as a waste of time and detracting from the music. it's also a feminine activity.

t. someone who has never gotten drunk and danced in the dark to their favorite tunes

most human experience possible desu

>i'm not a homosexual
>it's also a feminine activity.
you have some deep insecurities my friend

>drinking alone
maybe so
but you will never convince me dancing has any value

feminine to have a bitch grinding on your crotch with her ass?

that's feminine?

having a dime push her cheeks up against your bone? da fuck u smoke bro

dancing with someone is fine
dancing alone though or doing ballet or flamenco or some of that shit is gay as hell

you do realize that all you're doing is moving your body in rhythm with the rhythm?

your body is always moving. as soon as it begins to move in response to a rhythm that somehow becomes gay?


Are you 15?
Last time a girl tried grinding on my ass I walked away.

don't care what you say
looks gay to me
i would never ever do it and i will judge those who do
you're just a fag then bro

Did this a week ago with To Be Kind. Would do again.

b k u b

do you last long in bed?

let's say you were fucking some chick right, would you go for 5 minutes or you wanna hit that for an hour til you're sore?

Post more PTE gaybois

how would dancing increase sexual stamina

i exercise plenty why would dancing effect that and not exercise

