What's the worst music forum on the internet?

What's the worst music forum on the internet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums


boards.Sup Forums.org/mu/

that or indieheads



r/hiphopheads is much much worse. They literally think Nas has more than one good album


r/music is actually unbearable

Sup Forums

basically anywhere that lets the unwashed masses voice their opinions

private forums are good

Are you really that salty about getting downvoted user

But not /r/lewronggeneration huh?

Stillmatic was phonically just Illmatic with more songs

Very unlikely you would like both

No, I'm pointing out how they don't have any actual arguments.

yer livin on it

/bleep/ is by far the worst

There isn't a single music community with worthwhile music discussion because every worthwhile discussion of music boils down to the enjoyment of music being subjective and if you already know that then there's nothing to discuss.

I'm just here for the memes and the share threads.

rap genius

not that guy, but stillmatic isn't even in nas top 5 albums imo, not the album i would use to argue he's got more than 1 good album. lost tapes, it was written is more like it

gods son was his best album btw

>all these self-hating cucks
The what.cd forums are way worse than Sup Forums.

nah you're too stupid to understand what 'critique' entails
spend some of your time reading a few books instead of reposting memes


yeah Sup Forums is far from the worst. there are definitely plenty i dont konw but shit like absolutepunk which is all pop punk and its derivitives and really cheesy rock one step away from pop punk. maybe not as much shit posting but waaay worse taste and intellectual thinking going on there.

What is significant about "critique" then?

Sure you can analyze music, break down the components and detail how it's made and put together, but so what?

Maybe understanding how a track was conceived, performed, recorded, and mixed might cause me to have a more personal appreciation and enjoyment of it (this has happened on occasion), but all of that means absolutely nothing to some other guy that also enjoys it without knowing any of that.

That fact that a group of people can all like the same music for different reasons means there's nothing objective about music that causes them to like it, it's just what they all happen to enjoy.

Any music subforum from an Anime forum.

You're posting on it

lewronggeneration because it's the place where the worst parts of Sup Forums congregate


i win. try finding one person who isn't a rockist on that website

>private forums are good
Then explain WATMM

Well there's a thread devoted to classical music so it's already better than r/music.

this guy wrote an entire story about his trip to the BOSE STORE, holy fuck hahahahahahahaha


I'm going to go on the attack and say Illmatic is overrated as fuck. I've listened to it and while some songs are enjoyable I really don't see why it's one of the "best hip hop albums of all time".

>that shitty opinion
If I say Sup Forums is the worst do you promise to never come here again?


Guy that you responded to here, and I agree. That shit is so dated that it's like a 6/10 on a good day. His actual best is the Lost Tapes and that's 8/10 at most.

Nas is the classic example of people confusing influential with good.

first post, best post


he didn't say it wasn't