What is the creepiest album you've ever heard?

What is the creepiest album you've ever heard?

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not even creepy

Mummy & Daddy - Whitehouse

>album - artist
confirmed for total fucking pleb, back to r/music


Jamestown field recording

The second disc has always scared the shit out of me, Idk why.

Love it tho

Apart from field recordings probably Philosophy of the World
It's creepily unnatural

highly underrated in terms of creepiness. You Might Think, Birds, Bootleg, and Whatever I Want are chilling

You say that to every single thing in these threads.

What is creepy?




le spooky

It's not what you're expecting


les légions noires


The entire album is basically just this.

Took me like 3 attempts at making it in before it didn't hit me hard enough. The subject matter is about as dark as you can get without getting comically over the top or double down on child abuse/mutilation and murders. The music is also deceptive, and the totally acoustic sound hides a level of panic, fear and on some songs slow, building terror and dread.
A lyrics sheet might help for a second listen. If you can't make it past the first or second song, try it again later until you've got a better handle for what's going on.

BTW don't read the lyrics for Drip, Drip your first time.

Chance 3

Ghola's album There Is Nothing.
Really weird avant-garde black metal, listened to it in the middle of the night alone and got really spooked, it just feels very unnatural and unnerving.