Sup Forums in 1994

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tfw no gf

Guys I have a new band tell me what you think :)

it's pretty good. don't go and making a weird album that no one likes 2 years from now alright haha

>tfw toddler

Spoiler she's a lesbian bro.

are you a manlet? i'll bet you're a manlet

AOTY anyone?

i kn0w it's only may but AOTY

I found this shitty British band that's ripping off actual good american artist and not even doing a good job. Thank god they'll never amount to anything.

Best new rapper?

Seriously this album is way better than what came out last year, including Enta Da Stage

Creep is not that bad desu but this band will never go anywhere
Another one-hit wonder as the cool kidz say these days

I guess Creep was okay, but idk - I just really don't see this band going anywhere, everyone can tell the lead singer copies REM and Pixies too much. Plus that MTV beach house performance, wtf was that shit? Talk about try-hards, not to mention those obvious hair extensions that the guy was wearing, I think his name is Tom?

*is born*

well fuck nvm
hate using my phone for memes

Hahahaha fuck off with your pleb hivemind

Here's the true patrician british band

Best stuff out there.

I sure hope Layne gets off of heroine.

True that. It's a good thing that niggers have their own creative outlet and will never be outsold in the genre by any phoney white guy.

Anyone heard this yet?


No, Some other time maybe
What's the big deal about your shitty tape

Brian Eno is going to commit suicide after listening to this.

Album of the fucking decade.

It's warm in here


Yo word the mother son, this shit is fucking ill!

Kid is one of the best spitters of this generation, word!

Anybody heard the new Gang Starr tho? Primo is in full effect on this tape for real.

>Buying these flimsy things instead of vinyl

ok user enjoy your warmthless music and underwhelming artwork

>tfw punk is back and better than ever

feels awesome bros


>having no idea of technology in '94

Waaaaah waaaah I am born

bunch of fucking poser kids. This music is fucking garbage, you should have been around for the early 80s but you were still inside your daddy's nutsack.

Have any of you listened to this? I absolutely love it, excited for her new album next year.

these guys could be huge!

i was having doubts but when the violin came in on eugene's lament I knew it was AOTY

I must be crazy, you must be lazy

They've been around for at least 5 years, have you been living under a rock?


Have you guys seen this movie? It's total shit but the soundtrack is pretty good


pure eargasm

CDs were invented in the 80s, what do you mean by this?

>ywn see a prime GBV show at some shitty Midwest bar in the mid 90s

This is AOTY, a shame no one else is listening to it.

Shit, any one hear this yet?


It's more durable and less sensitive to touch, scratches, and the elements.

this is raw as fuck!

Courtney is cute!! cute!!!!!!!!


>mfw hip hop is actually good now

It was good 5 years ago

she killed kurt tho


underrated post

Best 90's rock waifu coming through

I want her to kill me too!!! while I snort Kurt's ashes out of her pussy!!!! and Billy watches while masturbating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she looks like Lisa from the Room, which doesn't exists yet but i know about it somehow

One True Waifu Desu.

Well, they've done it again. Best band in the world imo

This thread made me realise how good of a year 1994 was

>tfw spooked

Damn, I can really see this band putting stuff out every 3 years and ending up with dense, rich discography

10-31-1994 Reba
Also the played the Beatles White Album in its entirety

just heard about these guys. they're alright

Has anybody heard this?

It's a lo-fi psychedelic folk type of thing by a band called Neutral Milk Hotel. Weird name, but it's pretty good.

I wish them well, but I can't really see them going anywhere

>tfw no one on Sup Forums will get this

I like The Smashing Pumpkins' new album. That Billy Corgan guy is kind of weird, but not in a way that's particularly noteworthy.

he'll be fine

How can he be bald if it is 1994?

David Bowie will die in 2016

he obviously shaved 'is 'ead

Hey guys, my name's Ryan and I've been thinking - this internet thing is getting pretty popular. Has anyone ever tried to make a website about music? You know, there's a lot of music no one knows about, maybe this could be a way to get it out there. I've been making my own zines here in Minnepolis for a while now, I think I'm really getting good at music writing.

Anyway, I gotta jet - I think I hear my dad yelling for me, sounds like he needs some help loading tools into the shed

Yeah ok pal, he's just now getting out of his awful rut he was in, he's not gonna die in 20 years.

Does he have a catchphrase that we could say everytime we see a bald person?

Like DALA or something

It's 22 actually.

Ayy man I got a copy of Propeller I'll sell u for 30 bucks

>tfw not even cum yet
2 more years, I know it'll be my time.

hey this is pretty good

He wasn't bald yet in '94.

So that picture is from the future?

The EU is dumb and it wont work. I bet the UK will leave soon enough.

You keep telling yourself that. He'll be fine

I don't know, it's making me cringe pretty hard.

Meanwhile in France...

Blue Album is AOTY

And crack... and meth... and weed... no wait I hope he keeps smoking weed.

At least we still have Shannon Hoon.

Euh nique ces vieux fils de putes de bourges de bordelais de mes couilles, merci.

thsee people have absolutely no future in music. Just a bunch of ripoffs

when did he shave his beautiful pink hair?

I was born in 96, old man. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy the music from before then. I'm into punk from all eras

Haha that's a funny portrayal of how people in 1994 didn't have as much of an idea of how technology works.

Il n'y a pas un moyen je peux changer ton avis?

Who into jungle here?

Peut-être tu les aimeras avec des plus albums.

Déjà parle bien français la con de ta mère la chienne, en plus non tu peux pas parce Bordeaux c'est une ville d'enculés de bourges de merde et Noir Désir c'est de la grosse merde.

goo goo ga ga


D'accord. Au revoir troll.

Troll de quoi pédale?

Bordeaux on t'encule et Bertrand Cantat est une ordure de première, un putain de meurtier

Peut-être c'est qu'il soit, mais j'aime toujours sa musique. Tu as raison que ma française est horrible, je sais ça.