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oi cunts give us a quick hand please. In the song 'I should live in salt' by the National theres this instrument that comes in over the drums and acoustic guitar and I think its a bass but it has this weird effect on it and i don't know how to describe it but you'll notice what I'm talking about. WHAT IS THE EFFECT?!?!

heres the song: youtube.com/watch?v=mPIB3ojwqdg

also thinking of getting a VI bass, any pros/cons?

My bass strings have finally arrived, properly balanced tension, all within 1 pound of each other with an extra light g string. Should be interesting to see if it's worth the effort.

thats some type of synth, thats not a bass

Top tier. Might be too edgy for you memers but the craftmanship is superb.

would a synth pedal on a fender VI be able to replicate something similar?

What time? Early on there's a synth but the other synthy type sound is just swells with an eBow or something.

If you don't like balanced tension try steadily going higher tension as you go lower and running a slight camber on the bridge.

I've tried both ways and ended up settling with that. The high string is 13lbs and my lowest is 17lbs.

Daemoness is top quality but the guy is definitely best known for his inlay work. I've played a couple and they are similar in feel to high end Jacksons if you want a point of reference.

Sounds like an Ebow with some kind of swell effect to me.

This is kind of close.


Billy Sheehan does that because he bends a whole lot and drops down the e string to a d quite frequently. Seems interesting but having all string at the same tension seems to make the most sense if you stay in one tuning.

>that inlay
my god

what the hell is everyone's obsession with a klon? i mean it sounds alright but i don't see any reason why people are paying thousands of dollars for it

It's more to do with how perception is perceived. A plain steel string at 17lbs would feel awkward so progressive tension tends to feel better.

Obviously that's not really applicable to bass.

Yeah he does some great work.

Retarded hype.
It's even more retarded when you can get some of the great modern amps for the amount of cash some of them go for. For $2500 I'd rather get a Mesa head.

I would seriously get a custom with the /gg/ burdies inlayed if I had all the cash in the world. Not the pleb PRS ones but the real qties.

It is literally impossible to find white pickup covers for a 5 string p bass.

It's warm, dynamic and clear. The real klon (gold version) is the best overdrive I've ever tried, something about the copies doesn't get it 100% right.

To quote Nels Cline "“I've written about it before. It's an amp in a box. No more worries in the world of AMP DU JOUR about overdrive tone. It will always be OK. The Centaur will take care of it. Consumers: It's worth the wait to get one. I've had this thing for years now. What did I ever do without it? Let them poor boys hate, We outchea eating good yyeeerme"

Here's a clip I recorded with one a while ago.


the soul food sounds 90% identical to it

that 10% the klon does that the soul food does not is not worth the extra $2,000

i guess if someone is rolling in cash and wants to be picky i can sort of see how paying that much is justified. i'd get one if i had the money but i would never bring it out on gigs

Maybe I'm just jaded, but if no one told me I was hearing a klon, I wouldn't know, before thinking it was one I'd think it's:
Low gain pups or with the volume rolled and tone rolled a bit down, slight overdive on the amp.
Some cheap overdrive with almost no overdrive induced. Hell, a fucking blues driver.

I mean, I don't know if you're trolling with your post but the playing and tone sounds like it's chasing for that Santana at Woodstock SG loaded with P90s sound. Which is not hard to do nor worth it 2k.

Everyone I know that has one bought them at the original price, I agree that it's retarded to pay $2000+ for one. The soul food didn't really come as close as people say imo. At lower gain settings they're close but it's the higher gain compression that is totally different and for me that's the best sound out of the Klon.

.Too rich for my bloodI though. 'll have to make do with my lovepedal overdrives..

>Something about them doesn't get it 100% right
AKA, placebo effect kicks in to justify your waste of money

>Hell, a fucking blues driver.

i'd bet if someone put an EQ after a blues driver or a tube screamer and tuned it right, it's going to sound almost exactly like a klon

>tfw your shitty interface shits noise all over your tone
>So much noise that the amount of gating you need to cover it kills your dynamics


I'm currently saving up for one of these. From what I've heard, these things sound cool as fuck. They also don't have any standard tuning, which is very appealing.

It's a telecaster into a JC120 (or a Traynor 2x12 I don't remember) no overdrive on the amp at all, not touching volume or tone knob at all.

The differences between cleaner and heavier gain sounds are all controlled by picking dynamics, which is why it's such a good pedal imo.

Hell fucking yes, that's what EQs do after all.
I bet we can do this in a lab with lab conditions and shit, analyze the output, and the graph will be so closely matched that this meme will finally fucking fall into obscurity like tone woods finally did (or are in the process of being accepted as just feel and look and not TOAN in electric solid bodies).

