Was this supposed to be something special?

Was this supposed to be something special?

all music is special

Why is captcha always asking me to identify store fronts? Isn't there anything else I can identify?

am i music?

how the fuck am I supposed to know
how the fuck am I supposed to know

what do u know

Fun fact about LZIV: Stairway to Heaven has the most airtime out of any classic rock song

Brian eno

That and Going to California were the only 2 songs on the album I found interesting d e s u

What do you know?

I know things
I know my stuff

I keep getting store fronts though...

lol truuu

be my pixies gf
and then I said "be my pixies gf" lol

Because it's mysterious bro, this was the shit when it came out a no one could figure out what was happening

U know I know eno

I wish stairway to heaven never existed so people would stop playing it at guitar center

the pixies are kind of post-punk in a "it's after punk but alltogether doesnt have much to do with it" sort of way


So its not fucking punk then

It's the sound dude. Very potent hard rock.

desu this is very true. idk why we get so worked about certain music being better than other music. All music is special in its own way.

you can call it stupid obnoxious or plenty of other things. But it's also exciting, dynamic, and phenomenally well played.

It's canon for a reason dude.

is that pauline

I think it's a great album but people shit on it just because of Stairway. Battle of Evermore is pretty sick, one of my favorite LZ songs.

>when will you all admit Stairway to Heaven is beautiful and will be admired 100 years from now long after humanity has forgotten about Jeff Mangum

why are you using firefox lmao

i know youll probably get mad if i say chrome is better but it looks so much better lmao i almost vomited

Was this post supposed to be something special?

Same here

>Not including When the levee breaks
>Dat drum
>Dat guitar lick
>Dat harmonica

>IV is your favorite Zeppelin album
>Stairway is your least favorite track off of it