These guys ask you for a cigarette

>These guys ask you for a cigarette

How do you proceed?

Other urls found in this thread:

keep walking

keep walking

say I don't smoke, since I don't smoke

Sorry don't smoke

>american "musicians"

>The fact that so many books still name cigarettes as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" pasttime ever only tells you how far smoking still is from becoming a serious art.

Here you go


>you will never hang out with ariel and ferraro
why even live tbqh

suhhh dudes

C'mon fellas you're making an absolute fucking ton of money doing what you love while muggins 'ere is working minimum wage to pay the bills. I should be asking you wankers for a cigarette now piss off ya grimy little gits

Don't have any, but I do have a joint to share.

I give them a cigarette?

Who's the middle guy?

Sam "My Home Planet Needs Me" Mehran

looks like the biggest bitch



I see Ferrari and ariel pink, but who's the literally who in the middle?

The missing Jonas brother

I don't have a cigarette, because I don't smoke.