>The differences between cleaner and heavier gain sounds are all controlled by picking dynamics
Every single overdrive? unless it's a pedal that forces clipping (aka distortion) or has a heavy compressor part, every single overdrive, the only thing it does, is boost the fucking signal that comes from the pups.
I shouldn't have studied a fucking science. Black magic drives me mad.

here's the guitar I lust over;
Fender Classic Player Jaguar HH in Olympic White

>tfw making drone metal and running 3 delays

>tone woods
>not TOAN in electric solid bodies

Fucking kek

ok so we've mostly established now that a klon is a meme status pedal

what other pedals are meme status? part of me wants to say a tube screamer, but i like tube screamers and still use them after all this time...

Boss DS-1?

Ubiquitous but it sounds like shit.

If I had to guess the Klon is somewhere in between an Overdrive and a Distortion, the saturation in relation to picking dynamics is really unique.

Take a look at this, is there anything that stands out from a regular overdrive?

I can't help but look down musicians that use these. It's a shameful bias but it's there. Like, that shit could have been a perfectly fine MXR distortion+...

i remember when i first tried one of those out, my friend had one and i plugged into it. even at 14 years old i couldn't fucking stand the sound. it's so dry and squeaky sounding. ugh.

On paper, sure.

But don't pretend it adds up to any sort of noticeable difference or uniqueness.

It's pretty, one of my bandmates was actually thinking of getting one eventually for studio stuff while I'm modding out a Jazzmaster for eventual studio stuff too, offsets are cool
A Klon, TS808, Strymon stuff, and EQD stuff are all memes. Not saying anything there is neccessarily bad but that is the general opinion I find

i thought the strymon timeline was supposed to be pretty good? i see it on a lot of peoples boards now

All Strymon stuff is amazing, all hate comes from jealous poorfags tbqh.

I've been playing for two and a half years on a Squier Standard Strat, and the other day I was at a music shop and decided to try a Jag and it was heavenly
the scale length was so much more fitting, the electronics on it are great, it's just all pretty

does that have a zero fret? What's going on here, it seems like the distance between the first fret and the nut is extremely small

>forgetting this legendary pedal

Compress to shit, reverb the fuck outta it, add layers and shit, pan, etc. And it could be nice for a glitchy, ambient album.
I had a 10 buck interface, by Beheringer, that was super noisy, I said fuck it, no more, and got myself a scarlett. DI Box to level signal and have a ground option to also avoid noise from whatever is in the chain.

Save up famaladingdong, get yourself a nice interface, they are worth it.

They can only be a meme if they legit achieve nothing extra that other pedals do for substantially less money, or if they are bought for the cool factor and nothing else.
TS and DS-1 are so cheap and work as intended, they aren't hyped to be anything they aren't (unless they are custom versions or boutique'd up).
I'd say Strymon, especially the blue and big Sky are indeed memes. Not because they aren't good, but due to the price (100 more than competition at least) but more so the fact that people bought them because of hype, and not because they are just another fucking reverb stompbox.

It has an IC that regulates voltage.
I fail to see any magic. It's just an easily reproduced schematic as you can see by having it there. Components are easily sourced and can be copied at home. Hence why klon clones are popular and cheap.

They are good, but you can pop up in reddit or any forum (including here) and there are people who still have shiny brand new ones because they just bought them because of the hype.

I never said they were bad, I said it's a meme, kinda like offsets, doesn't make me not like them
Save up and go for it
I agree

i think that's just the angle of the picture. zero frets are usually much closer than that

Whenever someone comes up with a reason for their guitar/pedal purchase that isn't just pure preference or based on FACTS I want you to remember one thing: electronics aren't magic. I can solder together a Klon clone and it'll sound exactly the same. They can't add any "secret spices" or do something crazy with it, it's electronic components soldered together by someone, that's it.

daily reminder that bass players are useless weirdos and should kill themselves for choosing such a terrible instrument

no one likes you

the HM-2 is definitely a meme too.

I used to have one on my boards and people would always come up and say


(I still use it every now and then because it sounds great )

the guy who created the pedal apparently has some super dooper secret type of capacitor which makes the klon sound the way it does

i don't know anything about electronics but i'm assuming this is mostly just bullshit


the guy sounds kind of like a cunt

Why not just embrace the noise, do what you can to augment it, and become the next Takashi Mizutani ?

sorry, a diode, not a capacitor

>I had a 10 buck interface, by Beheringer

That's exactly what I'm using. The Scarlett Solo is what I'm saving up for, it's just frustrating to deal with in the meantime.

