What's the music equivalent?

What's the music equivalent?

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21 Pilots


League of Legends power metal

Bonus points: they're both shit

any music that sucks and is gay


J Cole

Came here to post this

the league of legends soundtrack

>thought to be good by multiple anti-social guys
>fans are all huge defenders of it
>fail to see how boring the game is, despite its technical complexities
>fans will push it to you in comparison to the games you like
>literally nothing of substance in terms of enjoyment and cultural impact to the normal mind even after repeated exposure

Tool/Dream Theater


>video games
>cultural impact

spot on
>tfw wasted a summer getting d1 just to get chat restricted for 50 games
fucking pansies report u for everything. shitty game

you say this as if Sonic, Mario, Zelda, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong haven't affected the culture of the modern technologically updated world in any way

I'd say Dream Theater fits a bit more with Civ.
DT/Civ: primarily enjoyed by nerdy and awkward people like LoL/Tool, complex and strategic but more laid back and less douchey players than LoL/Tool, and has a rivalry with a more peppier and more exciting strategy game (Rush/AoE2)

came to post this

Linkin Park

or K-Pop

came here to post this

Everyone I know that is a diehard LoL fan listens to Linkin Park or shitty buttrock.

Or this. My old roommate loved this fucking album and would play it on repeat.

Out of these, only sonic and mario influenced culture

This is entirely correct

Anime OSTs and Nightcore

Way too popular and really shitty
pretty accurate

Imagine Dragons