Because I am not a fag.

Daily reminder that I started playing 2 years ago and get gigs all the time even though I'm just mediocre. Playing a terrible instrument is kinda great.

no one expects bassists to be good kek

t. terrible bassist that doesnt even know notes, just tabs in semi popular band (in my state at least)

you guys like shitty distortion pedals? Fab Tone by Danelectro was the awesome for low volume shredding

i think we can justifiably throw the entire boss line of pedals into the meme category

they are such visually hideous pedals too

I have one from 15 years ago.
I stopped using it quickly, but it has seen non meme duty.
Never sold it, who'd buy one? I'd get like 5 bucks, plus I can crank it up, and rip some shitty shred solo to annoy the neighbors.

Is it white with an insanely bright led? fuck that interface. One of the worst purchases I've ever made.

Everyone begs you and treats you like a king for just being the bass of the band.
And if you pull double duty as a guitarist in your own band or somewhere else, you still get mad pussy.
This, my first months with the bass I gigged with a bands and I only had to play roots and fifths and I just followed the guitar.
And you only need a DI box and the bass.

>muh hand picked components!
There is variance in the production of semi conductor components, but it's ridiculous to claim that you could hear a difference in a circuit like that.

after reading that article i think i'm safe in assuming the "creator" of the pedal is just full of shit who doesn't really know what he's talking about, and he's taking credit for all the work those two guys from MIT did.

They werk and are spare change cheap.
Memes but certainly cool. Also most shit we grew up with had at least one boss running through it.

Exactly, otherwise we would hear them even in non "hand picked" components simply thanks to the error margin in them.

There is no reason a pedal should ever be bought for that much money.

>Is it white with an insanely bright led? fuck that interface. One of the worst purchases I've ever made.

Black with an insanely bright LED.

Dirty chink mofo.

>Memes but certainly cool. Also most shit we grew up with had at least one boss running through it.

yea true. i still have some piece of shit ancient boss delay in my closet. i think i have a boss stereo chorus in there somewhere too. i'm pretty sure the boss chorus pedal is the reason i fucking hate stereo chorus. i just get reminded of that hideous 1980s sounding piece of shit pedal.

Hey guys, how did y'all go about learning the notes of the neck? mainly for improvisation purposes. I can name the note if I think about it for a second, but it's hard for me to organically pull the notes I need for improv stuff.
Do flashcards help? considering picking some up.
thanks friends

SHIT, yes, the exact same shit, just differences from the year I guess.
It's such a piece of fucking shit.
See the tape? it shone even through it, what the flying fuck.
It was so noisy man, it almost made me cry like a parent with a newborn who can't shut up.

I kept it to remind myself of my failures and shortcomings in life, to strive to never be such a piece of shit myself nor fall for low quality again.

scales are good for that. if you keep practicing them you won't even need to think about the note names.

the easiest way to memorize the fretboard is knowing the octave shapes.

That's not really helpful at all but thanks. I guess. Idiot..

Mine is a chink knockoff, thats probably why mine's black. It doens't have the Behringer logo.

I bought mine fall of 2012. I'd been using a Digitech GNX4 for years and the sound sucked ass, and I'd just bought my first nice guitar so shit just wasn't cutting it. I grabbed the interface for cheap just so I could pirate Guitar Rig and see if it was an improvement over the Digitech.

It was, but over three years later I haven't gone through with buying a better interface. Or paying for Guitar Rig, lawl.

I first learned the 6th string, because root notes, and only whole notes, since you can know b and # from there.
After that I learned the 5th, same way.
After that someone recommended me to learn all the notes in all the strings but only up to the 5th fret (because it repeats after that in the following string).

In the end what motivated and didn't feel like a chore was a mix of doing scales and knowing the notes I was playing and saying them in my head, the roots of chords, and so on until it stuck. I could play the scales slowly but nicely, while still thinking of the notes, after that you just know them and that's it.

>Without the buffer there is a very noticeable degradation of the signal due to the capacitance inherent in guitar cables
AHAHAHAHAHA! Damn right he's full of shit, maybe he's a bat and his guitar produces ultrasonic overtones, Jesus fucking Christ. I encourage every musician to learn very basic electronics, you'd be amazed how ridiculous some of this shit is with a tiny bit of extra knowledge.

..... says the person who needs flash cards to remember 12 notes in different positions

Are you saying there isn't tone loss in using a super long cable?

If you have a pedalboard full off true bypass pedals you WILL lose a lot of high end vs plugging straight into the amp.

Wow fuck you

Fucking troll

Someone answer my question SERIOUSLY please

honestly, if a DS-1 sounds like shit it's because YOU sound like shit

Kill yourself.

>I grabbed the interface for cheap just so I could pirate Guitar Rig and see if it was an improvement over the Digitech.
>It was, but over three years later I haven't gone through with buying a better interface. Or paying for Guitar Rig, lawl.
My sides, exactly the same.
Now I have a scarlett 2i2, but still use pirated guitar rig. Do it bro, may clean line signals come to you.

low/medium action or high action

Coax cables act as low pass filters, correct. But he's talking about a single pedal, the few extra meters of cable you use to connect it to the amp make no difference whatsoever. This is the same bullshit that people claim sometimes, "I can hear the difference between a 3m and a 9m cable". The cut off frequency for that filter is in the realms of ultrasonic frequencies, there is no difference.

>Wow fuck you

yess yesss let the hate flow

Wtf. I come here for a little help and this is what happens? Come on guys. Why are you being mean for no reason

This is why I plug a metal zone (turned off) in the chain. Acts as signal strength "keeper" and it makes gear heads uncomfortable seeing my pedal in a live situation... always expecting me to jump into it and see what I do in the song with it.

After years it's like whatever man, as long as it doesn't make my hand bleed when doing a super hard chord or I can sweep pick the panties of moms around the world without problem, it's alright.

Troll or not, you got two legit answers.

This was actually very helpful! Thank you!

Ok that guy is a big time corksniffer.

medium to lower medium. low action is for shredders that play very very lightly, you lose some dynamics if you have low action because you can't really dig into a note, it will just be buzzed out to shit

>the HM-2 is definitely a meme too.
Not really. If you max everything it'll sound terrible. It can sound great if you actually tweak it a bit.

For good all-purose action, the trick is to set the string at the height where when you bend up from the string below it your finger pushes the string rather than sliding below or (worse) above it.

Basically, when you fret a note, the distance from the center of your finger to the fretboard is the height you want.

Flash cards? Please.

This is a pretty good approach, especially the part about mixing scales and saying notes in your head.

Don't stress about it too much unless your teacher is Joe Satriani (who Steve Vai said once cancelled a lesson on the spot because Vai took longer than two seconds to identify a note at random on the fretboard). A lot of ridiculously talented players can't name notes immediately (watch a Paul Gilbert instructional video if you don't believe me). Scales are great because they'll help you create different moods throughout your improvisations. Once you can move through multiple scales starting from different roots around the neck, start thinking about fucking around with intervals within each scale for more interesting phrases (for example, playing major sixths and sevenths over the minor is a great way to make differentiate your phrasing and play cool, unexpected lines). Then you'll start thinking about specific notes more organically as you play.

I really think knowing intervals is the most important element of improvisation, though. When I'm improvising I'm thinking less about the specific notes I'm playing and more about the tensions and resolutions created by moving up a half-step for a bar before going back into the key, or going from a minor arpeggio to a diminished lick, or adding a major sixth to a pentatonic run, etc.

Calling things a meme is a meme nowadays. Don't take it seriously
it's probably best to ignore it entirely until the kids move on to the next cool meme

you are a child

you got good advice, and you complained about it because you're too dumb to understand it
fuck off

>I really think knowing intervals is the most important element of improvisation
Scales are just known/common sets of intervals with certain harmonic qualities.
But this is why scales are cool, they "tell" you how intervals sound and behave.
Like how the blues scale has that tritone right in there for the root? and that's what makes it sound either evil or deep or soulful.

This is why players that have "discovered" scales like to tell others to practice scales, but for some reason those who don't are always sort of afraid of scales.

Yfw i wasn't even the guy that asked the question
Yfw he hasn't posted anything except the question

>Mfw his face when yfw you got tricked

Yet again i have deceived and outsmarted you dimwitted buffoons


nice lol
nowadays and the last year

what kind of faggot trolls a /gg/ thread

you have the entire rest of this shit board to do that

Nice dude, heres your (You). Now off the the next thread!

how about j mascis action

What gauge? depending on it, it might not be so bad if you like to plant chords hard or work above the 5th fret mostly.

i have accended to the realm of 8 strings
wanna get a multiscale soon but this is what i have. agile septor 827 rn cp cf, passive pickups great for clean and djent alike,string .9 - .80, forced to use 9s cause of the 27 inch scale length.

>no whammy bar

What are you going to do, just MAKE VIBRATO with your FINGERS?

That's the most retarded thing I've ever seen.

He just uses 10-46

why? it extends your range. just look how this guy uses it.